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Torbjörn Einarsson edited this page Apr 11, 2023 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the livesim2 wiki!

livesim2 is an initiative of the DASH Industry Forum to establish a new more flexible and performant emulated live DASH source for testing evaluation of clients and other system components.

The URL structure used is very close to dash-live-source-simulator (livesim1) livesim1. Many features from livesim1 are not yet implemented, but instead there are new features, much wider content support, and easier deployment.

All controlling parameters are coded as /key_val parts of the URL and inserted before the actual asset part of the URL.

By whom

This project is organized by the Dash Industry Forum, a non-profit industry association established to catalyze the adoption of MPEG-DASH. The base of this service has been made developed and made available by Eyevinn Technology which is one of many members of DASH-IF.

Sponsoring or Specific Feature Requests

If you want to sponsor further development of this project, you can contact Eyevinn Technology directly, or convince your organisation to sponsor Eyevinn or other development organisation to achieve the improvements or new issues you desire.