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Chat gRPC

Chat app with gRPC Python server

contributors last update forks stars open issues license

πŸ“” Table of Contents

🌟 About the Project

πŸ’­ Description:

  • Each user can send messages to other users, only if the previous message sent by the user has been reacted by two other users. If not, the message will be rejected.

  • Each user can react to messages sent by other users, and by the user itself. However, the self reaction will not be counted to the message when checking if the message can be sent to other users.

πŸ“· Screenshots

screenshot Last updated: Jun 29, 2023
screenshot_1 Last updated: Jun 29, 2023

πŸ‘Ύ Tech Stack


🎯 Features

  • Basic authentication.
  • Chat with other users.
  • React to messages.

πŸ”‘ Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file:

  • Server configs:

    PORT: Port to run the server.

    JWT_SECRET_KEY: Secret key to sign JWT tokens.

    JWT_EXPIRATION_TIME: Expiration time of JWT tokens, in seconds . Default is 3600 seconds.

    DB_CONNECTION_STRING: Postgres connection string to connect to the database.

  • Client configs:

    PORT: Port to run the server.

    SERVER_HOST: Host of the server.


# .env


You can also check out the file .env.example to see all required environment variables.

🧰 Getting Started

‼️ Prerequisites

  • Python: >= 3.12.

  • This project uses Poetry as package manager:

    Linux, macOS, Windows (WSL)

    curl -sSL | python3 -

    Read more about installation on Poetry documentation.

πŸƒ Run Locally

Clone the project:

git clone

Go to the project directory:

cd chat-grpc

Install dependencies:

poetry install

pre-commit install


Install dependencies with pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

pre-commit install
Export dependencies from pyproject.toml

Export Poetry dependencies to file requirements.txt:

poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt

Note: You can add option: --dev to include development dependencies.

πŸ€– Start Manually

  • Setup database:

    make compose-db
  • Start the server:

    • With Poetry:

      • Activate the virtual environment:

        poetry shell
      • Start the server:

        poe dev
    • With Makefile:

      make server
    • With Docker compose:

      docker compose --profile server up -d
    • With Python:

      python server
  • Stop the database:

    make compose-down
  • Start the client:

    • With Poetry:

      • Activate the virtual environment:

        poetry shell
      • Start the client:

        poe dev client
    • With Makefile:

      make client
    • With Python:

      python client

🐳 Start with Docker Compose

Start the server and database:

make compose-up

Stop the server and database:

make compose-down

πŸ‘€ Usage

Generate protobuf

make gen-proto

This will generate the protobuf files in the chat_grpc/proto directory using the file buf.gen.yaml as configuration.

The auto-generated file problem

Due to the problem with the auto-generated python absolute imports in the files .*, you HAVE TO nested the proto directory in the proto directory.

For example:

  • If you move configure the proto directory with the proto/auth_service/auth_service.proto or proto/chat_service/chat_service.proto
  • Configure the buf.gen.yaml file with the out configure to ../pkg/protobuf.
  • Then the auto-generated files will be in the pkg/protobuf directory, just like current configuration. However, the file .* will have the import from auth_service ... instead of from pkg.protobuf.chat_service ....


  • make gen-proto: Generate protobuf files.


    make gen-proto
  • make server: Start the server.


    make server
  • make client: Start the client.


    make client
  • make compose-up: Start the server and database with docker compose.


    make compose-up
  • make compose-down: Stop the server and database with docker compose.


    make compose-down
  • make compose-db: Start the database with docker compose (without the server).


    make compose-db


$ python --help

Usage: [OPTIONS] [SERVICE]:[server|client]

  [SERVICE]:[server|client]  Service to run  [default: server]

  --help  Show this message and exit.

Note: This is an entry point for all the services. Each service should be run from this entry point to make the absolute import work.

Application flow


Server initialization

First, the server is configured with interceptors to handle authentication and logging. The gRPC server is registered with two main services: AuthService and ChatService. Finally, the server is listening on the address [::]:PORT, with PORT is the environment variable.

Then, the server also init the Tortoise ORM to connect to the database. The tortoise ORM is configured with the environment variable DB_CONNECTION_STRING. This library also automatically generate the database schema for the models, which are configured by specifying the models file paths while initializing the ORM.

The server also create a Server object to hold the set of connected clients. While updating this set of clients, the server will use an asyncio.Lock to prevent concurrent access.


Each client will have a token to authenticate with the server. The token is generated by the server when the client login. The token is a JWT token, which holds the user_id and user_name of the user, and the exp time. The token is signed with the secret key, which is configured by the environment variable JWT_SECRET_KEY. The token is valid for 1 hour, which is configured by the JWT_EXPIRE_TIME environment variable.

The JWT interceptor will check the token in the metadata of the request. If the token is valid, the request will be passed to the next interceptor. Otherwise, the interceptor will return an error to the client. The interceptor will ignore the authentication for the login and register methods. Also, the interceptor will "inject" the user_id into the context of the request.

After the user logged in, the server will add the user_id to the Server set of connected clients.

After the user signed out, the token will be revoked by putting into the blacklist table. The JWT interceptor will check the token in the blacklist table. If the token is in the blacklist table, the interceptor will return an error to the client.

Note: Currently, the blacklist table has to be manually cleaned up.

Message broadcasting

Every time a client sends a message or reacts to a message, the server will create an Event record in the database. The Event record will be used to store history of the chat conversation. After the Event record is created, the post_save hook will be called to create another EventQueue record. The number of EventQueue records is equal to the number of connected clients, which is stored as a set in the Server object. The EventQueue record will be used to broadcast the message to the clients.

The EventQueue record is send back to the client as a Subscribe route response, and the record will be marked as sent by setting the is_sent field to True. The client will use the Subscribe route to receive the EventQueue and then send back the event_id back to the server to acknowledge that it has received the event queue. The server will then delete the EventQueue record from the database that matches the event_id.

If the client is logged in, but close the app without logging out, the server is able to resend the EventQueue record to the client when it connects again, as the user_id is still in the Server set of connected clients.

Note: Sometimes, the client receives the EventQueue record, but the client don't send back the event_id to the server. This will cause the database to have a lot of EventQueue records that are not deleted. This problem is not solved yet, and the EventQueue records have to be manually be deleted.


The server will log the request and response of each route by the logging interceptor. The log is visible in the console, and also in the logs directory.


Client initialization

The client is built with the DearPyGui library. The client will connect to the server with the address [::]:PORT, with PORT is the environment variable.


The client will send the login request to the server with the user_name and the password. The server will return the access_token and this is stored in the Client object. The access_token is used to authenticate with the server.

When the client sends the request to the server, the access_token is added to the metadata of the request (as the Bearer authorization token), by the token interceptor.

After the client logged out, the access token will be deleted from the client.

Note: Currently, the client will not automatically refresh the token.

Event listener

After login successfully, the client starts a deamon thread to send the Subscribe request to the server to receive the EventQueue record, within the loop. The client will send back to the server the event_id of the EventQueue record that it has just received.

🧭 Roadmap

  • Hash passwords.
  • Notification panel.
  • Refresh token to keep user logged in.
  • Improve ORM queries.
  • Improve error handling.

πŸ‘‹ Contributing

Contributions are always welcome!

πŸ“œ Code of Conduct

Please read the Code of Conduct.


  • The client app is not responding when closing the app.

    • This is because the client still has working thread. Maybe, the client has some errors, which causes the thread to not stop. You can try to close the app again, or kill the app process, or just spam the Ctrl+C.
  • Cannot handle errors in event listener which run in a thread.

    • Handle errors in thread is quite difficult. I will look into this later. Currently, I can only handle the errors in the callback function of the event listener.

⚠️ License

Distributed under MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

🀝 Contact

Duong Vinh - @duckymomo20012 - [email protected]

Project Link:

πŸ’Ž Acknowledgements

Here are useful resources and libraries that we have used in our projects:

  • Buf CLI: Generate code, prevent breaking changes, lint Protobuf schemas, enforce best practices, and invoke APIs with the Buf CLI.
  • grpc-interceptor: Simplified Python gRPC Interceptors.
  • Dear PyGui: Dear PyGui is an easy-to-use, dynamic, GPU-Accelerated, cross-platform graphical user interface toolkit(GUI) for Python. It is β€œbuilt with” Dear ImGui.