Here is a list of the section codes along with their respective representation and case based examples.
Section code | Representation description | Example cases |
C.E | Casual Expressions | now, tonight, etc |
G.E | Grabber Expressions | This, next, last, etc |
D.O | DayOffset | Tomorrow, Today, Yesterday, etc |
T.E | Time Expressions | Noon, Midnight, etc |
T.F | Time Fractions | Quater, Half, etc |
T.C | Time Conjointer | Ago, to, from now, etc |
I.E | Interpreted Expression | Tonight, now, last night, etc |
R.I | Range Indicator | From, etc |
R.S | Range Separator | To, -, etct |
N.V | Numeric Value | 0,1,2,3, etc |
N | Number | Twenty one, twenty-one, etc |
N.O | Ordinal | 21st, twenty first |
D.N | Decimal Number | Thrity two point five, etc |
T.O.D | Time Of Day | Monrning, afternoon, evening, night |
D.O.W | Days Of Week | Monday, Tuesday, etc |
S.O.Y | Season Of Year | Spring, autum, etc |
M.O.Y | Months Of Year | July, December, etc |
R.E.I | Repeater Indicators | Every, each, etc |
D.E.I | Duration Indicators | Whole, all, half, etc |
R.E | Repeater Expressions | Hourly, weekly, etc |
D.E | Duration Expressions | For, etc |
P.T | Proximity | Exactly, preciesly, approximately, etc |
D.T.U | Date Time Units | Minute, hour, year, week, etc |
T.P | Time Periods | Decade, century, milleniumn, etc |
D.V | Decade Values | Nineties, senventies, etc |
A.O | Arithmetic Operator | -, + |
L.O | Logical Operator | And, or |
D.D | Date | 10/24,2018, 2018,10,24, etc |
D.T | Time | 22:10:33, 12:10:44, etc |
D.Y | Year | 2010, '98, etc |
Y | Year Discrete | 2010, '98, etc |
M | Month Discrete | 10, etc |
D, | Day Discrete | 24, etc |
H.D, | Hour Discrete | 12, etc |
M.D | Minute Discrete | 44, etc |
S.D | Second Discrete | 59, etc |
D.D.B | Date Big Endian | YYYY-MM-DD |
D.D.L | Date Little Endian | DD-MM-YYYY |
D.D.M | Date Middle Endian | MM-DD-YYY |
W.S | Expression Separator | and, etc |
D.W.T | Day Of Week Type | |
T.M | Time Meridiam | AM, pm, etc |
D.U.B | Date Units | year, months, weeks, days, etc |
T.U.B | Time Units | Hour, minute, second, etc |
Y.U | Year Unit | year, years, |
M.U | Month Unit | Month, months, |
W.U | Week Unit | Week, weeks, W, etc |
D.U | Day Unit | Day, days, D, etc |
H.U | Hour Unit | Hour, h, etc |
M.I.U | Minute Unit | Minute, min, m, etc |
S.U | Second Unit | Second, s, etc |
T.Z" | Time Zone | UTC, EST, etc |
D.T.S | Time Separator | : |
D.D.S | Date Separator | /,-, etc |
N.M.2.D | Number Max 2 Digits | 1, 12, 44, etc |
N.M.4.D | Number Max 4 Digits | 23, 2323, 321, etc |
N.M.5.D | Number Max 5 Digits | 232, 12, 43454, etc |