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📝 Configuration

Haven't set up the bot yet? Check out Setting up the bot first!

Table of contents

Configuration file

All bot options are saved in a configuration file in the bot's folder. This is created during the setup and is generally either config.ini or, if you've been using the bot for longer, config.json.

The instructions on this page are for config.ini but can be adapted to config.json as well. See config.ini vs config.json for more details. Note that the format of .ini and .json are different -- you can't simply rename a .json to .ini or vice versa.

Adding new options

To add a new option to your config.ini, open the file in a text editor such as notepad. Each option is put on a new line, and follows the format option = value. For example, mainServerId = 1234.

You need to restart the bot for configuration changes to take effect!

You can add comments in the config file by prefixing the line with #. Example:

# This is a comment
option = value

Toggled options

Some options like allowMove can only be turned on or off.

  • To turn on a toggled option, set its value to on, true, or 1
  • To turn off a toggled option, set its value to off, false, or 0
  • E.g. allowMove = on or allowMove = off

"Accepts multiple values"

Some options are marked as "Accepts multiple values". To give these options multiple values, write the option as option[] = value and repeat for every value. For example:

inboxServerPermission[] = kickMembers
inboxServerPermission[] = manageMessages

You can also give these options a single value in the usual way, i.e. inboxServerPermission = kickMembers

Multiple lines of text

For some options, such as greetingMessage, you might want to add text that spans multiple lines. To do that, use the same format as with "Accepts multiple values" above:

greetingMessage[] = Welcome to the server!
greetingMessage[] = This is the second line of the greeting.
greetingMessage[] = 
greetingMessage[] = Fourth line! With an empty line in the middle.

Required options


The bot user's token from Discord Developer Portal.


Accepts multiple values Your server's ID.


For a single-server setup, same as mainServerId.
For a two-server setup, the inbox server's ID.


ID of a channel on the inbox server where logs are posted after a modmail thread is closed

Other options


Default: Your Discord account is not old enough to contact modmail.
See requiredAccountAge below


Default: off
If enabled, allows you to move threads between categories using !move <category>


Default: off
If enabled, users can use the close command to close threads by themselves from their DMs with the bot


Default: on
If enabled, staff members can delete their own replies in modmail threads with !delete


Default: on
If enabled, staff members can edit their own replies in modmail threads with !edit


Default: on
If enabled, staff members can block a user from using modmail with !block


Default: on
If enabled, staff members can suspend a user from using modmail with !suspend


Default: on
If enabled, staff members can use Snippets


Default: on
If allowSnippets is enabled, this option controls whether the snippets can be included within replies by wrapping the snippet's name in {{ and }}.
E.g. !r Hello! {{rules}}

See inlineSnippetStart and inlineSnippetEnd to customize the symbols used.


Default: on
If enabled, moderators can change the role that's shown with their replies to any role they currently have using the !role command.


Default: off
If enabled, all messages in modmail threads will be sent to the user without having to use !r.
To send internal messages in the thread when this option is enabled, prefix them with !note (using your prefix), e.g. !note This is an internal message.


Default: off
If alwaysReply is enabled, this option controls whether the auto-reply is anonymous


Default: off
If enabled, channel names will be the user's name and discriminator salted with the current time, then hashed to protect the user's privacy


Default: original
Controls how attachments in modmail threads are stored. Possible values:

  • original - The original attachment is linked directly
  • local - Files are saved locally on the machine running the bot and served via a local web server
  • discord - Files are saved as attachments on a special channel on the inbox server. Requires attachmentStorageChannelId to be set.


Default: None
When using attachmentStorage is set to "discord", the id of the channel on the inbox server where attachments are saved


Default: off
If enabled, the last moderator to reply to a modmail thread will be automatically alerted when the thread gets a new reply.
This alert kicks in after a delay, set by the autoAlertDelay option below.


Default: 2m
The delay after which autoAlert kicks in. Uses the same format as timed close; for example 1m30s for 1 minute and 30 seconds.


Default: None
If set, the bot auto-replies to bot mentions (pings) with this message. Use {userMention} in the text to ping the user back.


Default: None
ID of the category where new threads are opened. Also functions as a fallback for categoryAutomation.newThreadFromServer.


Alias for categoryAutomation.newThreadFromServer


Default: None
When running the bot on multiple main servers, this allows you to specify which category to use for modmail threads from each server. Example:

# When the user is from the server ID 94882524378968064, their modmail thread will be placed in the category ID 360863035130249235
categoryAutomation.newThreadFromServer.94882524378968064 = 360863035130249235
# When the user is from the server ID 541484311354933258, their modmail thread will be placed in the category ID 542780020972716042
categoryAutomation.newThreadFromServer.541484311354933258 = 542780020972716042


Default: None
If set, the bot sends this message to the user when the modmail thread is closed.


Default: None
Custom aliases/shortcuts for commands. Example:

# !mv is an alias/shortcut for !move = move
# !x is an alias/shortcut for !close
commandAliases.x = close


Default: off
If enabled, the bot will send a greeting DM to users that join the main server


Default: on
If enabled, the bot will refuse to send any reply with an unknown inline snippet.
See allowInlineSnippets for more details.


Default: None
Role name to display in moderator replies if the moderator doesn't have a hoisted role


Default: None
Path to an image or other attachment to send as a greeting. Requires enableGreeting to be enabled.


Default: None
Message to send as a greeting. Requires enableGreeting to be enabled. Example:

greetingMessage[] = Welcome to the server!
greetingMessage[] = Remember to read the rules.


Alias for serverGreetings


Default: off
If enabled, the bot attempts to ignore common "accidental" messages that would start a new thread, such as "ok", "thanks", etc.


Default: manageMessages
Accepts multiple values. Permission name, user id, or role id required to use bot commands on the inbox server. See "Permissions" on this page for supported permission names (e.g. kickMembers).


Default: {{
Symbol(s) to use at the beginning of an inline snippet. See allowInlineSnippets for more details.


Default: }}
Symbol(s) to use at the end of an inline snippet. See allowInlineSnippets for more details.


Default: You haven't been a member of the server for long enough to contact modmail.
If requiredTimeOnServer is set, users that are too new will be sent this message if they try to message modmail.


Default: local
Controls how logs are stored. Possible values:

  • local - Logs are served from a local web server via links
  • attachment - Logs are sent as attachments
  • none - Logs are not available through the bot


Options for logs


Default: logs
When using logStorage = "attachment", the directory where the log files are stored


Default: off
When using logStorage = "attachment", if enabled, threads that don't have a log file will send a log link instead. Useful if transitioning from logStorage = "local" (the default).


Alias for mainServerId


Alias for inboxServerId


Default: none
Accepts multiple values. Role that is mentioned when new threads are created or the bot is mentioned. Accepted values are none, here, everyone, or a role id. Set to none to disable these pings entirely.


Default: off
If enabled, mentions the user messaging modmail in the modmail thread's header.


Default: None
Deprecated. Same as categoryAutomation.newThread.


Default: on
If enabled, a system message will be posted into any open threads if the user joins a main server


Default: on
If enabled, a system message will be posted into any open threads if the user leaves a main server


Default: on
If enabled, the bot will mention staff (see mentionRole option) on the inbox server when the bot is mentioned on the main server.


Default: off
If enabled, the bot will automatically pin the "thread header" message that contains the user's details


Default: None
Accepts multiple values. External plugins to load on startup. See Plugins for more information.


Default: 8890
Port to use for attachments (when attachmentStorage is set to local) and logs.
Make sure to do the necessary port forwarding and add any needed firewall exceptions so the port is accessible from the internet.


Default: !
Prefix for bot commands


Default: off
If enabled, the bot will react to messages sent to it with the emoji defined in reactOnSeenEmoji


Default: 📨
The emoji that the bot will react with when it sees a message. Requires reactOnSeen to be enabled.
Must be pasted in the config file as the Emoji representation and not as a unicode codepoint. Use emojiName:emojiID for custom emoji.


Default: off
If enabled, small attachments from users are sent as real attachments rather than links in modmail threads. The limit for "small" is 2MB by default; you can change this with the smallAttachmentLimit option.


Default: None
Required account age for contacting modmail (in hours). If the account is not old enough, a new thread will not be created and the bot will reply with accountAgeDeniedMessage (if set) instead.


Default: None
Required amount of time (in minutes) the user must be a member of the server before being able to contact modmail. If the user hasn't been a member of the server for the specified time, a new thread will not be created and the bot will reply with timeOnServerDeniedMessage (if set) instead.


Default: Thank you for your message! Our mod team will reply to you here as soon as possible.
The bot's response to the user when they message the bot and open a new modmail thread.
If you have a multi-line or otherwise long responseMessage, you might want to turn off showResponseMessageInThreadChannel to reduce clutter in the thread channel on the inbox server.


Default: off
If enabled, the user's roles will be shown in the modmail thread header


Default: None
When running the bot on multiple main servers, this allows you to set different greetings for each server. Example:

serverGreetings.94882524378968064.message = Welcome to server ID 94882524378968064!
serverGreetings.94882524378968064.attachment = greeting.png

serverGreetings.541484311354933258.message[] = Welcome to server ID 541484311354933258!
serverGreetings.541484311354933258.message[] = Second line of the greeting.


Default: on
Whether to show the responseMessage sent to the user in the thread channel on the inbox server as well.
If you have a multi-line or otherwise long responseMessage, it might be a good idea to turn this off to reduce clutter.


Default: 2097152
Size limit of relaySmallAttachmentsAsAttachments in bytes (default is 2MB)


Default: !!
Prefix for snippets


Default: !!!
Prefix to use snippets anonymously


Default: Message me for help
The bot's status text. Set to none to disable.


Default: playing
The bot's status type. One of playing, watching, listening.


Default: on
If enabled, channel permissions for the thread are synchronized with the category when using !move. Requires allowMove to be enabled.


Default: off
If enabled, the bot will automatically create a new thread for a user who pings it.


Default: off
If enabled, modmail threads will show accurate UTC timestamps for each message, in addition to Discord's own timestamps. Logs show these always, regardless of this setting.


Default: off
If enabled, any time a user is typing to modmail in their DMs, the modmail thread will show the bot as "typing"


Default: off
If enabled, any time a moderator is typing in a modmail thread, the user will see the bot "typing" in their DMs


Default: on
If enabled, the bot will automatically check for new bot updates periodically and notify about them at the top of new modmail threads


Default: off
If enabled, update notifications will also be given for new beta versions


Default: None
URL to use for attachment and log links. Defaults to http://IP:PORT.


Default: off
If enabled, mod replies will use their nicknames (on the inbox server) instead of their usernames


Default: off
If enabled, GitHub plugins will be installed with Git rather than by downloading the archive's tarball.
This is useful if you are installing plugins from private repositories that require ssh keys for authentication.

Advanced options


Default: None
If you're using or developing a plugin that requires extra Gateway Intents, you can specify them here.


extraIntents[] = guildPresences
extraIntents[] = guildMembers


Default: sqlite
Specifies the type of database to use. Valid options:

Other databases are not currently supported.


Object with SQLite-specific options


Default: db/data.sqlite
Can be used to specify the path to the database file


Object with MySQL-specific options

Default: localhost


Default: 3306


Default: None
Required if using mysql for dbType. MySQL user to connect with.


Default: None
Required if using mysql for dbType. Password for the MySQL user specified above.


Default: None
Required if using mysql for dbType. Name of the MySQL database to use.

config.ini vs config.json

Earlier versions of the bot instructed you to create a config.json instead of a config.ini. This is still fully supported, and will be in the future as well. However, there are some differences between config.ini and config.json.


See the example on the Wikipedia page for JSON for a general overview of the JSON format.

  • In config.json, all text values and IDs need to be wrapped in quotes, e.g. "mainServerId": "94882524378968064"
  • In config.json, all numbers (other than IDs) are written without quotes, e.g. "port": 3000

Toggle options

In config.json, valid values for toggle options are true and false (not quoted), which correspond to on and off in config.ini.

"Accepts multiple values"

Multiple values are specified in config.json using arrays:

  "inboxPermission": [

Multiple lines of text

Since config.json is parsed using JSON5, multiple lines of text are supported by escaping the newline with a backslash (\ ):

  "greetingMessage": "Welcome to the server!\
This is the second line of the greeting."

Other formats

Loading config values programmatically is also supported. Create a config.js in the bot's folder and export the config object with module.exports. All other configuration files take precedence, so make sure you don't have both.

Environment variables

Config options can be passed via environment variables.

To get the name of the corresponding environment variable for an option, convert the option to SNAKE_CASE with periods being replaced by two underscores and add MM_ as a prefix. If adding multiple values for the same option, separate the values with two pipe characters: ||.


  • mainServerId -> MM_MAIN_SERVER_ID
  • From:
    inboxServerPermission[] = kickMembers
    inboxServerPermission[] = manageMessages

The port option also accepts the environment variable PORT without a prefix, but MM_PORT takes precedence.