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Setting up VR Mode

Installing Carla

Follow Carla's own installation guide here for Linux and here for Windows. This will also provide the information to build Unreal Engine 4.26 which is required to build Carla.

Setting up Carla for VR mode

Assuming Carla is installed and runnable (you can test this with make launch) we can begin the process for configuring Carla to work in VR!

Windows users can skip section III below, as it is for configuring the opengl mode for Linux rendering

I. Prerequisites

We'll need SteamVR to be installed and working with your VR headset. For both Linux & Windows this application should be installable through the native Steam application.

For the remainder of my guides I used a HTC Vive Pro Eye headset with Valve's lighthouse trackers. Note that for this study we only need one tracker since this is primarily a seated VR experience and we won't be needing all 360° of motion.

This setup makes my SteamVR overlay look like this:


Additionally, note that for the best experience in this driving simulator we will be using the Standing Only environment setup for the SteamVR play area. This should be calibrated each time by right clicking the pop-up indicator from above and selecting "Run Room Setup" for the standing-only mode you'll need calibrate two main features:

  1. Place the headset in the forward-facing direction of your posture, this will define the default forward orientation.
  2. Place the headset on a stable surface off the ground and measure its relative position from the ground to get a sense of scale.

With the SteamVR seated mode we should be ready to go to the next step.

II. UE4 SteamVR plugin

In order for SteamVR to communicate with Unreal Engine, we'll need to use Valve's SteamVR plugins.

  • On Linux download the latest version (as of writing this guide is for UE4.23) and place the unzipped folder in carla/Unreal/CarlaUE4/Plugins/ as explained in the section I of Valve's README
  • On Windows you can install SteamVR from within the UE4 Marketplace, again the latest version is advised.

As mentioned before, the current latest available version of SteamVR is for UE4.23 but our installation is for UE4.26. This is fine and will still function for our purposes, we'll simply have a skippable warning upon launching the editor. It will look something like this, just click Yes SteamVRWarning

III. Configuring opengl rendering

*Note this is not required if you're on Windows. The Windows version of Carla/UE4 works with Vulkan and DX11/12

Unfortunately, we've had little success getting Vulkan VR support on Linux with UE4. Specifically due to this bug. There are supposedly workarounds but we haven't tested them. Note that if you don't want to use VR then using Vulkan on Linux is perfectly fine.

Here's some information provided by Carla on Vulkan vs OpenGL rendering options

In the Release version of Carla, they provide an executable which can toggle opengl mode with a simple flag ./ -opengl.

However, since we want to build Carla from source we'll need do the following:

  1. In carla/Util/BuildTools/ on line 29 we'll want to change RHI="-vulkan" to RHI="-opengl" to default to opengl mode. Source
    1. You should be able make launch now and the opengl mode should be applied by default
      1. If you are getting a Trying to force OpenGL RHI but the project does not have it in TargetedRHIs list. error then you should look at this guide to reenable OpenGL.
  2. You should now be able to simply make launch and have a working OpenGL backend renderer. There may be additional shader/texture compilation required after booting into the editor for the first time.

Also note that since openGL is technically deprecated you'll get another harmless warning when launching the editor, again you can just click Ok:


Running Carla in VR mode

With all the installations done, we can move on to actually using Carla+UE4 with VR mode. These are the instructions to run it from scratch.

  1. Plug in VR headset to your computer.
    1. Make sure the headset is supported by UE4 (Officially supported: Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, HTC Vive, PSVR, Google VR, Windows Mixed Reality, etc.). More info can be found in the UE4 documentation.
  2. Start SteamVR and make sure the headset is detected and active
  3. After running make launch and loading the editor, you should be able to see this dropdown menu:
Dropdown Menu Resulting Play Button
UE4DropDown UE4DropDown
  1. From here we can compile a binary of Carla with VR support. To do so, run make package and locate the resulting executable in:
    1. Linux: carla/Dist/CARLA_Shipping_*/LinuxNoEditor/
    2. Windows: carla\Build\UE4Carla\0.9.13-*\WindowsNoEditor\CarlaUE4.exe
  2. Then run the binary with VR mode enabled with -vr flags:
    1. Linux: ./ -vr (from any terminal)
    2. Windows: CarlaUE4.exe -vr (from the x64 Visual C++ Toolset command prompt)

More like this

If you liked this style of guide and are fine with using UE4 blueprints before diving straight into C++, we recommend taking a look at these older guides published for an earlier version of this project. (Most of the guide information is on setting up a VR ego-vehicle using blueprints and is still accurate)

Other Tips


Note that in some cases the VR mode under Linux and OpenGL takes a big performance hit and may have poor frametimes even with powerful GPU's.

To get a much smoother experience you can run Carla with the flag -quality-level=Low instead of the default -quality-level=Epic. More information can be found in the Carla Rendering Documentation.

For our later purposes, we'd want to keep the full rendering distance which is provided in the Epic quality but not Low. But for improved performance we may want to tone down the graphical fidelity like Low, so we'll need to modify some source code and recompile the project.

You can modify the C++ file at carla/Unreal/CarlaUE4/Plugins/Carla/Source/Carla/Settings/CarlaSettingsDelegate.cpp on line 99 with:

case EQualityLevel::Low:
   // execute tweaks for quality
   // iterate all directional lights, deactivate shadows
   SetAllLights(InWorld, CarlaSettings->LowLightFadeDistance, false, true);
   // Set all the roads the low quality materials
   SetAllRoads(InWorld, CarlaSettings->LowRoadPieceMeshMaxDrawDistance, CarlaSettings->LowRoadMaterials);
   // Set all actors with static meshes a max distance configured in the
   // global settings for the low quality
   SetAllActorsDrawDistance(InWorld, CarlaSettings->LowStaticMeshMaxDrawDistance);
   // Disable all post process volumes
   SetPostProcessEffectsEnabled(InWorld, false);

Simply change the SetAllActorsDrawDistance to match the case for Epic quality:

   // Set all actors with static meshes a max distance configured in the
   // global settings for the low quality
   SetAllActorsDrawDistance(InWorld, 0); // Full render distance

Now, recompiling the project with make package will have a Low quality preset with full rendering distance.