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RMQTT Broker provides HTTP APIs for integration with external systems,such as querying client information, publishing messages.

RMQTT Broker's HTTP API service listens on port 6060 by default. You can modify the listening port through the configuration file of etc/plugins/rmqtt-http-api.toml. All API calls start with api/v1.

Response code

HTTP status codes

The RMQTT Broker interface always returns 200 OK when the call is successful, and the response content is returned in JSON format.

The possible status codes are as follows:

Status Code Description
200 Succeed, and the returned JSON data will provide more information
400 Invalid client request, such as wrong request body or parameters
401 Client authentication failed , maybe because of invalid authentication credentials
404 The requested path cannot be found or the requested object does not exist
500 An internal error occurred while the server was processing the request

API Endpoints


GET /api/v1

Return all Endpoints supported by RMQTT Broker.

Parameters: None

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
[] Array Endpoints list
- [0].path String Endpoint
- [0].name String Endpoint name
- [0].method String HTTP Method
- [0].descr String Description


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1"

[{"descr":"Return the basic information of all nodes in the cluster","method":"GET","name":"get_brokers","path":"/brokers/{node}"}, ...]

Broker Basic Information

GET /api/v1/brokers/{node}

Return basic information of all nodes in the cluster.

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
node Integer False Node ID,such as 1.
If not specified, returns all node basic information

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
{}/[] Object/Array of Objects Returns the information of the specified node when the parameter exists,
otherwise, returns the information of all nodes
.datetime String Current time, in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
.node_id Integer Node ID
.node_name String Node name
.node_status String Node status
.sysdescr String Software description
.uptime String RMQTT Broker runtime, in the format of "D days, H hours, m minutes, s seconds"
.version String RMQTT Broker version


Get the basic information of all nodes:

$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/brokers"

[{"datetime":"2022-07-24 23:01:31","node_id":1,"node_name":"[email protected]","node_status":"Running","sysdescr":"RMQTT Broker","uptime":"5 days 23 hours, 16 minutes, 3 seconds","version":"rmqtt/0.2.3-20220724094535"}]

Get the basic information of node 1 :

$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/brokers/1"

{"datetime":"2022-07-24 23:01:31","node_id":1,"node_name":"[email protected]","node_status":"Running","sysdescr":"RMQTT Broker","uptime":"5 days 23 hours, 17 minutes, 15 seconds","version":"rmqtt/0.2.3-20220724094535"}


GET /api/v1/nodes/{node}

Return the status of the node.

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
node Integer False Node ID, such as 1.
If not specified, returns all node information

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
{}/[] Object/Array of Objects Returns node information when node parameter exists,
otherwise, returns information about all nodes in an Array
.boottime String OS startup time
.connections Integer Number of clients currently connected to this node
.disk_free Integer Disk usable capacity (bytes)
.disk_total Integer Total disk capacity (bytes)
.load1 Float CPU average load in 1 minute
.load5 Float CPU average load in 5 minute
.load15 Float CPU average load in 15 minute
.memory_free Integer System free memory size (bytes)
.memory_total Integer Total system memory size (bytes)
.memory_used Integer Used system memory size (bytes)
.node_id Integer Node ID
.node_name String Node name
.node_status String Node status
.uptime String RMQTT Broker runtime, in the format of "D days, H hours, m minutes, s seconds"
.version String RMQTT Broker version


Get the status of all nodes:

$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/nodes"

[{"boottime":"2022-06-30 05:20:24 UTC","connections":1,"disk_free":77382381568,"disk_total":88692346880,"load1":0.0224609375,"load15":0.0,"load5":0.0263671875,"memory_free":1457954816,"memory_total":2084057088,"memory_used":626102272,"node_id":1,"node_name":"[email protected]","node_status":"Running","uptime":"5 days 23 hours, 33 minutes, 0 seconds","version":"rmqtt/0.2.3-20220724094535"}]

Get the status of the specified node:

$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/nodes/1"

{"boottime":"2022-06-30 05:20:24 UTC","connections":1,"disk_free":77382381568,"disk_total":88692346880,"load1":0.0224609375,"load15":0.0,"load5":0.0263671875,"memory_free":1457954816,"memory_total":2084057088,"memory_used":626102272,"node_id":1,"node_name":"[email protected]","node_status":"Running","uptime":"5 days 23 hours, 33 minutes, 0 seconds","version":"rmqtt/0.2.3-20220724094535"}


GET /api/v1/clients

Returns the information of all clients under the cluster.

Query String Parameters:

Name Type Required Default Description
_limit Integer False 10000 The maximum number of data items returned at one time. If not specified, it is determined by the configuration item max_row_limit of the rmqtt-http-api.toml plugin
Name Type Required Description
clientid String False Client identifier
username String False Client username
ip_address String False Client IP address
connected Bool False The current connection status of the client
clean_start Bool False Whether the client uses a new session
session_present Bool False Whether the client is connected to an existing session
proto_ver Integer False Client protocol version
_like_clientid String False Fuzzy search of client identifier by substring method
_like_username String False Client user name, fuzzy search by substring
_gte_created_at Integer False Search client session creation time by greater than or equal method
_lte_created_at Integer False Search client session creation time by less than or equal method
_gte_connected_at Integer False Search client connection creation time by greater than or equal method
_lte_connected_at Integer False Search client connection creation time by less than or equal method
_gte_mqueue_len Integer False Current length of message queue by greater than or equal method
_lte_mqueue_len Integer False Current length of message queue by less than or equal method

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
[] Array of Objects Information for all clients
[0].node_id Integer ID of the node to which the client is connected
[0].clientid String Client identifier
[0].username String User name of client when connecting
[0].proto_ver Integer Protocol version used by the client
[0].ip_address String Client's IP address
[0].port Integer Client port
[0].connected_at String Client connection time, in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
[0].disconnected_at String Client offline time, in the formatof "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",
This field is only valid and returned when connected is false
[0].disconnected_reason String Client offline reason
[0].connected Boolean Whether the client is connected
[0].keepalive Integer keepalive time, with the unit of second
[0].clean_start Boolean Indicate whether the client is using a brand new session
[0].expiry_interval Integer Session expiration interval, with the unit of second
[0].created_at String Session creation time, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
[0].subscriptions_cnt Integer Number of subscriptions established by this client
[0].max_subscriptions Integer Maximum number of subscriptions allowed by this client
[0].inflight Integer Current length of inflight
[0].max_inflight Integer Maximum length of inflight
[0].mqueue_len Integer Current length of message queue
[0].max_mqueue Integer Maximum length of message queue
[0].extra_attrs Integer Number of Extended Attributes
[0].last_will Json Last Will Message, for example: { "message": "dGVzdCAvdGVzdC9sd3QgLi4u", "qos": 1, "retain": false, "topic": "/test/lwt" }


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/clients?_limit=10"

[{"clean_start":true,"clientid":"be82ee31-7220-4cad-a724-aaad9a065012","connected":true,"connected_at":"2022-07-30 18:14:08","created_at":"2022-07-30 18:14:08","disconnected_at":"","expiry_interval":7200,"inflight":0,"ip_address":"","keepalive":60,"max_inflight":16,"max_mqueue":1000,"max_subscriptions":0,"mqueue_len":0,"node_id":1,"port":10839,"proto_ver":4,"subscriptions_cnt":0,"username":"undefined"}]

GET /api/v1/clients/{clientid}

Returns information for the specified client

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
clientid String True ClientID

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
{} Array of Objects Client information, for details, see
GET /api/v1/clients


Query the specified client

$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/clients/example1"

{"clean_start":true,"clientid":"example1","connected":true,"connected_at":"2022-07-30 23:30:43","created_at":"2022-07-30 23:30:43","disconnected_at":"","expiry_interval":7200,"inflight":0,"ip_address":"","keepalive":60,"max_inflight":16,"max_mqueue":1000,"max_subscriptions":0,"mqueue_len":0,"node_id":1,"port":11232,"proto_ver":4,"subscriptions_cnt":0,"username":"undefined"}

DELETE /api/v1/clients/{clientid}

Kick out the specified client. Note that this operation will terminate the connection with the session.

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
clientid String True ClientID

Success Response Body (String):

Name Type Description
id String Connection Unique ID


Kick out the specified client

$ curl -i -X DELETE "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/clients/example1"

[email protected]:1883/

GET /api/v1/clients/{clientid}/online

Check if the client is online

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
clientid String True ClientID

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
body Bool is online


Check if the client is online

$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/clients/example1/online"


Subscription Information

GET /api/v1/subscriptions

Returns all subscription information under the cluster.

Query String Parameters:

Name Type Required Default Description
_limit Integer False 10000 The maximum number of data items returned at one time, if not specified, it is determined by the configuration item max_row_limit of the rmqtt-http-api.toml plugin
Name Type Description
clientid String Client identifier
topic String congruent query
qos Enum Possible values are 0,1,2
share String Shared subscription group name
_match_topic String Match query

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
[] Array of Objects All subscription information
[0].node_id Integer Node ID
[0].clientid String Client identifier
[0].client_addr String Client IP address and port
[0].topic String Subscribe to topic
[0].qos Integer QoS level
[0].share String Shared subscription group name


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/subscriptions?_limit=10"


GET /api/v1/subscriptions/{clientid}

Return the subscription information of the specified client in the cluster.

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
clientid String True ClientID

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
[] Array of Objects All subscription information
[0].node_id Integer Node ID
[0].clientid String Client identifier
[0].client_addr String Client IP address and port
[0].topic String Subscribe to topic
[0].qos Integer QoS level
[0].share String Shared subscription group name


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/subscriptions/example1"



GET /api/v1/routes

List all routes

Query String Parameters:

Name Type Required Default Description
_limit Integer False 10000 The maximum number of data items returned at one time, if not specified, it is determined by the configuration item max_row_limit of the rmqtt-http-api.toml plugin

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
[] Array of Objects All routes information
[0].topic String MQTT Topic
[0].node_id Integer Node ID


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/routes"


GET /api/v1/routes/{topic}

List all routes of a topic.

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
topic String True Topic

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
[] Array of Objects All routes information
[0].topic String MQTT Topic
[0].node_id Integer Node ID


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/routes/foo%2f1"


Publish message

POST /api/v1/mqtt/publish

Publish MQTT message。

Parameters (json):

Name Type Required Default Description
topic String Optional For topic and topics, with at least one of them specified
topics String Optional Multiple topics separated by ,. This field is used to publish messages to multiple topics at the same time
clientid String Optional system Client identifier
payload String Required Message body
encoding String Optional plain The encoding used in the message body. Currently only plain and base64 are supported
qos Integer Optional 0 QoS level
retain Boolean Optional false Whether it is a retained message

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
body String ok


$ curl -i -X POST "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/mqtt/publish" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"topic":"foo/1","payload":"Hello World","qos":1,"retain":false,"clientid":"example"}'


$ curl -i -X POST "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/mqtt/publish" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"topic":"foo/1","payload":"SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=","qos":1,"encoding":"base64"}'


Subscribe to topic

POST /api/v1/mqtt/subscribe

Subscribe to MQTT topic

Parameters (json):

Name Type Required Default Description
topic String Optional For topic and topics, with at least one of them specified
topics String Optional Multiple topics separated by ,. This field is used to subscribe to multiple topics at the same time
clientid String Required Client identifier
qos Integer Optional 0 QoS level

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
{} Object
{topic} Bool Key is topic name,The value is the subscription result: true/false


Subscribe to the three topics foo/a, foo/b, foo/c

$ curl -i -X POST "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/mqtt/subscribe" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"topics":"foo/a,foo/b,foo/c","qos":1,"clientid":"example1"}'


POST /api/v1/mqtt/unsubscribe


Parameters (json):

Name Type Required Default Description
topic String Required Topic
clientid String Required Client identifier

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
body Bool true/false


Unsubscribe from foo/a topic

$ curl -i -X POST "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/mqtt/unsubscribe" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"topic":"foo/a","clientid":"example1"}'



GET /api/v1/plugins

Returns information of all plugins in the cluster.

Path Parameters:

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
[] Array of Objects All plugin information
[0].node Integer Node ID
[0].plugins Array Plugin information, an array of objects, see below
[0] String Plugin name
[0].plugins.version String Plugin version
[0].plugins.descr String Plugin description
[0] Boolean Whether the plugin is active
[0].plugins.inited Boolean Whether the plugin is initialized
[0].plugins.immutable Boolean Whether the plugin is immutable, Immutable plugins will not be able to be stopped, config modified, restarted, etc.
[0].plugins.attrs Json Other additional properties of the plugin


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/plugins"


GET /api/v1/plugins/{node}

Return the plugin information under the specified node

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
node Integer True Node ID, Such as: 1

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
[] Array of Objects Plugin information, an array of objects, see below
[0].name String Plugin name
[0].version String Plugin version
[0].descr String Plugin description
[0].active Boolean Whether the plugin is active
[0].inited Boolean Whether the plugin is initialized
[0].immutable Boolean Whether the plugin is immutable, Immutable plugins will not be able to be stopped, config modified, restarted, etc.
[0].attrs Json Other additional properties of the plugin


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/plugins/1"


GET /api/v1/plugins/{node}/{plugin}

Returns the plugin information of the specified plugin name under the specified node.

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
node Integer True Node ID, Such as: 1
plugin String True Plugin name

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
{} Object 插件信息
{}.name String Plugin name
{}.version String Plugin version
{}.descr String Plugin description
{}.active Boolean Whether the plugin is active
{}.inited Boolean Whether the plugin is initialized
{}.immutable Boolean Whether the plugin is immutable, Immutable plugins will not be able to be stopped, config modified, restarted, etc.
{}.attrs Json Other additional properties of the plugin


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/plugins/1/rmqtt-web-hook"


GET /api/v1/plugins/{node}/{plugin}/config

Returns the plugin configuration information of the specified plugin name under the specified node.

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
node Integer True Node ID, Such as: 1
plugin String True Plugin name

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
{} Object Plugin configuration information


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/plugins/1/rmqtt-http-api/config"


PUT /api/v1/plugins/{node}/{plugin}/config/reload

Reloads the plugin configuration information of the specified plugin name under the specified node.

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
node Integer True Node ID, Such as: 1
plugin String True Plugin name

Success Response Body (String):

Name Type Description
body String ok


$ curl -i -X PUT "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/plugins/1/rmqtt-http-api/config/reload"


PUT /api/v1/plugins/{node}/{plugin}/load

Load the specified plugin under the specified node.

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
node Integer True Node ID, Such as: 1
plugin String True Plugin name

Success Response Body (String):

Name Type Description
body String ok


$ curl -i -X PUT "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/plugins/1/rmqtt-web-hook/load"


PUT /api/v1/plugins/{node}/{plugin}/unload

Unload the specified plugin under the specified node.

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
node Integer True Node ID, Such as: 1
plugin String True Plugin name

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
body Bool true/false


$ curl -i -X PUT "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/plugins/1/rmqtt-web-hook/unload"



GET /api/v1/stats

Return all status data in the cluster.

Path Parameters: None

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
[] Array of Objects List of status data on each node
[0].node Json Object Node information
[0].stats Json Object Status data, see stats below


Name Type Description
id Integer Node ID
name String Node name
status String Node status


Name Type Description
connections.count Integer Number of current connections
connections.max Integer Historical maximum number of connections
handshakings.count Integer Current number of active handshakes
handshakings.max Integer Historical maximum of current active handshake connections
handshakings_active.count Integer Current number of connections undergoing handshake operations
handshakings_rate.count Integer Connection handshake rate
handshakings_rate.max Integer Historical maximum of connection handshake rate
sessions.count Integer Number of current sessions
sessions.max Integer Historical maximum number of sessions
topics.count Integer Number of current topics
topics.max Integer Historical maximum number of topics
subscriptions.count Integer Number of current subscriptions, including shared subscriptions
subscriptions.max Integer Historical maximum number of subscriptions
subscriptions_shared.count Integer Number of current shared subscriptions
subscriptions_shared.max Integer Historical maximum number of shared subscriptions
routes.count Integer Number of current routes
routes.max Integer Historical maximum number of routes
retained.count Integer Number of currently retained messages
retained.max Integer Historical maximum number of retained messages


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/stats"

[{"node":{"id":1,"name":"[email protected]","status":"Running"},"stats":{"connections.count":1,"connections.max":2,"retained.count":2,"retained.max":2,"routes.count":3,"routes.max":4,"sessions.count":1,"sessions.max":2,"subscriptions.count":7,"subscriptions.max":8,"subscriptions_shared.count":1,"subscriptions_shared.max":2,"topics.count":3,"topics.max":4}}]

GET /api/v1/stats/{node}

Returns status data on the specified node.

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
node Integer True Node ID, Such as: 1

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
{} Object List of status data on each node
{}.node Json Object Node information
{}.stats Json Object Status data, see stats below


Name Type Description
id Integer Node ID
name String Node name
status String Node status


Name Type Description
{} Json Object Status data, see GET /api/v1/stats for details


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/stats/1"

{"node":{"id":1,"name":"[email protected]","status":"Running"},"stats":{"connections.count":1,"connections.max":2,"retained.count":2,"retained.max":2,"routes.count":3,"routes.max":4,"sessions.count":1,"sessions.max":2,"subscriptions.count":7,"subscriptions.max":8,"subscriptions_shared.count":1,"subscriptions_shared.max":2,"topics.count":3,"topics.max":4}}

GET /api/v1/stats/sum

Summarize the status data of all nodes in the cluster.

Path Parameters: None

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
{} Object Status summary on each node
{}.nodes Json Objects Node information
{}.stats Json Object Status summary data, see stats below


Name Type Description
{id} Object Node, key is the node ID
{id}.name String Node name
{id}.status String Node status


Name Type Description
{} Json Object Status summary data, see GET /api/v1/stats for details


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/stats/sum"

{"nodes":{"1":{"name":"[email protected]","status":"Running"}},"stats":{"connections.count":1,"connections.max":2,"retained.count":2,"retained.max":2,"routes.count":3,"routes.max":4,"sessions.count":1,"sessions.max":2,"subscriptions.count":7,"subscriptions.max":8,"subscriptions_shared.count":1,"subscriptions_shared.max":2,"topics.count":3,"topics.max":4}}


GET /api/v1/metrics

Returns all statistical metrics under the cluster

Path Parameters: None

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
[] Array of Objects List of statistical metrics on each node
[0].node Json Object Node information
[0].metrics Json Object Metrics, see metrics below


Name Type Description
id Integer Node ID
name String Node name


Name Type Description
client.auth.anonymous Integer Number of clients who log in anonymously
client.auth.anonymous.error Integer Number of client login failures for anonymous connections.
client.authenticate Integer Number of client authentications
client.connack Integer Number of CONNACK packet sent
client.connack.auth.error Integer Number of CONNACK packets sent with connection authentication failures
client.connack.error Integer Number of CONNACK packets sent with connection failures
client.connect Integer Number of client connections
client.connected Integer Number of successful client connections
client.disconnected Integer Number of client disconnects
client.handshaking.timeout Integer Number of handshake timeouts for connections.
client.publish.auth.error Integer Publish, Number of failed ACL rule checks.
client.publish.check.acl Integer Publish, Number of ACL rule checks
client.publish.error Integer Publish, Number of Failures
client.subscribe.auth.error Integer Subscribe, Number of ACL Rule Check Failures
client.subscribe.error Integer Subscribe, Number of Failures
client.subscribe.check.acl Integer Number of ACL rule checks
client.subscribe Integer Number of client subscriptions
client.unsubscribe Integer Number of client unsubscriptions
messages.publish Integer Number of received PUBLISH packet
messages.publish.admin Integer Number of received PUBLISH messages, Messages published via the HTTP API
messages.publish.custom Integer Number of received PUBLISH messages, Messages published via MQTT clients
messages.publish.lastwill Integer Number of received PUBLISH messages, Last Will Message
messages.publish.retain Integer Number of received PUBLISH messages, Forwarded Retained Message
messages.publish.system Integer Number of received PUBLISH messages, System Topic Messages ($SYS/#)
messages.delivered Integer Number of messages sent to the client
messages.delivered.admin Integer Number of messages sent to the client, Messages published via the HTTP API
messages.delivered.custom Integer Number of messages sent to the client, Messages published via MQTT clients
messages.delivered.lastwill Integer Number of messages sent to the client, Last Will Message
messages.delivered.retain Integer Number of messages sent to the client, Forwarded Retained Message
messages.delivered.system Integer Number of messages sent to the client, System Topic Messages ($SYS/#)
messages.acked Integer Number of received PUBACK and PUBREC packet
messages.acked.admin Integer Number of received PUBACK and PUBREC packet, Messages published via the HTTP API
messages.acked.custom Integer Number of received PUBACK and PUBREC packet, Messages published via MQTT clients
messages.acked.lastwill Integer Number of received PUBACK and PUBREC packet, Last Will Message
messages.acked.retain Integer Number of received PUBACK and PUBREC packet, Forwarded Retained Message
messages.acked.system Integer Number of received PUBACK and PUBREC packet, System Topic Messages ($SYS/#)
messages.nonsubscribed Integer Number of PUBLISH Messages Without Subscription Found
messages.nonsubscribed.admin Integer Number of PUBLISH Messages Without Subscription Found, Messages published via the HTTP API
messages.nonsubscribed.custom Integer Number of PUBLISH Messages Without Subscription Found, Messages published via MQTT clients
messages.nonsubscribed.lastwill Integer Number of PUBLISH Messages Without Subscription Found, Last Will Message
messages.nonsubscribed.system Integer Number of PUBLISH Messages Without Subscription Found, System Topic Messages ($SYS/#)
messages.dropped Integer Total number of messages dropped
session.created Integer Number of sessions created
session.resumed Integer Number of sessions resumed because Clean Session or Clean Start is false
session.subscribed Integer Number of successful client subscriptions
session.unsubscribed Integer Number of successful client unsubscriptions
session.terminated Integer Number of terminated sessions


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/metrics"

[{"metrics":{"client.auth.anonymous":38,"client.authenticate":47,"client.connack":47,"client.connect":47,"client.connected":47,"client.disconnected":46,"client.publish.check.acl":50,"client.subscribe":37,"client.subscribe.check.acl":15,"client.unsubscribe":8,"messages.acked":35,"messages.delivered":78,"messages.dropped":0,"messages.publish":78,"session.created":45,"session.resumed":2,"session.subscribed":15,"session.terminated":42,"session.unsubscribed":8},"node":{"id":1,"name":"[email protected]"}}]

GET /api/v1/metrics/{node}

Returns statistical metrics data of the specified node under the cluster.

Path Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
node Integer True Node ID, Such as: 1

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
{} Object Statistical metrics information
{}.node Json Object Node information
{}.metrics Json Object Metrics, see metrics below


Name Type Description
id Integer Node ID
name String Node name


Name Type Description
{} Json Object Statistical metrics data, see GET /api/v1/metrics for details


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/metrics/1"

{"metrics":{"client.auth.anonymous":38,"client.authenticate":47,"client.connack":47,"client.connect":47,"client.connected":47,"client.disconnected":46,"client.publish.check.acl":50,"client.subscribe":37,"client.subscribe.check.acl":15,"client.unsubscribe":8,"messages.acked":35,"messages.delivered":78,"messages.dropped":0,"messages.publish":78,"session.created":45,"session.resumed":2,"session.subscribed":15,"session.terminated":42,"session.unsubscribed":8},"node":{"id":1,"name":"[email protected]"}}

GET /api/v1/metrics/sum

Summarize the statistical metrics data of all nodes under the cluster.

Path Parameters: None

Success Response Body (JSON):

Name Type Description
{} Json Object Statistical metrics data, see GET /api/v1/metrics for details


$ curl -i -X GET "http://localhost:6060/api/v1/metrics/sum"
