The website is Autograder. Sign in with your UCSD account and you will see the class. (Contact us if you have problems with registering)
The calendar shows tutors' schedules. If the class is in-person, we help tickets in the CSE building basement. Make sure you state your location correctly. Each course uses a specific lab as the main room, we prefer you stay around to save our time. It is OK to use other rooms as well if they are not holding any classes.
In the ticket, select your room number (B220, B230, ...) and station number (last two digits on the desktop sticker in the lab). If you are sitting outside labs, you can use study-area number instead. It is also fine to describe yourself (e.g. the color of your clothes) for us to find you easier.
We also have a video tutorial available.
We may have some remote tutor hours according to tutors' availability. For weekend's remote hours, you need to provide your zoom link and tutors will come to your zoom and help you. To set up your Zoom account, please follow the instructions in this link. In your Zoom, start a new meeting, in the control bar you will see participants and click invite to get your Zoom link and put it in yout tickets. Zoom hours are available only if tutor hours are remote on weekends. We don't hold remote hours during weekdays.
Make sure you are ready when we accept your ticket.
Do not worry if we return your ticket back to queue. It is possible that we cannot solve your problem immediately. Other tutors will help you very soon, if you think your ticket is left behind, feel free to post it on Piazza.
When queue is long, prepare your questions concisely. Tutors' help right before deadline may be less refined and accurate. The ticket queue might be longer than usual before the due day, so start often and start early.
If you want to see Professor and TAs, check the calendar and find their specific locations. They do not hold tutor hours through Autograder.