Ensure that the following packages are installed in your system:
- Autoconf, Automake, Gnulib, and GNU Make.
- Git (1.6.x.x or later)
- Python (2.6 or later)
Python 2.6 is needed for textwrap.TextWrapper break_on_hypens option only. This is being worked on decrease python version requirements.
- texinfo (5.0 or later)
Now run the following commands:
git clone ssh://[<login>@]git.sv.gnu.org/srv/git/autoconf-archive cd autoconf-archive ./bootstrap.sh # set up autotools and gnulib environment ./configure # determine system properties make maintainer-all # create/update all generated files that will be in a release make # update texinfo documentation
If “bootstrap.sh” fails because it can’t find “gnulib-tool”, then you should clone the “gnulib” project into the top-level directory of the autoconf-archive repository by running:
git clone git://git.savannah.gnu.org/gnulib.git
Check out the web site from CVS:
cvs -z3 -d:ext:[<login>@]cvs.savannah.gnu.org:/web/autoconf-archive co -d html autoconf-archive
Run the following commands:
make web-manual # generate an HTML rendering of the user documentation ./fix-website.sh # massage file names generated by texinfo # copy the new files into the CVS checkout rsync -vrcH --exclude CVS --delete-after doc/manual/html/ html/ (cd html ; cvs commit -m "generated from autoconf-archive $(git describe)")
- Determine the appropriate version number, i.e. today’s date in ISO formatting.
- Update the date stamps in the README file.
- Update the NEWS file. The script that generates release tarballs checks that the current version number in mentioned in that file. If NEWS isn’t up-to-date, the script will fail.
- Ensure that there are no uncommitted changes in ‘maint’ or ‘master’. Then
create a signed tag using the naming scheme ‘v<yyyy>.<mm>.<dd>’. For
git tag v2009.07.31 -s -m 'Autoconf Archive Version 2009.07.31'
- Run “make stable”. Other possible release types are “beta” and “major”.
- Use the command line call printed out by gnulib to upload the tarballs to the GNU ftp server.