You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 145
Error Handling
Error handling is an essential part of sign-in experience.
This article gives an overview of the different types of errors and a recommendation for handling some of the errors during a sign-in experience.
This doc will be evolving over time. If there's an error you'd like to know more about or have questions, please create a Github issue with the error and question.
During a token acquisition, silent or interactive, apps may encounter errors generated from various parts of the sign-in experience such as errors regarding consents, conditional access (MFA, Device Management, Location-based restrictions), token issuance and redemption, and user properties.
The following two errors are recommended to be handled on the client side:
- MSALErrorInteractionRequired: The user must perform an interactive request. This can be caused by a many different reasons including expired auth session or additional auth requirements.
- MSALErrorServerDeclinedScopes: Some or all scopes were declined. Developer should decide whether to continue on with the granted scopes only or stop the sign-in process.
The complete list of all errors can be found in MSALError enum.
Note: MSALInternalError
enum exists only for the reference, you should not try to handle these errors in runtime.
In order to handle the errors above, the following sample code demonstrates the best practice in handling these conditions:
MSALInteractiveTokenParameters *interactiveParameters = ...;
MSALSilentTokenParameters *silentParameters = ...;
MSALCompletionBlock completionBlock;
__block __weak MSALCompletionBlock weakCompletionBlock;
weakCompletionBlock = completionBlock = ^(MSALResult *result, NSError *error)
if (!error)
// Use result.accessToken
NSLog(@"accessToken: %@", result.accessToken);
if ([error.domain isEqualToString:MSALErrorDomain])
switch (error.code)
case MSALErrorInteractionRequired:
// Interactive auth will be required
[application acquireTokenWithParameters:interactiveParameters
case MSALErrorServerDeclinedScopes:
// These are list of granted and declined scopes.
NSArray *grantedScopes = error.userInfo[MSALGrantedScopesKey];
NSArray *declinedScopes = error.userInfo[MSALDeclinedScopesKey];
// To continue acquiring token for granted scopes only, do the following
silentParameters.scopes = grantedScopes;
[application acquireTokenSilentWithParameters:silentParameters
// Otherwise, instead, handle error fittingly to the application context
case MSALErrorWorkplaceJoinRequired:
// You may want to ask the user to work place join the device
// (open Authenticator app -> Settings -> Device Registration).
// Handling of this error is optional.
case MSALErrorServerProtectionPoliciesRequired:
// Integrate the Intune SDK and call the
// remediateComplianceForIdentity:silent: API.
// Handle this error only if you integrated Intune SDK.
// See more info here: https://aka.ms/intuneMAMSDK
case MSALErrorUserCanceled:
// The user cancelled the web auth session.
// You may want to ask the user to try again.
// Handling of this error is optional.
case MSALErrorInternal:
// Log the error, then inspect the MSALInternalErrorCodeKey
// in the userInfo dictionary.
// More detailed information about the specific error
// under MSALInternalErrorCodeKey can be found in MSALInternalError enum.
NSLog(@"Failed with error %@", error);
NSLog(@"Failed with unknown MSAL error %@", error);
// Handle no internet connection.
if ([error.domain isEqualToString:NSURLErrorDomain] && error.code == NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet)
NSLog(@"No internet connection.");
// Other errors may require trying again later,
// or reporting authentication problems to the user.
NSLog(@"Failed with error %@", error);
- Customizing Browsers and WebViews
- Logging
- Sovereign clouds
- B2C
- Auth Telemetry (coming soon)
- MSAL questions, bugs and issues (coming soon)
- Redirect URIs
- Requesting individual claims
- Keychain cache
- SSL issues
- iOS 13 and macOS 10.15 support
- Releases
- Roadmap (coming soon)