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Maintenance Guide

Sprint Management

For Git sprint management we follow the Git Flow model, and use Master branch for stable, and development branch for staging. We use the sprint number as the application version.

Start of Sprint

  1. Pull the code from master into development branch
  2. In change the version to 0.{sprint number}.0
  3. Open a pull request from development to master with title Sprint {sprint number}

End of Sprint

  1. Merge the pull request to master
  2. Run a build on Jenkins and ensure that all the change build properly for demo
  3. Start a new sprint

Code Maintenance

There are five tools used to help maintain quality code.

Its good to run these tools at least once a sprint to look for code smells and potential issues.

  • CodeNarc for Groovy and Grails static analysis
  • FindBug for more analysis of the compiled Groovy code and templates
  • ESLint for static analysis of JavaScript
  • Remark Lint for analysis of Markdown documentation
  • CSSComb for automatic formatting of style sheets

Installing the tools

  • CodeNarc is bundled with the grails application, nothing needed here
  • Findbugs can be downloaded here
  • One command to install the rest npm install

Running CodeNarc

  1. open a terminal in the imods project folder
  2. run grails codenarc
  3. open the generated static-analysis.html file
  4. resolve as many errors as possible

Running FindBug

  1. open a terminal in the imods project folder
  2. run grails war
  3. open findbug application
  4. file > load
  5. open target/imod.war
  6. wait 5 minutes for it to process
  7. filter by package imod
  8. resolve as many errors as possible

Running ESLint and Remark Lint

  1. open a terminal in the imods project folder
  2. run npm test
  3. errors will be displayed in the terminal
  4. resolve as many errors as possible

Running CSScomb

  1. open a terminal in the imods project folder
  2. run npm run comb
  3. code will be auto formatted, commit the updated code

Library Maintenance

There are three main package managers that are used in the project.

  • Gant/Maven Manages Groovy on Rails packages
  • Bower Manages UI libraries
  • NPM manages UI testing libraries

Checking for Grails package updates

  1. open a terminal in the imods project folder
  2. run grails list-plugin-updates
  3. Look for plugins updates that are not labeled snapshot
  4. Look up any plugins that meet the above on the grails plugin site
  5. Check for any breaking changes in the change logs
  6. Update the version to the latest stable version in the /grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy file

Checking for Bower package updates

  1. open a terminal in the imods project folder
  2. run bower list
  3. Update the version number in bower.json

Checking for NPM package updates

  1. open a terminal in the imods project folder
  2. run npm update --save-dev
  3. retest code with npm test

Server Maintenance

Update the Test/Demo Server

  1. SSH into the server
  2. run sudo apt-get update
  3. run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Recover from Test/Demo Server Crash

  1. SSH into the server
  2. Run sudo reboot
  3. Wait a few minutes
  4. SSH into the server again
  5. Run sudo /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start
  6. Run sudo /opt/apache-tomcat-{version}/bin/

Recover from Travis CI dependency lock

Sometimes when dependencies get updated Travis CI say all builds fail.

  1. Check the logs to make sure it is not a code mistake
  2. Goto the Travis CI website
  3. Login with Github credentials
  4. Click Settings > Caches
  5. Click Delete all repository caches

Done! the next Travis CI build will be a bit slow, but will not hang on installing dependencies.

Update Apache Tomcat on Demo

  1. SSH into the server
  2. Goto /opt
  3. Run sudo /opt/apache-tomcat-{old version}/bin/
  4. Open the Apache Tomcat site
  5. Get the latest code binary version sudo wget http://link-from-site.tar.gz
  6. Unzip file sudo tar -zxvf apache-tomcat-version.tar.gz
  7. Copy the Tomcat Manager configuration from the old Tomcat config file to the new
  8. In bin/ copy the Java version and Java Opts from the old tomcat to the new
  9. Run sudo /opt/apache-tomcat-{new version}/bin/

Update Node JS on Demo

  1. SSH into the server
  2. Goto /opt
  3. Open the Node JS downloads page
  4. Get the latest 32bit binary sudo wget {link from site}.tar.gz
  5. Unzip the file sudo tar -zxvf {downloaded file}.tar.gz
  6. cd into the new version
  7. run sudo ./bin/npm install -g bower
  8. update the path to Node JS in each of the Jenkins project configurations

Important Commands

  1. Restart apache 2 server - sudo service apache2 reload
  2. Start Tomcte server - sudo /opt/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.63/bin/
  3. Restart Jenkins - sudo /etc/init.d/jenkins restart
  4. Restart Postgres - sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
  5. Run postgres in debug mode - sudo -u postgres -i /usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin/postgres -d 3 -D /var/lib/postgresql/8.4/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf
  6. Run tomcat in debug mode - sudo /opt/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.63/bin run
  7. List all listening ports - sudo netstat -plnt

System Migration / Setup

  1. Configure Services

    i. Java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install default-jre sudo apt-get install default-jdk (Optional) sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

    Set environment variable JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle" source /etc/environment

    ii. Postgres

    sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib phppgadmin

    -Create imods user sudo -u postgres psql --command "CREATE USER imod WITH PASSWORD 'imod4u'"

    -Create imod db sudo -u postgres createdb --owner imod imod-test sudo -u postgres createdb --owner imod imod-demo

    iii. Grails

    -if zip and unzip not installed (sudo apt-get install zip, sudo apt-get install unzip) unzip grails sdk into export GRAILS_HOME=/opt/grails-2.4.3 export GRAILS_HOME=/opt/grails-2.4.3 export PATH=$GRAILS_HOME/bin:$PATH

    iv. Jenkins -add the repository key to the system. wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

    -append the Debian package repository address to the server's sources.list binary/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install jenkins

    v. Node JS sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nodejs sudo apt-get install npm

    vi. Apache tomcat. Download Apache tomcat 7.0.63 (Or preferred version) and extract in /opt directory

  2. Static data Migration.

    i. Copy all the files from /opt/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.63/webapps$ of old server to same folder in new server ii. Copy all the files from /var/www/html$ of old server to same folder of new server.