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WebHook is a feature provided by the rmqtt-web-hook plugin, which allows for the notification of hook events in RMQTT to a web service.

WebHook is internally implemented based on [hooks], but it is closer to the top layer. It captures various events in RMQTT by attaching callback functions to hooks and forwards them to the web server configured in rmqtt-web-hook.

Taking the example of the "client.connected" event, the event propagation process is as follows:

    Client      |    RMQTT     |  rmqtt-web-hook |   HTTP       +------------+
  =============>| - - - - - - -> - - - - - - - ->===========>  | Web Server |
                |    Broker    |                |  Request     +------------+
WebHook's event handling is unidirectional, as it only supports pushing events from RMQTT to a web service and does not concern itself with the response from the web service. With the help of WebHook, various business tasks can be accomplished, such as recording device online/offline status, subscription and message storage, message delivery confirmation, and more.

Configuration Options

The configuration file for WebHook is located at etc/plugins/rmqtt-web-hook.toml.

The HTTP request body content is in JSON format, and the message payload attribute is encoded in BASE64.

## rmqtt-web-hook
## http
#    Method: POST
#    Body: <JSON>
#    Payload: BASE64
## file
#    None

## Hook general config
# Since WebHook starts a separate Tokio runtime environment, it is necessary to specify the number of core worker threads allowed for this runtime.
worker_threads = 3
# The message queue capacity.
queue_capacity = 300_000
# The maximum number of parallel WebHook HTTP requests to send.
concurrency_limit = 128

## Default urls, supports http and file protocols
# The default WebHook URL address(es) that can be specified with multiple addresses.
#urls = ["file:///var/log/rmqtt/hook.log", ""]
urls = ["file:///var/log/rmqtt/hook.log"]

## Http config
# The timeout duration for HTTP requests.
http_timeout = "8s"
# This configuration option sets the maximum retry backoff time. If an HTTP request fails, it will be retried approximately 2, 4, 7, 11, 18, or 42 seconds later.
retry_max_elapsed_time = "60s"
# The retry factor, defaulting to 2.5.
retry_multiplier = 2.5

Trigger Rules

In etc/plugins/rmqtt-web-hook.toml, trigger rules can be configured with the following format:

rule.<Event> = [<Rule 1>, <Rule 2>, ..., <Rule n>]

rule.<Event> = [{action=<Action>, urls=[...], topics=[...]}]

For example:
rule.session_created = [{action = "session_created" } ]
rule.session_terminated = [{action = "session_terminated" } ]
rule.session_subscribed = [{action = "session_subscribed" , topics=["x/y/z", "foo/#"] } ]
rule.session_unsubscribed = [{action = "session_unsubscribed" , topics=["x/y/z", "foo/#"] } ]

rule.client_connect = [{action = "client_connect"}]
rule.client_connack = [{action = "client_connack"} ]
rule.client_connected = [{action = "client_connected"}, {action = "client_connected_2", urls = [""] } ]
rule.client_disconnected = [{action = "client_disconnected" } ]
rule.client_subscribe = [{action = "client_subscribe", topics=["x/y/z", "foo/#"]} ]
rule.client_unsubscribe = [{action = "client_unsubscribe", topics=["x/y/z", "foo/#"] } ]

rule.message_publish = [{action = "message_publish" }]
rule.message_delivered = [{action = "message_delivered", topics=["x/y/z", "foo/#"] } ]
rule.message_acked = [{action = "message_acked", topics=["x/y/z", "foo/#"] } ]
rule.message_dropped = [{action = "message_dropped" } ]

Trigger Event

Currently, the following events are supported:

Name Description Execution Occurrence
session_created Session created After the session creation is completed
session_terminated Session terminated After the session is terminated
session_subscribed Session subscribed After the subscription operation is completed
session_unsubscribed Session unsubscribed After the unsubscription operation is completed
client_connect Handle CONNECT When the server receives a CONNECT packet from the client
client_connack Send CONNACK When the server is ready to send a CONNACK packet
client_connected Client connected After the client has successfully authenticated and connected to the system
client_disconnected Connection closed When the client connection is being closed
client_subscribe Subscribe to topic After receiving a SUBSCRIBE packet, before executing the ACL authorization
client_unsubscribe Unsubscribe from topic After receiving an UNSUBSCRIBE packet
message_publish Publish message Before the server publishes (routes) the message
message_delivered Message delivered Before delivering the message to the client
message_acked Message acknowledged After the server receives an ACK for the message from the client
message_dropped Message dropped When the message fails to be successfully forwarded


Multiple trigger rules can be configured for the same event.


A trigger rule is a TOML object with the following available keys:

  • action: a string that defaults to the event name, but can be modified (e.g., client_connected_2)
  • topics: an array of strings representing topic filter lists. Only messages with topics matching any of the filters in this list will trigger the event forwarding.
  • urls: an array of URL addresses. It is optional, and when not specified, it uses the default http_urls configuration. If specified, it replaces the default http_urls configuration.

For example, if we want to forward messages with topics a/b/c and foo/# to a web server, the configuration should be as follows:

rule.message_publish = [{action = "message_publish", topics=["a/b/c", "foo/#"] }]

In this case, WebHook will only forward messages that match the a/b/c and foo/# topics, such as foo/bar, but it will not forward messages with topics like a/b/d or fo/bar.

WebHook event parameters

When an event is triggered, WebHook will send an HTTP request to the web server configured in the url parameter. The request format is as follows:

URL: <url>      # Taken from the `url` field in the configuration
Method: POST    # Fixed to POST method

Body: <JSON>    # Body is a JSON-formatted string

For different events, the request body content varies. The following table lists the parameter lists for the request body in each event:


Key Type Description
action string Event name
Default value: "session_created"
node integer Node ID
ipaddress string Client's source IP address and port
clientid string Client ID
username string Client username. If it doesn't exist, the value is "undefined"
created_at integer Session creation time, in milliseconds
time string Hook Information Creation Time, Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.3f


Key Type Description
action string Event name
Default value: "session_terminated"
node integer Node ID
ipaddress string Client's source IP address and port
clientid string Client ID
username string Client username. If it doesn't exist, the value is "undefined"
reason string Reason for session termination
time string Hook Information Creation Time, Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.3f


Key Type Description
action string Event name
Default value: "session_subscribed"
node integer Node ID
ipaddress string Client's source IP address and port
clientid string Client ID
username string Client username. If it doesn't exist, the value is "undefined"
topic string Subscribed topic
opts json Subscription options
time string Hook Information Creation Time, Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.3f

opts include

Key Type Description
qos enum QoS level, can be 0, 1, 2


Key Type Description
action string Event name
Default value: "session_unsubscribed"
node integer Node ID
ipaddress string Client's source IP address and port
clientid string Client ID
username string Client username. If it doesn't exist, the value is "undefined"
topic string Unsubscribed topic
time string Hook Information Creation Time, Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.3f


Key Type Description
action string Event name
Default value: "client_connect"
node integer Node ID
ipaddress string Client's source IP address and port
clientid string Client ID
username string Client username. If it doesn't exist, the value is "undefined"
keepalive integer Requested keepalive time by the client
proto_ver integer Protocol version number
clean_session bool Session persistence flag (MQTT 3.1, 3.1.1)
clean_start bool Clear session flag upon connection (MQTT 5.0)
time string Hook Information Creation Time, Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.3f


Key Type Description
action string Event name
Default: "client_connack"
node integer Node ID
ipaddress string Source IP address and port of the client
clientid string Client ID
username string Client Username; "undefined" if it doesn't exist
keepalive integer Requested keep-alive time by the client
proto_ver integer Protocol version number
clean_session bool Session persistence flag (MQTT 3.1, 3.1.1)
clean_start bool Session clean start flag (MQTT 5.0)
conn_ack string "Connection Accepted" if successful; otherwise, indicates the reason for failure
time string Hook Information Creation Time, Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.3f


Key Type Description
action string Event name
Default: "client_connected"
node integer Node ID
ipaddress string Source IP address and port of the client
clientid string Client ID
username string Client Username; "undefined" if it doesn't exist
keepalive integer Requested keep-alive time by the client
proto_ver integer Protocol version number
clean_session bool Session persistence flag (MQTT 3.1, 3.1.1)
clean_start bool Session clean start flag (MQTT 5.0)
connected_at integer Timestamp in milliseconds when the connection was established
session_present bool Indicates whether a persistent session is present
time string Hook Information Creation Time, Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.3f


Key Type Description
action string Event name
Default: "client_disconnected"
node integer Node ID
ipaddress string Source IP address and port of the client
clientid string Client ID
username string Client Username; "undefined" if it doesn't exist
disconnected_at integer Timestamp in milliseconds when the disconnection occurred
reason string Reason for disconnection
time string Hook Information Creation Time, Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.3f


Key Type Description
action string Event name
Default: "client_subscribe"
node integer Node ID
ipaddress string Source IP address and port of the client
clientid string Client ID
username string Client Username; "undefined" if it doesn't exist
topic string Subscribed topic
opts json Subscription options
time string Hook Information Creation Time, Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.3f

opts contains

Key Type Description
qos enum QoS level; can be 0, 1, or 2


Key Type Description
action string Event name
Default: "client_unsubscribe"
node integer Node ID
ipaddress string Source IP address and port of the client
clientid string Client ID
username string Client Username; "undefined" if it doesn't exist
topic string Topic to unsubscribe from
time string Hook Information Creation Time, Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.3f


Key Type Description
action string Event name
Default: "message_publish"
from_node integer Node ID of the publishing client
from_ipaddress string Source IP address and port of the publishing client
from_clientid string Client ID of the publishing client
from_username string Username of the publishing client; "undefined" if it doesn't exist
dup bool Indicates if the message is a duplicate
retain bool Indicates if the message should be retained
qos enum QoS level; can be 0, 1, or 2
topic string Topic of the message
packet_id string Message ID
payload string Message payload
ts integer Timestamp in milliseconds when the Publish message was received
time string Hook Information Creation Time, Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.3f


Key Type Description
action string Event name
Default: "message_delivered"
from_node integer Node ID of the publishing client
from_ipaddress string Source IP address and port of the publishing client
from_clientid string Client ID of the publishing client
from_username string Username of the publishing client; "undefined" if it doesn't exist
node integer Node ID
ipaddress string Source IP address and port of the client
clientid string Client ID
username string Client Username; "undefined" if it doesn't exist
dup bool Indicates if the message is a duplicate
retain bool Indicates if the message should be retained
qos enum QoS level; can be 0, 1, or 2
topic string Topic of the message
packet_id string Message ID
payload string Message payload
pts integer Timestamp in milliseconds when the Publish message was received
ts integer Timestamp in milliseconds when this hook message was generated
time string Hook Information Creation Time, Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.3f


Key Type Description
action string Event name
Default: "message_acked"
from_node integer Node ID of the publishing client
from_ipaddress string Source IP address and port of the publishing client
from_clientid string Client ID of the publishing client
from_username string Username of the publishing client; "undefined" if it doesn't exist
node integer Node ID
ipaddress string Source IP address and port of the client
clientid string Client ID
username string Client Username; "undefined" if it doesn't exist
dup bool Indicates if the message is a duplicate
retain bool Indicates if the message should be retained
qos enum QoS level; can be 0, 1, or 2
topic string Topic of the message
packet_id string Message ID
payload string Message payload
pts integer Timestamp in milliseconds when the Publish message was received
ts integer Timestamp in milliseconds when this hook message was generated
time string Hook Information Creation Time, Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.3f


Key Type Description
action string Event name
Default: "message_dropped"
from_node integer Node ID of the publishing client
from_ipaddress string Source IP address and port of the publishing client
from_clientid string Client ID of the publishing client
from_username string Username of the publishing client; "undefined" if it doesn't exist
node integer Node ID (optional)
ipaddress string Source IP address and port of the client (optional)
clientid string Client ID(optional)
username string Client Username; "undefined" if it doesn't exist (optional)
dup bool Indicates if the message is a duplicate
retain bool Indicates if the message should be retained
qos enum QoS level; can be 0, 1, or 2
topic string Topic of the message
packet_id string Message ID
payload string Message payload
reason string Reason for dropping the message
pts integer Timestamp in milliseconds when the Publish message was received
ts integer Timestamp in milliseconds when this hook message was generated
time string Hook Information Creation Time, Format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%.3f