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AzureAuth is a generic Azure credential provider. It currently supports the following modes of public client authentication (i.e., authenticating a human user.)

aad subcommand

The azureauth aad subcommand is a "pass-through" for using MSAL.NET. This means it does not provide any client ID (aka app registration) by default. You must register and configure your own app registration to authenticate with.

Configure your App Registration

  1. Follow this quick start guide to setup your application.

  2. Configure redirect URIs for WAM (the Windows broker)

    1. Select the Authentication blade.
    2. Under Platform configurations, select Add a platform.
    3. In the Configure platforms pane, select Mobile and desktop applications.
    4. In the Configure Desktop + devices pane, under Custom redirect URIs, specify
    5. Select Configure.

    WAM redirect URI configuration

  3. Configure redirect URIs for the system web browser

    1. Select the Authentication blade.
    2. Under Platform configurations, find Mobile and desktop applications
    3. Select Add URI and enter
      (Note — do not use https here as this is for local redirect and TLS won't work.)
    4. Select Save.

    System web browser redirect URI configuration

  4. To support public client auth modes enable the Allow public client flows setting, in the Authentication blade.

    Public Client Flows

Arguments to the CLI

You always need to pass at least these three arguments in order to authenticate as something (client id), to something (resource ID), within some AAD tenant. These IDs can be found in the Azure Portal on the Overview of each application/resource/tenant in the AAD section.

  1. A client ID. It is a unique application (client) ID assigned to your app by Azure AD when the app was registered.
  2. A resource ID. It is a unique ID representing the resource which you want to authenticate to.
  3. A tenant ID. (This is found on the main AAD page within the Azure Portal)

They can either be provided explicitly on the CLI or they can be given implicitly as part of a config file when given an alias.

Using config file

AzureAuth config files use the TOML file format. Here is a sample config file.

# The resource ID
resource = "67eeda51-3891-4101-a0e3-bf0c64047157"
# The client ID
client = "73e5793e-8f71-4da2-9f71-575cb3019b37"
domain = ""
tenant = "a3be859b-7f9a-4955-98ed-f3602dbd954c"

resource = "ab7e45b7-ea4c-458c-97bd-670ccb543376"
client = "73e5793e-8f71-4da2-9f71-575cb3019b37"
domain = ""
tenant = "a3be859b-7f9a-4955-98ed-f3602dbd954c"


azureauth aad --alias alias1 --config <path to the config file>

or if you set the environment variable AZUREAUTH_CONFIG to the config file path, you can omit the option --config and use the below command.

azureauth aad --alias alias1

Shelling out to AzureAuth CLI

"Shelling out" (executing as a subprocess) to AzureAuth CLI is highly recommended to have the best possible authentication experience. This insulates your application from potentially lots of dependency headaches, and churn as the authentication libraries used under the hood update, as do the means of authenticating.

Output formats

Use the option --output to get the token in the desired formats. Available choices:

  1. --output token returns token in plain text.
  2. --output json returns a JSON string of the following format:
        "user": "<[email protected]>",
        "display_name": "User Name",
        "token": "<encoded token>",
        "expiration_date": "<expiration date in unix format>"
  3. --output status returns the status of the authentication and the cache.
  4. --output none returns nothing.

Setting custom timeout

Azureauth defaults to a 15 minute timeout. You can override this with a custom timeout value using --timeout. The value is interpreted as a decimal number of minutes. The example below will wait 10 minutes and 45 seconds.


azureauth aad --alias alias1 --timeout 10.75

Use the command azureauth aad --help to understand more available options.


  1. Sample python code available here.
  2. Sample command to authenticate your client to a resource under a tenant.
    azureauth aad --client <clientID> --resource <resourceID> --tenant <tenantID> --output <output format>

ado subcommand

The azureauth ado subcommand is a logical grouping for two subcommands, azureauth ado pat and azureauth ado token.

pat subcommand

The azureauth ado pat subcommand is designed to create and cache Azure DevOps Personal Access Tokens (PATs) using encrypted local storage.

At a minimum users must specify

  1. The --organization the PAT is for.
  2. The --display-name of the PAT.
  3. The intended --scope of the PAT (you can specify multiple).
  4. A --prompt-hint which can be displayed if an interactive prompt is required.

Here is an example invocation:

azureauth ado pat --organization Contoso --display-name NuGetPackages --scope vso.packaging --prompt-hint NuGetPackages

PATs created by the azureauth ado pat subcommand are valid for up to a week. During that time requests for the same organization, display-name, scope combo will yield a cached PAT. If the PAT would expire within 48 hours then a new PAT is generated and the old PAT is invalidated.

token subcommand

The azureauth ado token subcommand is designed for scenarios where the calling application doesn't care what kind of Azure DevOps token it receives. It is most useful in scripts that normally run as part of an automated pipeline, but that are occassionally triggered manually by users as well.

Under normal circumstances the azureauth ado token subcommand functions like a built-in alias for azureauth aad which provides Azure DevOps defaults. That is,

azureauth ado token

should be considered equivalent to

 azureauth aad --client <default ADO client> --tenant <tenantID> --scope <default ADO scope>

However, the azureauth ado token subcommand will also detect a Personal Access Token (PAT) in environment variables and output that instead if it is available.

This is particularly useful when combined with the --output flag. For example, if you choose the header output option the subcommand will correctly choose between formatting the output for Authorization: Bearer or Authorization: Basic depending on the token type.

Environment Variables

Both the AZUREAUTH_ADO_PAT and SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN environment variables are respected as sources for a PAT.

info subcommand

The azureauth info subcommand displays information about your AzureAuth installation. Presently this is limited to application version and telemetry device ID. This device ID is only used when telemetry is enabled (it's off by default). You can reset the ID with

azureauth info reset-device-id