Day 02 - Thu 9 Jan Scientific case study #1 (9:30) Interfaces in multicellular tissues by James Osborne, University of Melbourne [Slides] Chaste for cell-based modelling: latest features and future plans (10:00) [Slides] C++ Chaste for cell-based modelling (with user projects) (11:10) [Slides] Hands-on session [ C++ Chaste for cell-based modelling (with user projects) ] (11:40) Stream A: Immersed Boundary Method in C++ and Python (14:30) [Slides] Stream B: Cardiac Modelling (14:30) [Slides] Stream A: Hands-on session [ Immersed Boundary Method in C++ and Python ] (15:00) [C++ Code] [Python Code] Stream B: Hands-on session on Cardiac Modelling (15:00) [Instructions] Scientific case study #2 (16:30) Cell-based modelling of intestinal crypts and organoids by Martin Homer, University of Bristol [Slides]