⬛️ https://github.com/transmissions11/solcurity ✅
⬛️ https://github.com/tamjid0x01/SmartContracts-audit-checklist ✅
⬛️ https://github.com/securing/SCSVS ✅
⬛️ https://owasp.org/www-community/OWASP_Risk_Rating_Methodology ✅
⬛️ https://github.com/ZhangZhuoSJTU/Web3Bugs ✅
⬛️ https://github.com/saeidshirazi/Awesome-Smart-Contract-Security ✅
⬛️ https://github.com/OpenCoreCH/smart-contract-auditing-heuristics ✅
⬛️ https://github.com/slowmist/Web3-Project-Security-Practice-Requirements ✅
⬛️ https://solodit.xyz/dashboard ✅
⬛️ https://github.com/dragonfly-xyz/useful-solidity-patterns/tree/main/patterns ✅
⬛️ https://github.com/0xcacti/awesome-oracle-manipulation ✅
⬛️ https://github.com/harendra-shakya/smart-contract-attack-vectors ✅
⬛️ https://github.com/TheAlgorithms/Solidity ✅
⬛️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nady250cNo4 ✅
⬛️ https://github.com/spearbit/armory ✅
⬛️ npx hardhat compile
Compile the contract code ✅
⬛️ npx hardhat test
Run the test suite ✅
⬛️ npx hardhat coverage
Generate code coverage report ✅
⬛️ npx hardhat flatten
Flatten the contract code into a single file ✅
⬛️ npx hardhat run scripts/<script-name>.js
Run a custom script ✅
⬛️ slither <file-name>
Analyze the contract code for vulnerabilities ✅
⬛️ slither --exclude <pattern> <file-name>
Exclude certain files or functions from analysis ✅
⬛️ slither --list-snakes
List all available detectors ✅
⬛️ slither --solc <path-to-solc> <file-name>
Specify the path to the Solidity compiler to use ✅
⬛️ slither --json <file-name>
Generate a JSON report ✅
⬛️ slither --detect all --disassemble <file-name>
Disassemble the bytecode of a contract and perform an analysis ✅
⬛️ slither --detect all --bytecode <bytecode>
Analyze a bytecode string directly (without a Solidity source file) ✅
⬛️ mythx analyze <file-name>
Analyze the contract code for vulnerabilities ✅
⬛️ mythx version
Display the current version of MythX CLI ✅
⬛️ mythx status <job-id>
Check the status of a submitted analysis job ✅
⬛️ mythx report <job-id>
Generate a report for a completed analysis job ✅
⬛️ mythx list-analyses
List all previous analysis jobs ✅
⬛️ myth analyze <file-name>
Analyze the contract code for vulnerabilities ✅
⬛️ myth analyze --solv <version> <file-name>
Specify the Solidity version to use for analysis ✅
⬛️ myth check <address>
Check a deployed contract for vulnerabilities ✅
⬛️ myth analyze --mode full <file-name>
Perform a full analysis (may take longer) ✅
⬛️ myth version
Display the current version of Mythril CLI ✅
⬛️ myth analyze --disassemble <file-name>
Disassemble the bytecode of a contract and perform an analysis ✅
⬛️ myth analyze --solv <version> --bytecode <bytecode>
Analyze a bytecode string directly (without a Solidity source file) ✅
⬛️ surya inheritance <file-name>
Generate an inheritance graph for the contract code ✅
⬛️ surya graph <file-name>
Generate a control flow graph for the contract code ✅
⬛️ surya mdreport <file-name>
Generate a Markdown report for the contract code ✅
⬛️ surya list-detectors
List all available detectors ✅
⬛️ surya describe-detector <detector-name>
Display information about a specific detector ✅
⬛️ npm install @openzeppelin/contracts
Install the OpenZeppelin contracts library ✅
⬛️ npx oz init
Initialize a new OpenZeppelin project ✅
⬛️ npx oz deploy
Deploy the smart contracts to the network using OpenZeppelin's deployment tool ✅
⬛️ npx oz send-tx
Send a transaction to a deployed contract using OpenZeppelin's console tool ✅
⬛️ npx oz verify
Verify the source code and bytecode of a deployed contract on Etherscan using OpenZeppelin's verification tool ✅
⬛️ npx hardhat clean
Delete the artifacts and cache folders ✅
⬛️ npx hardhat node
Start a local Hardhat node for testing ✅
⬛️ npx hardhat run <script.js>
Run a script with Hardhat's network context ✅
⬛️ npx hardhat help
Display the help menu ✅
⬛️ npx hardhat deploy --network <network-name>
Deploy the smart contracts to a specific network ✅
⬛️ npx hardhat run scripts/<script.js> --network <network-name>
Run a script with the context of a specific network ✅
⬛️ npx hardhat export --export <file-name>.json --network <network-name>
Export the deployed contract addresses and ABIs to a JSON file ✅
⬛️npx hardhat verify --network <network-name> <contract-address> "<constructor-args>"
Verify the source code and bytecode of a deployed contract on Etherscan ✅
⬛️ npx hardhat verify --network <network-name> --contract contracts/<contract-name>.sol:<contract-address> --constructor-args "<constructor-args>"
Verify the source code and bytecode of a deployed contract on Etherscan using a specific contract file and constructor arguments ✅
⬛️ npx hardhat verify --network <network-name> --contract contracts/<contract-name>.sol --constructor-args "<constructor-args>" <contract-address>
Verify the source code and bytecode of a deployed contract on Etherscan using a specific contract file and constructor arguments ✅
⬛️ scribble <file-name>
Generate a formal specification for the contract code ✅
⬛️ solstat --help
See all commands possible for solstat ✅
🦋👽 Yours Truly, K42 to you 👽🦋