This document contains release notes for the AppsFlyer iOS SDK
Released on March 18, 2019
API for resolving OneLinks wrapped with another Universal Link- Bug fixes and maintenance
Released on May 14, 2019
- Added new API for handling success or failure of tracking app launch(
-[AppsFlyerTracker trackAppLaunchWithCompletionHandler];
- Added new API for handling success or failure of tracking in-app events(
-[AppsFlyerTracker trackEventWithEventName:eventValues:completionHandler:];
- Bug fixes and maintenance
Released on September 12, 2019
- Updated iOS SDK to v4.10.4 - Update for iOS 13 push token retrieval needed for Uninstall Measurement
- Bug fixes and maintenance
- Prevent rare crash in
-[AppsFlyerKeychainWrapper initWithIdentifier:withAppId:]
- Added ability to set
- Bug fixes and maintenance