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122 lines (92 loc) · 4.39 KB

File metadata and controls

122 lines (92 loc) · 4.39 KB

Write Custom Function

MeTa is modular software written is C++. We can write custom filter chain by modifying configuration file or hard coding. By default, MeTa provides analyzer module that can execute chain filter task. The analyzer method can be called in two way:

  1. Through configuration file called as config.toml:
method = "METHOD_NAME"
    type = "FILTER_TYPE"
  1. Through custom function:
#include "meta/analyzers/analyzer.h"
#include "meta/analyzers/filters/all.h"
#include "meta/analyzers/ngram/ngram_word_analyzer.h"
#include "meta/analyzers/tokenizers/icu_tokenizer.h"

using namespace meta::analyzers;
std::unique_ptr<token_stream> stream =
stream = make_unique<filters::YOUR_FILTER1>(std::move(stream));
stream = make_unique<filters::YOUR_FILTER2>(std::move(stream));


Write filter chain function: Stop word removal and then stemming

Here, we want to create filter chain function that do stopword removal then stemming using Porter2 algorithm:

  1. Include required libraries:

    #include "cpptoml.h"
    #include "meta/analyzers/analyzer.h"
    #include "meta/analyzers/filters/all.h"
    #include "meta/analyzers/ngram/ngram_word_analyzer.h"
    #include "meta/analyzers/tokenizers/icu_tokenizer.h"

    note that cpptoml.h contains cpptoml module that read toml file into c++ object.

  2. Declaring a new function called stopstem() that accept a path of document file:

    void stopstem(const std::string& file, const cpptoml::table& config) {
        // Logic will discussed in the next steps

    assume that config parameter will be assigned automatically by main() method by calling auto config = cpptoml::parse_file(CONFIG_FILE_PATH);.

  3. Use analyzer namespace:

    using namespace meta::analyzers;

  4. Get list of stopwords from config file:

    auto stopwords = config.get_as<std::string>("stop-words");

  5. Implement tokenizer method to create bag of words:

    std::unique_ptr<token_stream> stream = make_unique<tokenizers::icu_tokenizer>(); note that bag of words is pointer of unique word token.

  6. Apply lowercase filter:

    stream = make_unique<filters::lowercase_filter>(std::move(stream));

  7. Apply stopwords removal filter by scanning each word:

    stream = make_unique<filters::list_filter>(std::move(stream), *stopwords);

  8. Apply stemming filter using Porter2 algorithm:

    stream = make_unique<filters::porter2_filter>(std::move(stream));

  9. Apply empty sentence filter that remove empty line or empty string:

    stream = make_unique<filters::empty_sentence_filter>(std::move(stream));

  10. Here the complete code that do stopword removal and stemming for given document and save it as new document file:

    template <class Stream>
    void write_file(Stream& stream, const std::string& in_name,
                    const std::string& out_name) {
    std::ofstream outfile{out_name};
    while (*stream) {
        auto next = stream->next();
        if (next == "<s>" || next == " ")
        else if (next == "</s>")
        outfile << std::endl;
        outfile << next << " ";
    void stopstem(const std::string& file, const cpptoml::table& config) {
    std::cout << "Running stopword removal and stemming" << std::endl;
    using namespace meta::analyzers;
    auto stopwords = config.get_as<std::string>(
        "stop-words");  // Reads the stop words from file
    std::unique_ptr<token_stream> stream =
    stream = make_unique<filters::lowercase_filter>(std::move(stream));
    // Insert the line required to do stopword removal here
    stream = make_unique<filters::list_filter>(std::move(stream), *stopwords);
    // Insert the line required to do stemming here (using Porter2 Stemmer)
    stream = make_unique<filters::porter2_filter>(std::move(stream));
    stream = make_unique<filters::empty_sentence_filter>(std::move(stream));
    auto out_name = no_ext(file) + ".stopstem.txt";
    write_file(stream, file, out_name);
    std::cout << " -> file saved as " << out_name << std::endl;