Logitech F710 joystick is used in the project.
To view the joystick mapping settings, please refer to jstest-gtk.
The default mapping is usually as shown below, with red indicating buttons and green indicating joysticks.
Button/Joystick | topic/srv | type | Function |
Button 7 | /start_control | std_msgs/msg/Float32 | Press to publish a topic for controlling the state machine |
Button 1 | /zero_mode | std_msgs/msg/Float32 | Press to publish a topic for controlling the state machine |
Button 0 | /stand_mode | std_msgs/msg/Float32 | Press to publish a topic for controlling the state machine |
Button 2 | /walk_mode | std_msgs/msg/Float32 | Press to publish a topic for controlling the state machine |
Button 3 | /reset_world | std_srvs/srv/Empty | Press to send an srv request for resetting models in gazebo |
Button 4 + Joystick | /cmd_vel | geometry_msgs/msg/Twist | Publishing robot movement commands, left joystick for translation and right joystick for rotation |