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File metadata and controls

379 lines (302 loc) · 14.8 KB


This document describes all aspects of ACHIVX Reward System configuration.

Environment variables

Some settings should be provided as environment variables:

Variable Default Description
BIND_ADDRESS Address to run GRPC server on
MONGODB_URL None URL of mongodb database to use, including credentials. E.g. mongodb://user:password@localhost/achivx
AUTH_TOKEN None A token that client must specify in authentication metadata in order to get access to the service
NETWORKS_CONFIG_PATH <projectRoot>/config/networks.json Path to JSON file describing blockchain networks the service should use
CURRENCIES_CONFIG_PATH <projectRoot>/config/currencies.json Path to JSON file describing blockchain currencies the service should use
TRON_PRIVATE_KEY None Private key for Tron network(s) master wallet
GAMIFICATION_CONFIG_PATH <projectRoot>/config/gamification.json Path to JSON file with gamification configuration

Environment variables that have no default values are usually required for the service to start.

Blockchain configuration

ACHIVX Reward System allows for withdrawal of user's rewards to cryptocurrencies. Supported blockchains and currencies are configured using JSON files. Default configuration is set to use Tron mainnet and ACHIVX TRC20 token. At this moment, only TRC20 tokens in Tron network are supported.

Networks configuration

Networks configuration JSON file consists of key-value pairs, where the key is a name of a network and the value is an object containing network settings:

  "My-Network": {
    // Network type. The only required parameter.
    "type": "Tron",

    // ... more parameters

The only required parameter is network type name. It must be set to one of supported network types (currently it's only "Tron"). Support for more networks can be added by implementing a blockchain extension module.

Tron network configuration

For Tron networks the configuration may contain the following parameters:

name default description
privateKeyEnv TRON_PRIVATE_KEY Name of environment variable containing private key of master-wallet for this network
tronWebConfig none Parameters for TronWeb library initialization. See TronWeb docs for full parameters list
tronScanHostname Hostname of tronscan (or alike) service. Will be used to format transaction URLs.
minSunStakedForEnergy 1000000000 Amount of SUN to stake for freeze-trx job.

When private key is specified both in tronWebConfig.privateKey and an environment variable, the later one will be used.

Currencies configuration

Currencies configuration JSON file consists of key-value pairs, where the key is a name of a currency and the value is an object containing currency settings:

  "My-Currency": {
    // Currency type
    "type": "TRC20",

    // The network this currency uses
    "network": "My-Network",

    // .. more parameters

Just like with networks there is a required type parameter which must be one of supported currency types (currently it's only "TRC20"). Support for additional currency types can also be added by implementing a blockchain extension module.

Another required parameter is a network name. It must be a name of network previously configured in networks configuration file.

TRC20 currency (token) configuration

name default description
decimals 6 Decimals number of the token. It should match the value returned by the contract. Otherwise the amount of transferred tokens will be incorrect.
address None Address of the TRC20 contract.
extImplAddress None Optional, see below. Address of extension implementation contract.
feeLimit None Fee limit for transactions.
stuckTransactionResendTimeout 1 day A time to wait before re-sending a transaction to blockchain when its status cannot be fetched.

ACHIVX TRC20 contract has some additional methods beyond standard TRC20 interface. One of such methods enables batch transfer of tokens - thus making withdrawal transaction more efficient when there are many of them. The additional methods are exposed through a separate contract, address of such contract can be specified with extImplAddress. If contract does not implement such methods, extImplAddress should be omitted. The service will use standard TRC20 transactions if extImplAddress is not set.

Gamification configuration

ACHIVX Reward System includes a gamification functionality - user actions tracking, rewards for actions, experience, levels, etc. This functionality is configured by a JSON file pointed by GAMIFICATION_CONFIG_PATH environment variable or by a default file.


Levels are configured in "levels" section of gamification configuration file.

The section is an array of objects describing each level, starting with level 1. Note that a user starts with level 0, which is not described in configuration. If you want your user to start with level 1, you'll have to increment level values received from ACHIVX Reward System by 1.

  // ...
  "levels": [
    { // Level 1
      // User experience to reach this level
      "xp": 100,

      // Reward the user receives for achieving this level
      "reward": 10
      "xp": 200,
      "reward": 20


Actions are configured in "actions" section of gamification config file. The section is a JSON object where a key is an action name and the value is an object containing action settings:

  // ...,
  "actions": {
    // Name of the action is a key in "actions" section.
    "MyAction": {
      // Amount of experience the user receives for this action.
      // Defaults to 0
      "xp": 20,

      // Reward in internal tokens the user receives.
      // Defaults to 0
      "reward": 1,

      // Can the action be performed multiple times by single user?
      // Defaults to false.
      // If true, you should provide a unique (among the same actions of the same user) key for each action instance.
      "repeatable": true,

      // True if this action should be treated as user activity.
      // Defaults to true.
      // It should be set to false for actions the user does not perform but should be rewarded from e.g. "get a reaction on post".
      "trackActivity": true


Achievements are configured in "achievements" section of gamification config file. The section is a JSON object where a key is an achievement name and the value is an object describing the achievement.

  // ...,
  "achievements": {
    "MyAchievement": {
      // Achievement type. Currently "ActionBased" is the only supported type.
      "type": "ActionBased",
      // Action weights
      "actions": {
        "Action1": 1,
        // The weight may be negative, so in this example user will unlock the
        // achievement by performing 10 more "Action1"s than "AntiAction1"s.
        // Note that the achievement will be unlocked the moment user has 10 more
        // "Action1"s than "AntiAction1"s, even if they get 10 more "AntiAction1"s
        // the moment later.
        "AntiAction1": -1
      // The total weight of actions user should perform.
      // Must be a positive (greater than 0) number.
      "threshold": 10,
      // Amount of experience the user receives by unlocking the achievement.
      // Optional, defaults to 0
      "xp": 10,
      // Amount of reward tokens the user receives by unlocking the achievement.
      // Optional, defaults to 0
      "reward": 2,

XP Reduction

ACHIVX Reward System provides a job to reduce experience of inactive users. The job name is "reduce-xp". The job is configured by "experienceReduction" section of gamification configuration file:

  // ...
  "experienceReduction": {
    // Enables XP reduction.
    // It is disabled by default.
    "enabled": true,

    // Amount of XP taken from user on every reduction.
    "amount": 100,

    // Duration of user inactivity before first reduction.
    "delay": "30 days",

    // Interval between following reductions, if user is still inactive.
    "interval": "30 days",


Medals are decorative rewards given to users on conditions depending on medal type and settings. Medals are configured in "medals" section of gamification configuration file.

In order to give medals to users you should run update-medals job periodically.

Action-based medals

A medal that user receives for specified number of certain actions within a time frame, e.g. for writing 10 posts in one month.

The medal can be recalled automatically if user does not perform another number of same actions within some time frame. E.g. if user does not write any posts for another month.

  // ...
  "medals": {
    // ...
    "MyMedal": {
      "type": "ActionBased",

      // Weights of actions taken into account for this medal.
      // When checking if a user is eligible for certain rank of this medal, the system will search for all actions of these types.
      // Then it will compute a user score as sum of number of actions of each type multiplied by weight of the type.
      // Ant then it will give the user a medal if the score is higher than a threshold specified for the rank.
      "actions": {
        "WritePost": 1,

        // The weight may be negative, so, for example, each banned post will cancel out two written posts.
        "GetPostBanned": -2
      "ranks": [
          // Higher value for a more difficult rank to achieve.
          // This number is returned when fetching user medals using RPC.
          // It's up to you, how it will be displayed to user - for example, you can display rank 10 as "silver medal" and rank 100 as "golden medal".
          "rank": 10,

          // Duration for which the actions should be performed
          "period": "31 days",

          // Score necessary to get this rank of this medal
          "threshold": 15
          "rank": 100,
          "period": "93 days",
          "threshold": 45
      "recall": {
        // Enables automatic recall of a medal.
        // When enabled, users with this medal will lose it if their score gets below specified threshold.
        "enabled": true,

        // Time period for which the score is calculated when checking for medal recall.
        "period": "31 days",

        // Score threshold.
        // If score for the period gets below this value, the user will lose the medal.
        "threshold": 7

Age-based medals

A medal user receives for being registered for specified amount of time.

  // ...
  "medals": {
    // ...
    "MyMedal": {
      "type": "AgeBased",

      "ranks": [
          // Should be a higher value for larger ages
          "rank": 10,
          // Age (time since registration) necessary to receive this rank
          "age": "31 days"
          "rank": 100,
          "age": "1 year"

Leader boards

Leader boards provide list of best (by different metrics, depending on the leader board type and settings) users. Leader boards are configured using "leaderBoards" section of gamification configuration file. The section is an object where a key is a name of the leader board and the value is leader board settings object.

Leader boards are updated by jobs named update-leader-board@<leader board name>.

Experience-based leader board

This type of leader board shows users with highest experience scores. It usually doesn't make sense to have more than one leader board of this type.

  // ...
  "leaderBoards": {
    // ...
    "MostExperienced": {
      "type": "ExperienceBased",

      // Number of users on a leader board
      "size": 100

Action-based leader board

This type of leader board ranks users based on number of actions they have performed. Just like with action-based medals, it's possible to take multiple actions into account, as well as assign negative weights to some actions:

  // ...
  "leaderBoards": {
    // ...
    "Authors": {
      "type": "ActionBased",

      // Weights of actions taken into account.
      // Alike to same property of action-based medals.
      "actions": {
        "WritePost": 1,
        "GetPostBanned": -1

      // Number of users on a leader board
      "size": 10