See install instructions here.
See install instructions here.
Installing GridLAB-D with HELICS on Linux and MacOS:
- Make sure GridLAB-D’s prerequisites are installed: automake, libtool, xerces-c, gcc, g++, and HELICS of course.
- Checkout the
branch from the GridLAB-D git repository located at - On your terminal navigate to your local checkout of the code.
- Type
autoreconf -if
- Then run the following
./configure --prefix=/path/to/gridlabd/install --with-helics=/path/to/helics/install --enable-silent-rules "CFLAGS=-g -O0 -w" "CXXFLAGS=-g -O0 -w -std=c++14" "LDFLAGS=-g -O0 -w"
- For Sierra users it is important that you compile HELICS and
GridLAB-D and there prereqs with gcc and not clang. There is an
outstanding issue with compiling GridLAB-D with Sierra’s version of
./configure --prefix=/path/to/gridlabd-cc/install/ --with-helics=/path/to/helics/install/ --enable-silent-rules CC='gcc-7' CXX='g++-7' CFLAGS='-g -O0 -w' CXXFLAGS='-g -O0 -w -std=c++14' LDFLAGS='-g -O0 -w'
Installing GridDyn to work with HELICS:
- GridDyn’s installation guide can be found at
- Currently only the
branch works with HELICS so you will need to build that branch of the source code.
Installing FESTIVLite:
- In order to run the FESTIVLite example that is part of this tutorial you will need to make sure you install the HELICS python extension.
- Install
from here. - Make sure you have the latest version of HELICS built with the Python extension enabled. Please follow the instructions in the installation page for more information.