- Docker file for React Production in Azure Kubernetes
- nginx file which is suitable for React standalone in Azure Kubernetes
- nginx https -> http routing using nginx
Good article regarding Dockerizing React App: https://dev.to/karanpratapsingh/dockerize-your-react-app-4j2e
- In order to make it suitable for RedShift you need to update dockerfile and Deployment:
runAsNonRoot: true
- Dockerfile USER. Better explained here: https://juffalow.com/blog/javascript/non-root-containers-in-kubernetes
Interesting Sites:
- [] in the end means "to run only once in the very beginning"
- [user] to raise every time when property "user" changes.
- without declaring second parameter in useEffect - runs after any changes (possibly mupliple runs)
Use Custom Hooks Example
UseFetch Custom Hook (Call to Github) Example
- good article written by Dan Abramov could be found here: https://overreacted.io/making-setinterval-declarative-with-react-hooks/
useContext CreateContext Example
Simple useContext + Custom Hook for Context
UseReducer with Context, Redux Pattern
UseFetch + UseReducer + UseContext, Redux Pattern
UseReducer, combineReducers, ContextAPI
UseReducer, combineReducers, ContextAPI, SCSS
IN PROGRESS: env, Login with Okta