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Installation from source


Currently only supports Linux. Windows and MacOS support is planned. We need access to a full Ethereum node operating on the network matching the StarkNet network you wish to run. Currently this is either Goerli or Mainnet.

⚠️ If using Infura as an L1 provider, you will need access to their archive node facilities. This is because pathfinder requires access to the full log history.

Before you start, make sure your system is up to date with Curl and Git available:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install curl git

Install Rust

pathfinder requires Rust version 1.64 or later. The easiest way to install Rust is by following the official instructions.

If you already have Rust installed, verify the version:

cargo --version # must be 1.64 or higher

To update your Rust version, use the rustup tool that came with the official instructions:

rustup update

Install Python

pathfinder requires Python version 3.8 (in particular, cairo-lang 0.10.2a0 seems incompatible with Python 3.10).

sudo apt install python3 python3-venv python3-dev

Verify the python version. Some Linux distributions only supply an outdated python version, in which case you will need to lookup a guide for your distribution.

python3 --version # must be 3.8

Install build dependencies

pathfinder compilation need additional libraries to be installed (C compiler, linker, other deps)

sudo apt install build-essential libgmp-dev pkg-config libssl-dev

Clone pathfinder

Checkout the latest pathfinder release by cloning this repo and checking out the latest version tag. Take care not to be on our main branch as we do actively develop in it.

The remainder of the installation documentation assumes you are in the checkout directory.

Python setup

Create a python virtual environment in the py folder.

# Enter the `<repo>/py` directory
cd py
# Create the virtual environment and activate it
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Next install the python tooling and dependencies

PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=true pip install --upgrade pip
PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=true pip install -e .[dev]

Finally, run our python tests to make sure you were succesful.

# This should run the tests (and they should pass).

Compiling pathfinder

You should now be able to compile pathfinder by running (from within the pathfinder repo):

cargo build --release --bin pathfinder

Updating pathfinder

Updating a pathfinder node from source is fairly straight forward and is a simpler variant of the installation and compilation described above.

pathfinder repository

Start by updating the pathfinder repository to the desired version. From within your pathfinder folder:

git fetch
git checkout <version-tag>

where <version-tag> is the desired pathfinder version. To display a list of all available versions, run

git tag

Python dependencies

Next, update the python dependencies. First enable your python virtual environment (if you are using one). For our example installation this would be:

source ./py/.venv/bin/activate

and then update:

PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=true pip install -e py/.[dev]

Build and run pathfinder

Re-compile pathfinder:

cargo build --release --bin pathfinder

and you should now be able to run your pathfinder node as described in the next section.

Running the node

Ensure you have activated the python virtual environment you created in the python setup step. For the pathfinder environment this is done by running:

source py/.venv/bin/activate

If you are already in another virtual environment, you can exit it by running deactivate and then activating the pathfinder one.

This step is always required when running pathfinder.

Finally, you can start the node:

cargo run --release --bin pathfinder -- <pathfinder options>

Note the extra "--" which separate the Rust cargo command options from the options for our node. For more information on these options see the Configuration section.

It may take a while to first compile the node on the first invocation if you didn't do the compilation step.

pathfinder runs relative to the current directory. This means things like the database will be created and searched for within the current directory.