Copyright (C) 2021, Axis Communications AB, Lund, Sweden. All Rights Reserved.
├── plugins
| ├── threaded-signing
| | └── plugin.c
| └── unthreaded-signing
| └── plugin.c
├── src
| ├── includes
| | └── public header files
| └── source files
└── vendors
└── axis-communications
└── source files
The library is organized in source code, plugins and vendors. The source code includes all necessary source files for both signing and validation, and there is no conceptual difference in building the library for signing or for validation.
The signing part of the code makes some interface calls. These interfaces should be implemented as a plugin. The interfaces can be found in signed_video_signing_plugin.h. The framework comes with both a threaded and an unthreaded signing plugin. When building the library with the meson structure in this repository, the library includes that plugin.
Vendor specific code and APIs are typically handling extra metadata added to the SEI/OBU Metadata,
which needs to be interpreted correctly when validating authenticity. With the meson option vendor
the user can select which vendor(s) to include in the build. Typically, when building for signing
the vendor for that camera is selected, whereas when building for validation all vendors are
included. By default, all vendors are added.