- 《R for Geographic Data Science》Stefano De Sabbata https://sdesabbata.github.io/r-for-geographic-data-science/
- 《Analyzing US Census Data: Methods, Maps, and Models in R》 Kyle Walker https://walker-data.com/census-r
- 《Spatio-Temporal Statistics with R》 Christopher K. Wikle, Andrew Zammit-Mangion, and Noel Cressie https://spacetimewithr.org/
- 《Geocomputation with R》 Robin Lovelace, Jakub Nowosad, Jannes Muenchow https://geocompr.robinlovelace.net/
- 《Bayesian Regression Modeling with INLA》Xiaofeng Wang, Yu Ryan Yue, Julian Faraway https://julianfaraway.github.io/brinlabook/
- 《Dynamic Time Series Models using R-INLA: An Applied Perspective》Nalini Ravishanker, Balaji Raman, and Refik Soyer https://ramanbala.github.io/dynamic-time-series-models-R-INLA/
- 《Bayesian inference with INLA》Virgilio Gómez-Rubio https://becarioprecario.bitbucket.io/inla-gitbook/
- 《Advanced Spatial Modeling with Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Using R and INLA》Elias T. Krainski, Virgilio Gómez-Rubio, Haakon Bakka, Amanda Lenzi, Daniela Castro-Camilo, Daniel Simpson, Finn Lindgren and Håvard Rue https://becarioprecario.bitbucket.io/spde-gitbook/
- 《Geospatial Health Data: Modeling and Visualization with R-INLA and Shiny》 Paula Moraga https://www.paulamoraga.com/book-geospatial/
- 《Spatial Data Science》 Edzer Pebesma and Roger Bivand https://www.r-spatial.org/book
- 《An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis and Statistics: A Course in R》 Antonio Paez https://paezha.github.io/spatial-analysis-r/
- 《Predictive Soil Mapping with R》 Tomislav Hengl and Robert A. MacMillan https://soilmapper.org/
- 《Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R》Roger S. Bivand, Edzer Pebesma and V. Gómez-Rubio https://asdar-book.org/
- 《Introduction to Environmental Data Science》 Jerry Davis, SFSU Institute for Geographic Information Science https://bookdown.org/igisc/EnvDataSci/
- 《Geospatial Data Science With R: Applications in Environmental Geography》Michael C. Wimberly https://bookdown.org/mcwimberly/gdswr-book/
- 《Spatial sampling with R》Dick Brus https://github.com/DickBrus/SpatialSamplingwithR
- 《Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R》Adrian Baddeley, Ege Rubak and Rolf Turner https://book.spatstat.org/
- 《Bayesian Modeling of Spatio-Temporal Data with R》 Sujit K. Sahu https://www.sujitsahu.com/bookbmstdr/
- 《Fitting robust non-Gaussian models in Stan》Rafael Cabral https://rafaelcabral96.github.io/nigstan/
- 《Introduction to urban accessibility: a practical guide with R》Rafael H. M. Pereira and Daniel Herszenhut https://ipeagit.github.io/intro_access_book/
- 《Spatial Statistics for Data Science: Theory and Practice with R》Paula Moraga https://www.paulamoraga.com/book-spatial/
- Introduction to Geospatial Concepts 空间统计导论
- Introduction to spatial analysis in R 空间分析导论
- Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Data 课程列表
- A curated list of resources focused on Machine Learning in Geospatial Data Science.
- A list of useful resources for getting started with spatial data in R
- An Introduction to Spatial Econometrics in R 空间计量经济
- 空间广义线性混合效应模型及其应用
- Data wrangling visualisation and spatial analysis: R Workshop
- GIS 应用与实践 Jianghao Wang https://github.com/Jianghao/ucasgis
- Håvard Rue
- Andrew O. Finley
- Peter J. Diggle
- Emanuele Giorgi
- Adrian Baddeley
- Andrew Zammit-Mangion
- Noel Cressie
- Alan E. Gelfand
- Benjamin M. Taylor
- Zhan Zhao
- Song Qian
- Alain F. Zuur
- Ecological Models and Data in R PDF 书稿 生态模型
- Statistics and Probability Primer (for Computational Biologists) 计算生物的统计和概率基础
- Primer of Ecology using R 生态学入门与 R 语言 Hank Stevens
- Spatial Data Analysis in Ecology and Agriculture using R
- Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists 生态学数据分析与可视化
- Beginner's guide to spatial, temporal and spatial-temporal ecological data analysis with R-INLA
- 《Environmental and Ecological Statistics with R》 Song S. Qian https://github.com/songsqian/eesR
- 《Bayesian Applications in Environmental and Ecological Studies with R and Stan》 Song S. Qian https://github.com/songsqian/BeesRStan
- Statistical Methods in Spatial Epidemiology Second Edition Andrew B. Lawson
- Bayesian Disease Mapping Hierarchical Modeling in Spatial Epidemiology Second Edition Andrew B. Lawson
- Handbook of Spatial Epidemiology Andrew B. Lawson
- Geostatistical mapping examples in R loaloa 数据集
- Geostatistical data: Malaria in The Gambia Paula Moraga
- Areal data. Lung cancer risk in Pennsylvania