This page serves as a central index for the various resources we share and provide.
- Darkhax's Tutorials - 1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12
- McJty's Tutorials - 1.10/1.11/1.12
- ShadowFacts's Tutorials - 1.10/1.11/1.12
- The Grey Ghost's Minecraft By Example - 1.8/1.10/1.11
- Bedrock Miner's Tutorials (Archived) - 1.7/1.8
- Wuppy's Tutorials - 1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8
- Forge's Official Docs
- VikeStep's ASM Guide - Part 1 - Part 2
- List of Mod Ideas - A giant list of mod ideas you may use in your projects.
- Java for Complete Beginners - A playlist of videos on YouTube that will teach you how to develop in Java. This is a very beginner friendly resource.
- Oracle's Java Tutorials - These docs can be very technical, and are not friendly to new developers.
- Oracle's Naming Conventions
- How to use ObjectHolders - A guide on object holders, and how to effectively use them.
- Why Does Side Only Exist? - An overview of what the SideOnly annotation is, and why it exists.
- Why 32x Textures are Bad - A technical breakdown of why 32x textures should be avoided.
- Vanilla's Built In Profiler - Vanilla Minecraft has it's own debug profiler. This post explains what it is, and how to use it.
- Energy Conversion Rates - A table of energy conversion rates, such as RF to Joules.
- 1.13 Changes & Primer - A break down of all the changes in 1.13, and how to adapt to them.
- Maven Version Ranges - Format used in version range strings, for dependencies.
- Bitshifting Tutorial - What bitshifting is, and how it works.
- OpenGL11 Rendering Tutorial - A technical tutorial for OpenGL 11.
- Polygon Point Functions - An archive of some documentation on doing polygon point calculations.
- Animated Texture Format - Documentation on the animated texture format.
- Forge Recipe Factory Example - An example of how to add new recipe factories to forge.
- Forge Info by Version - A list of forge gradle versions and relevant usage info.
- Forge 1.12.2 JavaDocs - The Forge 1.12.2 Javadocs.
- Why Doesn't My Event Handler Work!!?? - A simple flow chart explaining how event handlers work.
- Removing Sensitive Data From Git - How to remove sensitive data from your git repo.
- Learning Git - A collection of resources to learn git.
- Forge's contained deps example - An example script that uses contained dependencies.
- Troubleshooting Json Models - How to debug broken Json models.
- Old (1.7.2) Models - Documentation on the old way of doing models.
- IntelliJ Debugging - How to debug with the IntelliJ IDE.
- Eclipse Debugging - How to debug with the Eclipse IDE.
- Why you should never use OpenGL directly, or GlStateManager.pushAttrib/popAttrib - A breakdown on why you should always use the GlStateManager instead of OpenGL directly. Also covers why push/pop attrib is broken.
- Common 1.12 Mapping Changes - Some of the more common methods that have been remapped/changes in 1.12.
- Mod Dependencies - How to load other mods into your dev environment as build dependencies.
- Thiakil's MCP Mapping Viewer - Lets you quickly search for info on MCP and SRG mapping names.
- Bspkrs's MCP Mapping Viewer - Lets you search through MCP mappings locally.
- Minecraft IDEA Plugin - Adds specialized support for Minecraft in IDEA. This is not required, but usually recommended.
- Techne Model Conversion - A pearl script for converting techne models to other model formats.
- JsonLint - A linter for Json. Let's you validate and format json files.
- Lang2Json - Converts old .lang files to the new json format.
- Curse Profit Calculator - Allows you to quickly calculate curse profit by project over a period of time. Comes with several ways to export the data.
- Modmuss's CurseTracker - Shows statistics about Curse downloads, including hourly download breakdowns.
- Author Version Coverage Sheet - A google sheet which can be used to visualize all versions a mod author does/doesn't support with their mods. This is especially useful when tracking your progress updating to newer versions.
- Gradle Collection - A collection of gradle scripts that can be imported and used in your buildscripts.
- GitIgnoreIO - A database of various .gitignore entries.
- Code Recipe to Json Recipe - A class to convert old code recipes to new json based ones.
- Minecraft Recipe Generator - A tool for building new recipes in the vanilla json format.
- Coding Practice - A place to practice your coding skills.
- Json Smelting Recipes - Allows 1.13+ style json smelting recipes to be used on 1.12 and below.
- Minecraft Anntations - External fix for null/nonnull annotations.
- BetterCF - A FireFox extension which adds several useful utilities to CurseForge, such as in browser maven info for Curse files.
- CurseForge Maven Helper - A client side app by Wyn Price, which can generate maven info from a CurseForge file.
- GitKraken - A somewhat advanced git clinet.
- GitHub Client - Easy for beginners.
- SourceTreeApp - A mid ranged git client.
- TortoiseGit - A relatively minimalistic windows interface for Git.
- BlameJared - You can go here for help with CraftTweaker, Prestige, and other mods made by Jared.
- Mezz's Place - You can go here for help with JEI, Forestry, and other mods made by Mezz.
- Darkhax's Home - You can go here for help with Bookshelf, GameStages, and other mods made by Darkhax.
- Botania - A very good place to learn about almost all aspects of the game.
- Discord Markdown Formatting - A basic guide on how to use Markdown on Discord.