Notes on how to contribute:
• I don't currently intend to acquire extra project members, since this repo is a pretty personal thing for me, all in all.
• Issues and thoughts can be reported in the Issues tab. If you're reporting about a filter issue, you are expected to either explain the issue in deep detail, or to track down the problematic filter entry on your own.
• I'm unsure at the moment how I'd deal with pull requests. If you do make them, explain in deeply meticulous detail what the new filters remove, or why you want to remove certain existing filters. I also reserve the right to deny pull requests without stating any real reasons for it, just in case.
• You can ONLY make issues or pull requests about the Norwegian list. You can NOT make issues or requests for a.txt, since that list serves as the cloudsharing of my private filters. If you do make an issue about a.txt, I will point my finger at you and laugh demeaningly.
• I do encourage forking, both for experimentation, archiving, or for any other reason you may come up with.
• For the project's licence, I decided to modify BSD's three-point version in such a way that I did not claim copyright for the repo, since I don't like how copyrights work like in general. The licence is also intended to fully confirm the open-source status of the repo, if there are any doubts about it.
• All communication and contribution that is permitted above, can also be done in Bokmål, Nynorsk, Swedish and Danish. In those cases, I would take contact with you in Bokmål, unless otherwise is requested.
• Should I have missed out on any details that'd be nice to have in this contribution explanation, give me a heads up about it, e.g. in Issues.