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Task Executor

This package provides an action server to execute tasks. When there is a failure, it sends a request to a task monitoring module to help it recover, or not, from the problem.


This section is a brief overview on launching and running tasks or actions.


The primary means of launching the task executor is through the launch file fetchit.launch, which brings up the dependencies of the task executor in addition to the executor itself. The recommended means of running the executor is on 2 different terminals for ease of reading the logs:

# Start the dependencies of the executor. Remember sim:=true for simulation and
# launch_schunk:=true if we are running locally and not in simulation
roslaunch task_executor fetchit.launch start_all:=true task_executor:=false
# Start the task executor itself. Remember sim:=true for simulation
roslaunch task_executor fetchit.launch task_executor:=true

The launch file has additional args, such as sim, manipulation, launch_schunk, task_config, etc., that could be useful for launching specific dependencies or specifying config files.

Running Tasks and Actions

Once the task executor and its dependencies are ready, we can run tasks using the script:

rosrun task_executor <task_name>

Note: Currently we do not have the capability to run tasks that require parameters. This is coming soon.

In addition to running tasks, one can also run specific actions, which is accomplished with the script. This script does not need all the dependencies of the task_executor to be setup, just the dependencies of the action in question. To run:

rosrun task_executor <action_name> <action_params>

The action params should be provided as a JSON string.

Tasks: A Conceptual Overview

This package considers a robot task as a hierarchical state machine, and provides convenience capabilities for creating such a machine. To do so, it draws inspiration from drag-and-drop programming languages to create a YAML-based syntax for task (read state machine) specification that is very extensible.

To begin with, a task consists of a series of steps. The steps are executed sequentially, unless a loop or a branching condition is specified, in which case subsequent steps are executed based on the loop or the branch condition (but more on that later). When invoking a step, one may, depending on its type provide params and expect returned values, called var.

There are five types of steps that can be invoked:

  1. task steps, which are other tasks, with steps that may be specified. The ability for tasks to invoke other tasks is a key feature of this package's capabilities. When instantiated as Python objects, tasks are instances of AbstractStep.
  2. action steps, which are interfaces to robot capabilities. These are also instances of AbstractStep and usually contain service or action clients to talk to robot capability nodes. Actions provide the basic functionality that we aim to chain together, intelligently, to specify tasks.
  3. op steps, which are data manipulation expressions that can be executed during a task.
  4. choice steps, which check the truthiness of a specified statement, and accordingly execute one step or another.
  5. loop steps, which check the truthiness of a specified statement, and execute a specified in a loop until the statement evaluates to false.

The following YAML specification illustrates an example program containing all the above types of steps:

  # This task specification exists to show an example of invoking a simple
  # task, the loop_and_leave task
    - task: loop_and_leave

  # Loop the greeting thrice and say goodbye
    - op: assign
        var_name: num_invocations
        expr: 3
      - var_name

    # Loop until the num_invocations variable reaches 0
    - loop: greeting_loop
        condition: var.num_invocations
          task: greet
            num_invocations: var.num_invocations
          - num_invocations

    # Technically this is unnecessary; it's for illustrative purposes
    - choice: say_goodbye_choice
        condition: var.num_invocations
          action: speak
            text: "Goodbye human"
            affect: sad
            async: true

  # A task to greet the person. Also decrement the number of calls
    - num_invocations

    - num_invocations

    - action: speak
        text: "Greetings human"

    # In the current definition of `speak`, this might fail, but let's ignore
    # that detail for now. The key point is how to reference a param
    - action: speak
        text: params.num_invocations

    - op: decrement
        var_name: num_invocations
        expr: params.num_invocations - 1
      - num_invocations

One could call this program with rosrun task_executor example, at which point the program would have the robot speak "Greetings human" and the value of the variable num_invocations three times before speaking "Goodbye human" and exiting.


Tasks are specified in the YAML syntax; see the example above. In the syntax, each task is assigned a unique key with each task specification having 1 required field and 2 optional fields:

  • steps (Required) : the list of steps, with each step a dictionary definition of one of the five step types
  • params (Optional) : a list of the names of the parameters that the task should expect as keyword arguments. We do not currently check before task invocation if the expected params match the provided ones
  • var (Optional) : a list of the names of the variables in a task's current execution context that it's parent task can expect from it. We do check after task execution if the variables provided by a task match the expected variables from it.

When invoked, if a task has params or var defined, then those keys must be defined for the invocation. In the example tasks above, consider the difference between the invocation of loop_and_leave and greet.


WARNING: The method of importing actions has now been updated

Actions are specified as Python modules in task_executor.actions and they usually instantiate service clients, action clients, subscribers, etc. to interface with the robot's ROS nodes. In order to refer to an action by name in a task specification, the action's class must be imported in and the imported class must be associated with an action name in the default_actions_dict.

Depending on the action, there are 2 optional fields that must be present when the action is invoked from a task:

  • params (Optional) : all parameters of an action class's run method. Those params that do not take default arguments must be specified with the params field in the task. Python checks this by default.
  • var (Optional) : a list of expected variables from the action if any. If there is a mismatch between the variables expected from an action and those that it provides, we throw an error.

In the example above, the speak action has one required keyword param - text - and two optional keyword params - affect and async. Additionally, it does not return variables, so therefore has no var key in its step specifications.


Op is a data manipulation expression, specified as an arbitrary Python expression, which is evaluated in the context of the task's params and var. When provided, the step requires:

  • a label, specified in the task steps as op: <label> (see example), in order to make debugging easier.
  • a var_name param that specifies the variable name that the output of the evaluated expression should be assigned to
  • an expr param that specifies the data manipulation operation to perform. See expr for more details.
  • the var_name param value be repeated as a var in the step specification (see example).

Given the above specification, the expr is evaluated and the var_name in the task's var values is assigned the result of the evaluation.


Branching is performed by the choice step. When provided, the step requires:

  • a label, specified in the task steps as choice: <label> (see example), in order to make debugging easier.
  • a condition param that has a value that can be truthy or falsy (the value need not strictly be a bool). See condition for more details.

Given the condition specification, the choice takes as params two additional optional params - if_true and if_false, which if specified, must contain either task, action, or op steps. The step specified in if_true is run if the condition evaluates to true, else the step in if_false is executed.


In order to loop, we use the loop step. When provided, the step requires:

  • a label, specified in the task steps as loop: <label> (see example), in order to make debugging easier
  • a condition param that has a value that can be truthy or falsy. See condition for more details.
  • a loop_body param that contains either a task, action, or op step

Given the condition, the loop will execute the step specified in loop_body until condition evaluates to false.

condition / expr

The condition is a param that is required by both the choice and loop steps, and the expr is a param required by op steps. Some valid condition strings are:

  • true
  • params.boolean_param
  • (params.param1 is None or params.param2 is not None)
  • params.object_key.strip().upper() in ['SMALL_GEAR', 'LARGE_GEAR']

And some valid expr strings are:

  • 42
  • params.segmented_objects[3]
  • params.segmented_objects[var.recognized_idx]

Note that:

  • we use parser to parse out python code from the param, and eval with the local context of params and var to evaluate condition and expr
  • we do not program too defensively, so please do not put malicious code in these parameters
  • you should follow YAML string specification paradigms
  • do NOT use the YAML keyword null. The ROS parameter server does not like that keyword

Additional Nodes

In addition to executing tasks, the package has nodes to provide

  1. Database-like functionality for task parameters: /database
  2. Semantic tracking of robot, task, or world state that can be used to alter task execution or perform recoveries: /beliefs


The database node reads in the YAML file data.yaml, which specifies five types of information (at present):

  1. waypoints in the map that the base can move to
  2. object_constraints, which are deprecated for this challenge
  3. arm_gripper_poses, which are 6dof poses that are primarily designed to specify desired end effector poses for the arm, but can also be used to specify where to look.
  4. arm_joint_poses, which are known joint poses of the arm, for example tuck
  5. trajectories, which are a series of known joint poses that can be sent to the arm. Planning and execution from one joint pose to the next is accomplished by MoveIt!

Actions that are capable of interpreting the information in the database can, given a key, query waypoints, joint poses, etc. through service calls.


Beliefs are designed to track the semantic state of things. More on them later.