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File metadata and controls

163 lines (124 loc) · 4.05 KB

Implementation and Use Guide

1. Import and Include

Copy over the rtl/vga_module/* folder.

Add this at the top of the file where the vga_controller will be implemented.

`include ""

2. Create/Use a Config

Create a timing configuration for the VGA output.

There are 2 premade VGA timing configs in

  1. VGA_RESOLUTION_640X480_4BIT: 640x480 with 4 bit color (444 rgb). DEFAULT
  2. VGA_RESOLUTION_640X480_1BIT: 640x480 with 1 bit color (111 rgb).

If you wish to use the above configs, you can skip to step 3.

You can find VGA timing info here

Create your custom timing config as shown below.

parameter vga_res_cfg_t VGA_RESOLUTION_640X480_4BIT = '{
    25_175_000, //Pixel Clock (This is just for reference, the value is unused)
    640, //Display Width
    480, //Display Height
    4,   //Color Bits (4 = 444 rgb, 2 = 222rgb, etc.)
    '{640, 16, 96, 48, 800}, //Horizontal Timing
    '{480, 10, 2,  33, 525}  //Vertical Timing
    //Timing is in the format of {VISIBLE, FRONT PORCH, SYNC, BACK PORCH, TOTAL}

3. Create Interfaces

There are 2 interfaces that the vga_controller uses.

  1. vga_src_if: Video Source Interface. The vga_controller uses this to get the color value of a pixel.
  2. vga_if: VGA PMOD Output Interface. This should match the pinout of your VGA connector.
//Your custom config or the default ones.
localparam vga_cfg_t CFG = VGA_RESOLUTION_640X480_4BIT;

//(Optional) If parameters are left blank, they will default to VGA_RESOLUTION_640x480_4BIT.

//VGA Source Interface
vga_src_if #(.CFG(CFG)) src();

//VGA Output PMOD Interface
vga_if #(.COL_BITS(CFG.COL_BITS)) vga();

//(Optional) You may have to map the vga_if to output pins of your top.
assign hsync = vga.hsync;
assign vsync = vga.vsync;
assign r     = vga.r;
assign g     = vga.g;
assign b     = vga.b;

4. Create a VGA Source Module

The vga_controller uses the vga_src_if interface to get a pixel value from a source and output it to the display.

vga_src_if has 5 inputs/outputs.

//From the perspective of vga_src_if.mem (the memory side).
//Inputs/Outputs flipped  with vga_src_if.vga (the vga_controller side).
input addr_row  //Pixel Row (Y) (Between 0 -> HEIGHT-1)
input addr_col  //Pixel Column (X) (Between 0 -> WIDTH-1)
output col_r    //RGB Outputs for each (X,Y) Co-ordinate.
output col_g    //These outputs must be held by a flop/buffered
output col_b    //vga_controller expects a 1 cycle read delay

This alows the VGA source to be user sourced from:

  • BRAM
  • DDR
  • Generated on fabric with custom logic

Buffering is done by the user implemented module.

vga_controller expects a one clock cycle delay. That is, one flip flop at the output of the vga source module for RGB values.

4.1. A VGA Source Example

This example shows a fabric generated image.

module test_source #(
    parameter int COL_BITS = 4
    input logic i_rstn,
    input logic i_clk,
    input logic i_en,

    vga_src_if.mem io
    logic[COL_BITS - 1:0] buf_r;
    logic[COL_BITS - 1:0] buf_g;
    logic[COL_BITS - 1:0] buf_b;

    assign {io.col_r, io.col_g, io.col_b} = {buf_r, buf_g, buf_b};

    always_ff @(posedge i_clk, negedge i_rstn) begin
        if(!i_rstn) begin
            {buf_r, buf_g, buf_b} <= '0;
        end else if(i_en) begin
            buf_r <= '1;
            buf_g <= '0;
            buf_b <= '1;

5. Finishing Up

5.1. Add the Source

//Test Image Source
test_source #(
) test_src(

5.2. Add the VGA Controller

//VGA Controller Core
vga_controller #(
) vga_controller (

6. Top Example

An example for a Lattice ice40 top exists in rtl/


  1. Import
  2. Created Config
  3. Create Interfaces
  4. Create VGA Source Module
  5. Create VGA Controller
  6. PLL for VGA Controller and VGA Source