File 0-reset_to_98.c
is a function that takes a pointer to an int as parameter and updates the value it points to to 98.
File 1-swap.c
is a function that swaps the values of two integers.
File 2-strlen.c
is a function that returns the length of the string.
File 3-puts.c
is a function that prints a string followed bt a new line, to stdout.
File 4-print_rev.c
is a function that prints a string, in reverse, followed by a new line.
File 5-rev_string.c
is a function that reverses a string.
File 6-puts2.c
is a function that prints every character of a string, starting with the first character, followed by a new line.
File 7-puts_half.c
is a function that prints have a string, followed by a new line.
File 8-print _array.c
is a function that prints n elements of an array of integers, followed by a new line.
File 9-strcpy.c
is a function that copies a string pointed to by src, includng the terminating null byte (\0), to the buffer pointed to by the dest.
File 100-atoi.c
is a function that connects a string to an integer.
File 101-keygen.c
is a function creates a program that generates random valid passwords for the program 101-crackme