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156 lines (96 loc) · 5.56 KB

File metadata and controls

156 lines (96 loc) · 5.56 KB

Motmir (MVP)


Motmir is a Full E-Commerce Web App with an API Powered by Python(v3.8.10) and flask(v2.0.2), and Reactjs(v17.0.2) for Front-End, and Mysql(v8.0.27) for the database.

Author Linkedin || Live Demo


I'm from a town where dattes fruits are the main products produced by every farmer here, and my father is one of them. So i got this idea of this online shop to help extend the market for these specific fruits, especially our unique ones that don't exist anywhere else in the world.

Quick-start (in Ubuntu v20.04)

0 - Clone the Repository and cd to it :3
1 - Install Python >= v3.8 and pip3
2 - Install required packages in requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
3 - Install React Dependencies
cd motmirfrontend
npm install
cd ..
4 - Install Mysql 8
sudo apt install mysql-client mysql-community-server mysql-server
5 - Update Some Variables
in api/.env
# Note : Most commented variables will be added directly to the app host server envirenment variables

FLASK_ENV=production  # change this to `development` if needed
FLASK_APP=app         # default

# production db
# MYSQL_USER= db user name
# MYSQL_PWD= db password
# MYSQL_HOST= db host domain or ip
# MYSQL_DB= db name

# test db
MYSQL_USER=motmir_dev  # default
MYSQL_PWD=motmir_pwd   # default
MYSQL_HOST=localhost   # default
MYSQL_DB=motmir_db     # default

TYPE_STORAGE=db  # default
MYSQL_ENV=prod   # change this to `test` if you want the databases tables to be dropped on every api app restart

API_HOST= # default
API_PORT=5000    # default

# if you didn't specify these variables the app will fail on sending emails to clients which may or may not result in other problems
# GMAIL_SENDER_EMAIL= the senders email (required)
# GMAIL_CREDENTIALS= Your gmail api credentials json object (required)
# GMAIL_TOKEN= Your gmail api token json object which will be created automatically on first login so this can be empty until you have the token

in motmirfrontend/src/index.js
export const baseUrl   = 'localhost:5000'; API's URL with out the / slash at the end
export const imagesUrl = ''; Your URL-endpoint to fetch images from as im using imagekit's service to store my products images and create a folder called product-images in the root
6 - Run the service and Create Mysql database and user
# You can update the file setup_mysql_dev.sql
# with the names and previliges you want
# but you will need to update the envirenement
# variables. check Configuration section for that.

sudo service mysql start
sudo mysql -p < setup_mysql_dev.sql
7 - Create admin Account (You can skip this)
python3 -m api.create_admin_profile
# You can access admin panel in localhost:3000/admin after you start the app
8 - Run API
python3 -m
9 - Run React App
cd motmirfrontend
npm run start
Congrats You can now access the app from the browser in localhost:3000



In api/.env Update your Database and API host informations

MYSQL_USER=Database username
MYSQL_PWD=Database user's password
MYSQL_HOST=Database Host url or ip
MYSQL_DB=Database Name


# if you didn't specify these variables the app will fail on sending emails to clients which may or may not result in other problems
# GMAIL_SENDER_EMAIL= the senders email (required)
# GMAIL_CREDENTIALS= Your gmail api credentials json object (required)
# GMAIL_TOKEN= Your gmail api token json object which will be created automatically on first login so this can be empty until you have the token


And if you are testing you can change the variable MYSQL_ENV value to test which will drop all the tables in the database on every app Start/Restart


And if you created your own Storage class for another type of storage like File Storage you can use the variable TYPE_STORAGE To initialize the right Storage Instance that you wanted which can be done in this file



in motmirfrontend/src/index.js Update the variables baseUrl and imagesUrl

baseUrl   = API's URL
imagesUrl = Your URL-endpoint to fetch images from as im using imagekit's service to store my products images


export const baseUrl = ''; //'http://localhost:5000'
export const imagesUrl = ''; // exact folder not specified in case you have different folders by default images are stored in a folder called `products-images`


If you would like to contribute to the project, you may create a Pull Request containing your proposed changes and we will review it as soon as we are able! Please review our contributing guidelines first.

Code of Conduct

Before interacting with our community, please read our Code of Conduct.


Motmir is free and open-source software licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. Everything created by Elmahdi1962.


Elmahdi1962 [email protected]