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Libprocess User Guide


Follows a "repos/deps" pattern (in order to help with recursive dependencies). To use:

  1. Copy bazel/repos.bzl into your repository at 3rdparty/libprocess/repos.bzl and add an empty BUILD (or BUILD.bazel) to 3rdparty/libprocess as well.

  2. Copy all of the directories from 3rdparty that you don't already have in your repository's 3rdparty directory.

  3. Either ... add the following to your WORKSPACE (or WORKSPACE.bazel):

load("//3rdparty/libprocess:repos.bzl", libprocess_repos="repos")

load("@com_github_3rdparty_libprocess//bazel:deps.bzl", libprocess_deps="deps")

Or ... to simplify others depending on your repository, add the following to your repos.bzl:

load("//3rdparty/libprocess:repos.bzl", libprocess="repos")

def repos():

And the following to your deps.bzl:

load("@com_github_3rdparty_libprocess//bazel:deps.bzl", libprocess="deps")

def deps():
  1. You can then use @com_github_3rdparty_libprocess//:process in your target's deps.

  2. Repeat the steps starting at (1) at the desired version of this repository that you want to use.

libprocess provides general primitives and abstractions for asynchronous programming with futures/promises, HTTP, and actors.

Inspired by Erlang, libprocess gets it's name from calling an "actor" a "process" (not to be confused by an operating system process).

Table of Contents


The following talks are recommended to get an overview of libprocess:


This user guide is meant to help understand the constructs within the libprocess library. The main constructs are:

  1. Futures and Promises which are used to build ...
  2. HTTP abstractions, which make the foundation for ...
  3. Processes (aka Actors).

For most people processes (aka actors) are the most foreign of the concepts, but they are arguably the most critical part of the library (they library is named after them!). Nevertheless, we organized this guide to walk through futures/promises and HTTP before processes because the former two are prerequisites for the latter.

Futures and Promises

The Future and Promise primitives are used to enable programmers to write asynchronous, non-blocking, and highly concurrent software.

A Future acts as the read-side of a result which might be computed asynchronously. A Promise, on the other hand, acts as the write-side "container".

Looking for a specific topic?


A Promise is templated by the type that it will "contain". A Promise is not copyable or assignable in order to encourage strict ownership rules between processes (i.e., it's hard to reason about multiple actors concurrently trying to complete a Promise, even if it's safe to do so concurrently).

You can get a Future from a Promise using Promise::future(). Unlike Promise, a Future can be both copied and assigned.

As of this time, the templated type of the future must be the exact same as the promise: you cannot create a covariant or contravariant future.

Here is a simple example of using Promise and Future:

using process::Future;
using process::Promise;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Promise<int> promise;

  Future<int> future = promise.future();

  // You can copy a future.
  Future<int> future2 = future;

  // You can also assign a future (NOTE: this future will never
  // complete because the Promise goes out of scope, but the
  // Future is still valid and can be used normally.)
  future = Promise<int>().future();

  return 0;


A promise starts in the PENDING state and can then transition to any of the READY, FAILED, or DISCARDED states. You can check the state using Future::isPending(), Future::isReady(), Future::isFailed(), and Future::isDiscarded().

We typically refer to transitioning to READY as completing the promise/future.

You can also add a callback to be invoked when (or if) a transition occurs (or has occcured) by using the Future::onReady(), Future::onFailed(), and Future::onDiscarded(). As a catch all you can use Future::onAny() which will invoke it's callbacks on a transition to all of READY, FAILED, and DISCARDED. See Callback Semantics for a discussion of how/when these callbacks get invoked.

The following table is meant to capture these transitions:

Transition Promise::*() Future::is*() Future::on*()
READY Promise::set(T) Future::isReady() Future::onReady(F&&)
FAILED Promise::fail(const std::string&) Future::isFailed() Future::onFailed(F&&)
DISCARDED Promise::discard() Future::isDiscarded() Future::onDiscarded(F&&)

Code Style: prefer composition using Future::then() and Future::recover() over Future::onReady(), Future::onFailed(), Future::onDiscarded(), and Future::onAny(). A good rule of thumb is if you find yourself creating your own instance of a Promise to compose an asynchronous operation you should use composition instead!

We use the macros CHECK_PENDING(), CHECK_READY(), CHECK_FAILED(), CHECK_DISCARDED() throughout our examples. See CHECK() Overloads for more details about these macros.

Discarding a Future (aka Cancellation)

You can "cancel" the result of some asynchronous operation by discarding a future. Unlike doing a discard on a promise, discarding a future is a request that may or may not be be satisfiable. You discard a future using Future::discard(). You can determine if a future has a discard request by using Future::hasDiscard() or set up a callback using Future::onDiscard(). Here's an example:

using process::Future;
using process::Promise;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Promise<int> promise;

  Future<int> future = promise.future();





  return 0;

The provider of the future will often use Future::onDiscard() to watch for discard requests and try and act accordingly, for example:

using process::Future;
using process::Promise;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Promise<int> promise;

  // Set up a callback to discard the future if
  // requested (this is not always possible!).
  promise.future().onDiscard([&]() {

  Future<int> future = promise.future();




  return 0;

Abandoned Futures

An instance of Promise that is deleted before it has transitioned out of PENDING is considered abandoned. The concept of abandonment was added late to the library so for backwards compatibility reasons we could not add a new state but instead needed to have it be a sub-state of PENDING.

You can check if a future has been abandoned by doing Future::isAbandoned() and set up a callback using Future::onAbandoned(). Here's an example:

using process::Future;
using process::Promise;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Promise<int>* promise = new Promise<int>();

  Future<int> future = promise->future();


  delete promise; // ABANDONMENT!



  return 0;

Composition: Future::then(), Future::repair(), and Future::recover()

You can compose together asynchronous function calls using Future::then(), Future::repair(), and Future::recover(). To help understand the value of composition, we'll start with an example of how you might manually do this composition:

using process::Future;
using process::Promise;

// Returns an instance of `Person` for the specified `name`.
Future<Person> find(const std::string& name);

// Returns the mother (an instance of `Person`) of the specified `name`.
Future<Person> mother(const std::string& name)
  // First find the person.
  Future<Person> person = find(name);

  // Now create a `Promise` that we can use to compose the two asynchronous calls.
  Promise<Person>* promise = new Promise<Person>();

  Future<Person> mother = promise->future();

  // Here is the boiler plate that can be replaced by `Future::then()`!
  person.onAny([](const Future<Person>& person) {
    if (person.isFailed()) {
    } else if (person.isDiscarded()) {
    } else {
    delete promise;

  return mother;

Using Future::then() this can be simplified to:

using process::Future;

// Returns an instance of `Person` for the specified `name`.
Future<Person> find(const std::string& name);

// Returns the mother (an instance of `Person`) of the specified `name`.
Future<Person> mother(const std::string& name)
  return find(name)
    .then([](const Person& person) {
      return find(person.mother);

Each of Future::then(), Future::repair(), and Future::recover() takes a callback that will be invoked after certain transitions, captured by this table:

Transition Future::*()
READY Future::then(F&&)
FAILED Future::repair(F&&) and Future::recover(F&&)
DISCARDED Future::recover(F&&)
Abandoned (PENDING and Future::isAbandoned()) Future::recover(F&&)

Future::then() allows you to transform the type of the Future into a new type but both Future::repair() and Future::recover() must return the same type as Future because they may not get executed! Here's an example using Future::recover() to handle a failure:

using process::Future;

// Returns an instance of `Person` for the specified `name`.
Future<Person> find(const std::string& name);

// Returns a parent (an instance of `Person`) of the specified `name`.
Future<Person> parent(const std::string& name)
  return find(name)
    .then([](const Person& person) {
      // Try to find the mother and if that fails try the father!
      return find(person.mother)
        .recover([=](const Future<Person>&) {
          return find(person.father);

Be careful what you capture in your callbacks! Depending on the state of the future the callback may be executed from a different scope and what ever you captured may no longer be valid; see Callback Semantics for more details.

Discarding and Composition

Doing a Future::discard() will propagate through each of the futures composed with Future::then(), Future::recover(), etc. This is usually what you want, but there are two important caveats to look out for:

1. Future::then() enforces discards

The future returned by Future::then() will not execute the callback if a discard has been requested. That is, even if the future transitions to READY, Future::then() will still enforce the request to discard and transition the future to DISCARDED.

These semantics are surprising to many, and, admittedly, the library may at one point in the future change the semantics and introduce a discardable() helper for letting people explicitly decide if/when they want a callback to be discarded. Historically, these semantics were chosen so that people could write infinite loops using Future::then() that could be interrupted with Future::discard(). The proper way to do infinte loops today is with loop().

Here's an example to clarify this caveat:

using process::Future;
using process::Promise;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Promise<int> promise;

  Future<std::string> future = promise.future()
    .then([](int i) {
      return stringify(i);





  return 0;

2. Sometimes you want something to be undiscardable()

You may find yourself in a circumstance when you're referencing (or composing) futures but you don't want a disard to propagate to the referenced future! Consider some code that needs to complete some expensive initialization before other functions can be called. We can model that by composing each function with the initialization, for example:

using process::Future;

Future<T> foo()
  return initialization
    .then([](...) {
      return ...;

In the above example, if someone were to discard the future returned from foo() they would also end up discarding the initialization!

The real intention here is to compose with the initialization but not propagate discarding. This can be accomplished using undiscardable() which acts as a barrier to stop a discard from propagating through. Here's how the previous example would look with undiscardable():

using process::Future;
using process::undiscardable;

Future<T> foo()
  return undiscardable(initialization)
    .then([](...) {
      return ...;

Callback Semantics

There are two possible ways in which the callbacks to the Future::onReady() family of functions as well as the composition functions like Future::then() get invoked:

  1. By the caller of Future::onReady(), Future::then(), etc.
  2. By the caller of Promise::set(), Promise::fail(), etc.

The first case occurs if the future is already transitioned to that state when adding the callback, i.e., if the state is already READY for either Future::onReady() or Future::then(), or FAILED for Future::onFailed() or Future::recover(), etc, then the callback will be executed immediately.

The second case occurs if the future has not yet transitioned to that state. In that case the callback is stored and it is executed by the caller of Promise::set(), Promise::fail(), whoever is deleting the promise (for abandonment), etc.

This means that it is critical to consider the synchronization that might be necessary for your code given that multiple possible callers could execute the callback!

We call these callback semantics synchronous, as opposed to asynchronous. You can use defer() in order to asynchronously invoke your callbacks.

Note that after the callbacks are invoked they are deleted, so any resources that you might be holding on to inside the callback will properly be released after the future transitions and it's callbacks are invoked.

CHECK() Overloads

CHECK() is a macro from Google Test which acts like an assert but prints a stack trace and does better signal management. In addition to CHECK(), we've also created wrapper macros CHECK_PENDING(), CHECK_READY(), CHECK_FAILED(), CHECK_DISCARDED() which enables you to more concisely do things like CHECK_READY(future) in your tests.


libprocess provides facilities for communicating between actors via HTTP messages. With the advent of the HTTP API, HTTP is becoming the preferred mode of communication.


route installs an HTTP endpoint onto a process. Let's define a simple process that installs an endpoint upon initialization:

using namespace process;
using namespace process::http;

class HttpProcess : public Process<HttpProcess>
  void initialize() override
    route("/testing", None(), [](const Request& request) {
      return testing(request.query);

class Http
  Http() : process(new HttpProcess())

  virtual ~Http()

  Owned<HttpProcess> process;

Now if our program instantiates this class, we can do something like: $ curl localhost:1234/testing?value=42

Note that the port at which this endpoint can be reached is the port libprocess has bound to, which is determined by the LIBPROCESS_PORT environment variable. In the case of the Mesos master or agent, this environment variable is set according to the --port command-line flag.


get will hit an HTTP endpoint with a GET request and return a Future containing the response. We can pass it either a libprocess UPID or a URL. Here's an example hitting the endpoint assuming we have a UPID named upid:

Future<Response> future = get(upid, "testing");

Or let's assume our serving process has been set up on a remote server and we want to hit its endpoint. We'll construct a URL for the address and then call get:

URL url = URL("http", "hostname", 1234, "/testing");

Future<Response> future = get(url);

post and requestDelete

The post and requestDelete functions will similarly send POST and DELETE requests to an HTTP endpoint. Their invocation is analogous to get.


A Connection represents a connection to an HTTP server. connect can be used to connect to a server, and returns a Future containing the Connection. Let's open a connection to a server and send some requests:

Future<Connection> connect = connect(url);


Connection connection = connect.get();

Request request;
request.method = "GET";
request.url = url;
request.body = "Amazing prose goes here.";
request.keepAlive = true;

Future<Response> response = connection.send(request);

It's also worth noting that if multiple requests are sent in succession on a Connection, they will be automatically pipelined.

Processes (aka Actors)

An actor in libprocess is called a process (not to be confused by an operating system process).

A process receives events that it processes one at a time. Because a process is only processing one event at a time there's no need for synchronization within the process.

There are a few ways to create an event for a process, the most important including:

  • You can send() a process a message.
  • You can do a function dispatch() on a process.
  • You can send an http::Request to a process.

That last one is exceptionally powerful; every process is also an HTTP-based service that you can communicate with using the HTTP protocol.

Process Lifecycle

You create a process like any other class in C++ but extending from Process. Process uses the curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP) to simplify types for some of it's methods (you'll see this with Process::self() below).

Practically you can think of a process as a combination of a thread and an object, except creating/spawning a process is very cheap (no actual thread gets created, and no stack gets allocated).

Here's the simplest process you can create:

using process::Process;

class FooProcess : public Process<FooProcess> {};

You start a process using spawn(), stop a process using terminate(), and wait for it to terminate by using wait():

using process::Process;
using process::spawn;
using process::terminate;
using process::wait;

class FooProcess : public Process<FooProcess> {};

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  FooProcess process;
  return 0;

Memory Management

A process CAN NOT be deleted until after doing a wait(), otherwise you might release resources that the library is still using! To simplify memory management you can ask the library to delete the process for you after it has completely terminated. You do this by invoking spawn() and passing true as the second argument:

using process::Process;
using process::spawn;
using process::terminate;
using process::wait;

class FooProcess : public Process<FooProcess> {};

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  FooProcess* process = new FooProcess();
  spawn(process, true); // <-- `process` will be automatically deleted!
  return 0;

Process Identity: PID and UPID

A process is uniquely identifiable by it's process id which can be any arbitrary string (but only one process can be spawned at a time with the same id). The PID and UPID types encapsulate both the process id as well as the network address for the process, e.g., the IP and port where the process can be reached if libprocess was initialized with an IPv4 or IPv6 network address. You can get the PID of a process by calling it's self() method:

using process::PID;
using process::Process;
using process::spawn;

class FooProcess : public Process<FooProcess> {};

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  FooProcess process;

  PID<FooProcess> pid = process.self();

  return 0;

A UPID is the "untyped" base class of PID.

If you turn on logging you might see a PID/UPID printed out as id@ip:port.

Process Event Queue (aka Mailbox)

Each process has a queue of incoming Event's that it processes one at a time. Other actor implementations often call this queue the "mailbox".

There are 5 different kinds of events that can be enqueued for a process:

  • MessageEvent: a Message has been received.
  • DispatchEvent: a method on the process has been "dispatched".
  • HttpEvent: an http::Request has been received.
  • ExitedEvent: another process which has been linked has terminated.
  • TerminateEvent: the process has been requested to terminate.

An event is serviced one at a time by invoking the process' serve() method which by default invokes the process' visit() method corresponding to the underlying event type. Most actors don't need to override the implementation of serve() or visit() but can rely on higher-level abstractions that simplify serving the event (e.g., route(), which make it easy to set up handlers for an HttpEvent, discussed below in HTTP).


A MessageEvent gets enqueued for a process when it gets sent a Message, either locally or remotely. You use send() to send a message from within a process and post() to send a message from outside a process. A post() sends a message without a return address because there is no process to reply to. Here's a classic ping pong example using send():

using process::MessageEvent;
using process::PID;
using process::Process;
using process::spawn;
using process::terminate;
using process::wait;

class ClientProcess : public Process<ClientProcess>
  ClientProcess(const UPID& server) : server(server) {}

  void initialize() override
    send(server, "ping");

  void visit(const MessageEvent& event) override
    if (event.message.from == server && == "pong") {

class ServerProcess : public Process<ServerProcess>
  void visit(const MessageEvent& event) override
    if ( == "ping") {
      send(event.message.from, "pong");

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  PID<ServerProcess> server = spawn(new ServerProcess(), true);
  PID<ClientProcess> client = spawn(new ClientProcess(server), true);


  return 0;









Processes and the Asynchronous Pimpl Pattern

It's tedious to require everyone to have to explicitly spawn(), terminate(), and wait() for a process. Having everyone call dispatch() when they really just want to invoke a function (albeit asynchronously) is unfortnate too! To alleviate these burdenes, a common pattern that is used is to wrap a process within another class that performs the spawn(), terminate(), wait(), and dispatch()'s for you. Here's a typical example:

class FooProcess : public Process<FooProcess>
  void foo(int i);

class Foo


  void foo(int i)
    dispatch(process, &FooProcess::foo, i);

  FooProcess process;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Foo foo;;

  return 0;

Anyone using Foo uses it similarly to how they would work with any other synchronous object where they don't know, or need to know, the implementation details under the covers (i.e., that it's implemented using a process). This is similar to the Pimpl pattern, except we need to spawn() and terminate()/wait() and rather than synchronously invoking the underlying object we're asynchronously invoking the underlying object using dispatch().

Clock Management and Timeouts

Asynchronous programs often use timeouts, e.g., because a process that initiates an asynchronous operation wants to take action if the operation hasn't completed within a certain time bound. To facilitate this, libprocess provides a set of abstractions that simplify writing timeout logic. Importantly, test code has the ability to manipulate the clock, in order to ensure that timeout logic is exercised (without needing to block the test program until the appropriate amount of system time has elapsed).

To invoke a function after a certain amount of time has elapsed, use delay:

using namespace process;

class DelayedProcess : public Process<DelayedProcess>
  void action(const string& name)
    LOG(INFO) << "hello, " << name;


  Promise<Nothing> promise;

int main()
  DelayedProcess process;


  LOG(INFO) << "Starting to wait";

  delay(Seconds(5), process.self(), &DelayedProcess::action, "Neil");


  LOG(INFO) << "Done waiting";


  return 0;

This invokes the action function after (at least) five seconds of time have elapsed. When writing unit tests for this code, blocking the test for five seconds is undesirable. To avoid this, we can use Clock::advance:

int main()
  DelayedProcess process;


  LOG(INFO) << "Starting to wait";


  delay(Seconds(5), process.self(), &DelayedProcess::action, "Neil");



  LOG(INFO) << "Done waiting";



  return 0;

Miscellaneous Primitives


Async defines a function template for asynchronously executing function closures. It provides their results as futures.

Optimized Run Queue and Event Queue

There are a handful of compile-time optimizations that can be configured to improve the run queue and event queue performance. These are currently not enabled by default as they are considered alpha. These optimizations include:

  • --enable-lock-free-run-queue (autotools) or -DENABLE_LOCK_FREE_RUN_QUEUE (cmake) which enables the lock-free run queue implementation.

  • --enable-lock-free-event-queue (autotools) or -DENABLE_LOCK_FREE_EVENT_QUEUE (cmake) which enables the lock-free event queue implementation.

  • --enable-last-in-first-out-fixed-size-semaphore (autotools) or -DENABLE_LAST_IN_FIRST_OUT_FIXED_SIZE_SEMAPHORE (cmake) which enables an optimized semaphore implementation.


Both the lock-free run queue implementation and the lock-free event queue implementation use moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue which can be found here.

For the run queue we use a semaphore to block threads when there are not any processes to run. On Linux we found that using a semaphore from glibc (i.e., sem_create, sem_wait, sem_post, etc) had some performance issues. We discuss those performance issues and how our optimized semaphore overcomes them in more detail in semaphore.hpp.


The benchmark that we've used to drive the run queue and event queue performance improvements can be found in benchmarks.cpp. You can run the benchmark yourself by invoking ./benchmarks --gtest_filter=ProcessTest.*ThroughputPerformance.