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Peppe edited this page Apr 26, 2023 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the my-nvim-config wiki!

This Wiki it's for folks that are using my configs as base and want to change/remove/add things.

Plugins Module

This module handle the plugins installation and management.

Lua Files

Module folder: /lua/user/plugins/install.

  1. /lua/user/plugins/install/init.lua Module entry point

  2. /lua/user/plugins/install/plugins.lua

Exports a table of the plugins and make some smalls configs.


→ Iterate the plugins and install them with the package manager defined in vim.g.plugin_manager.


→ Iterate the plugins and install them using packer.


→ Iterate the plugins and install them using lazy.

Add or remove a plugin

Just add or remove it from the plugins table at plugins.lua.

The syntax are:

In order to just add the plugin: { name='' }

In order to add the plugin with some lazy settings: { name='', lazy = { branch="main" }}.

In order to add the plugin with some packer settings: { name='', packer = { branch="main" }}.

In order to remove a plugin, just erase or comment it in the table at plugins.lua to avoid the exports to the installation module.

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