When perfecting 3D prints and tuning your printer, there is all that resonance testing stuff that Shake&Tune will try to help you with. But keep in mind that it's part of a complete process, and Shake&Tune alone won't magically make your printer print at lightning speed. Also, when using the tools, it's important to get back to the original need: good prints.
While there are some ideal goals described in this documentation, you need to understand that it's not always possible to achieve them due to a variety of factors unique to each printer, such as assembly precision, components quality and brand, components wear, etc. Even a different accelerometer can give different results. But that's not a problem; the primary goal is to produce clean and satisfactory prints. If your test prints look good and meet your standards, even if the response curves aren't perfect, you're on the right track. Trust your printer and your print results more than chasing ideal graphs! If it's satisfactory, there's no need for further adjustments.
First, you may want to read the input shaping and tuning generalities documentation to understand how it all works and what to look for when taking these measurements.
Shake&Tune command | Resulting graphs example |
AXES_MAP_CALIBRATION Verify that your accelerometer is working correctly and automatically find its Klipper's axes_map parameter |
![]() |
COMPARE_BELTS_RESPONSES Generate a differential belt resonance graph to verify relative belt tensions and belt path behaviors on a CoreXY or CoreXZ printer |
![]() |
AXES_SHAPER_CALIBRATION Create the usual input shaper graphs to tune Klipper's input shaper filters and reduce ringing/ghosting |
![]() |
CREATE_VIBRATIONS_PROFILE Measure your global machine vibrations as a function of toolhead direction and speed to find problematic ranges where the printer could be exposed to more VFAs in order to optimize your slicer speed profiles and TMC drivers parameters |
![]() |
EXCITATE_AXIS_AT_FREQ Maintain a specific excitation frequency, useful to inspect parasite peaks and find out what is resonating |
![]() |
A standard tuning workflow might look something like this:
init: {
'theme': 'base',
'themeVariables': {
'lineColor': '#232323',
'primaryTextColor': '#F2055C',
'secondaryColor': '#D3D3D3',
'tertiaryColor': '#FFFFFF'
flowchart TB
subgraph Tuning Workflow
direction LR
start([Start]) --> tensionBelts[Tension your\nbelts as best\n as possible]
checkmotion --> tensionBelts
tensionBelts --> SnT_Belts[Run Shake&Tune\nbelts comparison tool]
SnT_Belts --> goodbelts{Check the documentation\nDoes belts comparison profiles\nlook decent?}
goodbelts --> |YES| SnT_IS[Run Shake&Tune\naxis input shaper tool]
goodbelts --> |NO| checkmotion[Fix your mechanical assembly\nand your motion system]
SnT_IS --> goodIS{Check the documentation\nDoes axis profiles and\n input shapers look decent?}
goodIS --> |YES| SnT_Vibrations[Run Shake&Tune\nvibration profile tool]
goodIS--> |NO| checkmotion
SnT_Vibrations --> goodvibs{Check the documentation\nAre the graphs OK?\nSet the speeds in\nyour slicer profile}
goodvibs --> |YES| pressureAdvance[Tune your\npressure advance]
goodvibs --> |NO| checkTMC[Dig into TMC drivers\ntuning if you want to]
goodvibs --> |NO| checkmotion
checkTMC --> SnT_Vibrations
pressureAdvance --> extrusionMultiplier[Tune your\nextrusion multiplier]
extrusionMultiplier --> testPrint[Do a test print]
testPrint --> printGood{Is the print good?}
printGood --> |YES| unicorn{want to chase unicorns}
printGood --> |NO -> Underextrusion / Overextrusion| extrusionMultiplier
printGood --> |NO -> Corner humps and no ghosting| pressureAdvance
printGood --> |NO -> Visible VFAs| SnT_Vibrations
printGood --> |NO -> Ghosting, ringing, resonance| SnT_IS
unicorn --> |NO| done
unicorn --> |YES| SnT_Belts
classDef standard fill:#70088C,stroke:#150140,stroke-width:4px,color:#ffffff;
classDef questions fill:#FF8D32,stroke:#F24130,stroke-width:4px,color:#ffffff;
classDef startstop fill:#F2055C,stroke:#150140,stroke-width:3px,color:#ffffff;
class start,done startstop;
class goodbelts,goodIS,goodvibs,printGood,unicorn questions;
class tensionBelts,checkmotion,SnT_Belts,SnT_IS,SnT_Vibrations,pressureAdvance,extrusionMultiplier,testPrint,checkTMC standard;
- Sineos post in the Klipper knowledge base