5.0.0-M8 (2016-12-07)
Issues with no labels:
- Investigate what prevent us from using docker swarm mode instead of separate docker swarm #1288
- False positive warn about old CLI #1281
- Script to simulate adding / removing additional nodes #1276
- Codenvy in docker: Enable postgresql logs #1250
- SSH connection to aws codecommit fail #1244
- How to build a project using Ant? #1233
- "https://www.codenvy.io" does not open. #1232
- Codenvy in Docker: Workspace agents are not stopped during codenvy stop or restart #1226
- Persistent Container Online #1220
- Unlimited JCE Config? #1209
- HTTPS on Docker with Apache Proxy? #1207
- Confusion regarding how to store workspace definition in github #1206
- Error response from docker API, status: 500: failed to allocate vxlan id: no bit available #1204
- Allow to suspend API server start in development mode #1151
- Codenvy in container doesn't work after moving CLI into container #1148
- Macro expansion to provide URL for preview and etc. is not happening in some circumstances #1133
- Touch support for Web-IDE #1129
- cannot use codenvy.sh via symlink #1118
- Number of created workspaces limit is ignored when starting new workspaces from config #1112
- Do user logout after user removal event. #1109
- How to I disable the editor giving one more or one less character than I type? #1105
- Can't put MachineNode into 'scheduled for maintenance' mode (regression) #1089
- Alex's must have issues for Checonf #1088
- Workspace is indicated as stopped but is still running. #1082
- Make networking configuration between bridge vs. overlay configurable #1078
- Merge hackathon branch into master #1069
- Python Modules / Libraries not working? #1056
- CLI codenvy upgrade command #1033
- Make network driver in docker environment implementation configurable #1028
- Cannot clone a project after consuming a factory in Vagrant environment #1005
- Runtime exception when factory failing to import unavailable project #668
- Change loglevel of "Failed to download recipe for machine ws-machine. Recipe url" to WARNING and print HTTP status code #657
- Codenvy beta.codenvy.com error: o.e.c.a.c.u.CompositeLineConsumer - An error occurred while writing line to the line consumer org.eclipse.che.api.core.util.FileLineConsumer #587
- move to puppet 4.x #434
- Not all editor tabs are closed after stopping workspace (regression) #1270
- Puppet should set Password Expires for the
user tonever
explicitly #1241 - Codenvy in Docker: Workspace delete fail #1227
- Performance testing of workspace snapshotting opperation #1174
- "Installation Manager server error" in Admin Dashboard #1168
- DockerConnector exception "Could not kill running container" #1164
- MachineBackupManager Process failed. Exit code 255 #1163
- all docker image names and versions must be used from images manifests for particular version #1156
- Running process is not terminated after closing in the console #1145
- Avoid of concurrent snapshots on same node. #1127
- Remove unnecessary screens from Admin dashboard #1091
- Manage empty states in IDE #1086
- Proxy configuration broke link on ws-agent API #1076
- Viewing HTML Files #1060
- System errors page styling update #1052
- Maintenance page's styling update #1051
- Error when trying to save factory after renaming #1047
- Failed WebSocket connections show up in the console logs as a warning #987
- Infinite loop while creating a workspace from a factory #977
- Allow users with "manageCodenvy" permission to stop workspace and get information about workspace #921
- Delete unnecessary stack json file #751
- Sometimes recently imported maven project may lose project type #707
- Workspace is not deleted after finishing selenium test #593
Pull requests merged:
- Prepare to ship Codenvy on-prem 5.0.0-M8 #1299 (dmytro-ndp)
- RELEASE: set tag versions #1298 (riuvshin)
- Change identifier for import project channel #1293 (RomanNikitenko)
- CODENVY-1223: Rename License in wsmaster/codenvy-hosted-api-license to SystemLicense #1291 (tolusha)
- Add Workspace settings service #1290 (mkuznyetsov)
- single template for compose files #1289 (riuvshin)
- add depends_on for rsyslog, sync compose files #1286 (riuvshin)
- ENT-23: Add codenvy license accepts and reverts into the audit log #1284 (tolusha)
- Codenvy 1266 packaging Docs into war #1283 (vkuznyetsov)
- introduce logs for registry #1272 (riuvshin)
- move pg logs to pg data folder #1269 (riuvshin)
- Support Codenvy license activation #1268 (tolusha)
- fix names, sync compose files #1265 (riuvshin)
- rework pg loggin due to issues on linux #1264 (riuvshin)
- enable postgre logs #1261 (riuvshin)
- use custom functions to override CHE base CLI #1255 (benoitf)
- fix cli.log flushing #1254 (riuvshin)
- Update codenvy cli to use more che variables before moving code to che-base cli #1246 (benoitf)
- Fix maven warnings #1245 (garagatyi)
- use codenvy.env from dev repo in dev mode #1243 (riuvshin)
- Auto snapshots configurability #1242 (riuvshin)
- Include synthetic id into equals & hashcode #1240 (evoevodin)
- add possibility to collect swarm logs with syslog #1239 (riuvshin)
- Remove ddl schema generation from persistence.xml #1238 (evoevodin)
- Remove more code from specific codenvy cli and use common cli #1237 (benoitf)
- ENTERPRISE-25: improve license message service #1236 (olexii4)
- remove unnecessary docker opts #1234 (riuvshin)
- add registry configuration #1231 (riuvshin)
- gracefully stop ws master with SIGTERM, fix typos, add stop timeout 3min #1228 (riuvshin)
- CHE-3065 Add threads uncaught exceptions writer #1225 (mshaposhnik)
- WIP: CLI Refactoring - Consolidate codenvy/init + puppet containers #1221 (TylerJewell)
- print compose logs to console in dev mode, add license mount, sync conf #1218 (riuvshin)
- Start to make some common files for codenvy/cli and eclipse/che-cli #1217 (benoitf)
- CODENVY-1051 apply new styles in site pages #1216 (vkuznyetsov)
- add missing props, allow connect to postgres from host in dev mode #1214 (riuvshin)
- fix haproxy issues, add rsyslog container to collect logs properly #1208 (riuvshin)
- Json RPC and websocket architecture reorganization #1203 (dkuleshov)
- CHE-2157: Che Java Test Runner Plugin #1202 (vparfonov)
- Fix url of project creation API in integration tests of IM CLI #1201 (dmytro-ndp)
- Syntax fixups for uprgade #1199 (mshaposhnik)
- Prevent adding user beyond the Codenvy license #1197 (dmytro-ndp)
- Cleanup dockerfiles #1196 (benoitf)
- Fix dev mode and improve cli code #1195 (riuvshin)
- WIP: CLI Refactoring #1191 (TylerJewell)
- use tags for socat and puppet images #1188 (riuvshin)
- Change limitations of Codenvy on-prem license #1187 (dmytro-ndp)
- (#1168) Add che.api property to the installation manager server config #1185 (dmytro-ndp)
- CLI Improvements #1184 (TylerJewell)
- Fix CLI to append output instead of overwrite #1182 (TylerJewell)
- CODENVY-657: Do not log SourceNotFoundException #1181 (vinokurig)
- add possibility to set JPDA_SUSPEND via ENV var #1180 (riuvshin)
- add missing props #1179 (riuvshin)
- fix license accept, remove cli logs from instance folder #1175 (riuvshin)
- remove server.xml because it managed by puppet #1172 (riuvshin)
- Add Codenvy License Acceptance to Docker Installer #1170 (TylerJewell)
- CHE-2365: Add deserializer for 'command' field ComposeServiceImpl. #1167 (AndrienkoAleksandr)
- Codenvy-1127 docker instance implementation that that limits number of simultaneous container commits on the same node. #1166 (mshaposhnik)
- Rework database schema loading #1161 (evoevodin)
- Fix checking of existence last 'setPermissions' action before permissions changing #1160 (sleshchenko)
- Several compose files #1158 (riuvshin)
- use images names and versions from manifest file for particular version #1157 (riuvshin)
- INFRA-14: Limit number of pids #1152 (tolusha)
- Prototype of upgrade method #1147 (mshaposhnik)
- fix cli restart #1143 (riuvshin)
- fix backup and restore commands #1142 (riuvshin)
- Move CLI Into a Container #1140 (TylerJewell)
- Fix integration test of install Codenvy on-prem AIO and update its config #1139 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add small fixes #1138 (garagatyi)
- Minor changes of installation manager #1135 (dmytro-ndp)
- Hackathon merge #1132 (garagatyi)
- Reset clientid and clientsecret for all oauth privders #1131 (skabashnyuk)
- Docker version check #1130 (mshaposhnik)
- CODENVY-1112: Add workspces number limit check, when starting workspace from config #1128 (vinokurig)
- Fix URL that produce Project API #1097 (vparfonov)
- Set up contribution mixins after IDE has been initialized #1189 (vzhukovskii)
- Allow users with manageCodenvy permission to stop/get info of any workspace #1165 (mkuznyetsov)
- Do user logout on user remove event. #1137 (skabashnyuk)
- Remove installation manager stuff from dashboard #1110 (ashumilova)
5.0.0-M7 (2016-11-10)
Issues with no labels:
- Do the dialogs have to be so tiny? #1107
- How to I get rid of this space-wasting thumbnail? #1104
- How to I get lines to wrap? #1103
- Are there plans for Help to provide documentation? #1102
- How do I get to see a markdown file rendered in the IDE? #1100
- Anyone managed to find the advertised PHP GAE stack? #1099
- Where is the Codenvy User Discussion Forum these days? #1098
- Codenvy in Docker: Fail to start a workspace on Windows #1093
- Real life data for codenvy/version #1083
- CLI logs are be rewritten on each run #1081
- Implement backup of named volume for windows, to get database data #1080
- Test behaviors of workspace performance if rsync agent fails #1079
- Can not ssh to gitlab.com #1071
- apt-get: unable to locate package (i.e. nano, tesseract-ocr) #1068
- Terminal Stops Responding After Extended Period of Inactivity #1065
- Hidden folders #1062
- Replace a property name with a new one #1058
- Generic GWT on Codenvy? #1057
- The factories from eclipse getting-started page still have links on beta.codenvy.com #1048
- Viewing all current build issues/errors? #1046
- Configure Source Directories in Complex Projects #1045
- Finding usages across multiple source directories #1036
- Create friendly message when trying to add users beyond license capacity #1035
- Codenvy destroy doesn't work on linux #1029
- Codenvy Fails to start Factory. #1014
- Highlight in file .html.erb #1007
- Can you do pair programming via Internet in Codenvy #1001
- Unrecognized parameter advertise network interface #1000
- There is no way to make persistent changes to machine #998
- "No workspace selected. Unable to open IDE" while loading a factory #985
- Create a tool to import CC data from codenvy.com to codenvy.io #960
- Investigate how to provide personal team #958
- Snapshot improvements #940
- Add option to import Codenvy properties from file to "codenvy config" IM CLI command #929
- Does snapshotting actually save changes made (eg new folders in root etc) on beta.codenvy? #918
- Add paging to PermissionsService#getUsersPermissions rest method #863
- beta: workspace never start #842
- How do you find your public ip of your codenvy machine? #841
- Recipe for creating new machine is not present #834
- Switching editor tabs should move the highlight in the project explorer #824
- Unexpected errors in the Ws-machine console after consuming Sourcegraph factory #810
- Cannot create workspace from the JAVA-MYSQL stack #806
- Implement workspace cap that prevents users from running more than X workspaces #792
- upload file option is disabled #744
- Customizing stacks #739
- Conduct load testing of Codenvy with new multi-machine environments #729
- I were wondering what's the reason for Codenvy loading the external POM file forever? #721
- assembly descriptor contains a *nix-specific root-relative-reference (starting with slash) / (Windows build issues) #710
- Create a tool to import users from codenvy.com to codenvy.io #696
- Can't create target on beta.codenvy.com #646
- No logs displayed when starting a workspace from a factory #612
- Missing project types in Project Configuration wizard #591
- Empty logs and no error message while it is impossible to start from a factory #590
- "dot" files not visible in project explorer tree #583
- codenvy push to openshift through ssh #573
- Change path to Installation Manager Server #532
- Invite user with email address and factory URL #529
- Improve pre-flight check to verify all necessary ports are available #480
- Codenvy and AWS ECR #444
- Evolutionary Improvements to Codenvy Installation #442
- Provide CI Job to trigger in case of some problems with SAAS #433
- Write a codenvy onprem runbook #414
- Show Codenvy is production grade #412
- Release and ship Codenvy 5.0.0-M7 #1125
- Can not create a workspace snapshot #1114
- Wrong behavior when initialize git repository (regression) #1094
- Cannot configure a project after consuming factoty (regression) #1092
- development mode on linux work wrong, cli restart work incorrect #1070
- crossplatform backup / restore commands #1067
- 5.0.0-M7 Milestone Plan #1055
- Constantly re-reading project structure #1037
- Codenvy start in container doesn't work if development mode is on and codenvy.sh is called from outside of codenvy repo #1030
- Change way how we configure docker registries #1027
- Clarify messages in UD for snapshotting #936
- Remove extra workspace running notification. #934
- Stopped IDE should provide clear state and options to the user #932
- The toast loader is not showed when workspace is stopped (regression) #901
- Codenvy on-prem bootstrap scripts fails when proxy URL has trailing slash at the end #886
- Describe and test SASL configuration of LDAP connection #813
- SSH key never gets injected into workspace machine #804
- Stacks recipe are not displayed in the list of workspaces #752
- Describe configuration changes related to "Consolidated database" #616
- Codenvy beta.codenvy.com error: o.e.c.a.c.n.EventService - null #602
Pull requests merged:
- Minor fixes of Installation Manager CLI and bootstrap script. #1126 (dmytro-ndp)
- Prepare default codenvy properties to release Codenvy on-prem 5.0.0-M7 #1121 (dmytro-ndp)
- fix Jenkins integration #1120 (evidolob)
- Replace api.enpoint on che.api in IM integration tests #1117 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix ClassCastException during starting workspace from config #1111 (sleshchenko)
- Work around trailing slash in proxy url and dosker registry mirror url #1095 (dmytro-ndp)
- Changes according to git refactoring #1090 (vinokurig)
- Change limitations of Codenvy on-prem license #1085 (dmytro-ndp)
- Don't allow to update the workspace while manager checks it's resourc… #1075 (evoevodin)
- Restore properties names #1072 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-1058 update property name #1059 (vkuznyetsov)
- Exdent LdapSynchronizer functionality #1044 (evoevodin)
- CHE-1787: Remove workspace id from websocket connection path to master #1043 (vinokurig)
- Fix address of Staging Update Server to updater.codenvy-stg.com #1034 (dmytro-ndp)
- Create default codenvy properties for Codenvy on-prem 5.0.0-M6 #1031 (dmytro-ndp)
- #2459 add maven plugin to generate GWT dyna provider implementation #1024 (evidolob)
- Add LS, JSON and C# Plugins to Codenvy #1022 (vparfonov)
- CODENVY-792: Add workspace cap limit #969 (vinokurig)
- CODENVY-863 Add pagging to PermissionService#getUsersPermissions #963 (sleshchenko)
- CODENVY-602 Avoid NPE when ending sessions of stopped workspaces #1026 (mkuznyetsov)
- CHE-2015 Rename configuration properties #902 (mkuznyetsov)
5.0.0-M6 (2016-10-26)
Issues with no labels:
- In LDAP mode, It is unable to login after wrong credentials was entered once. #1015
- Can't deploy to GAE #1010
- Failed to execute goal com.soebes.maven.plugins:iterator-maven-plugin:0.4:iterator (compile-terminal) on project codenvy-websocket-terminal #1008
- beta.codenvy.com: Import project from Google Cloud Platform Version control System #988
- RPM Dependency Error #966
- [Dump] Change http to https, is not working #965
- Disable registration #964
- Create selenium test for covering the 'Ws-agent health' feature #953
- After creating a new machine in the machine perspective this one is absent in project perspective #950
- Wrong behavior after create workspace from Node.js template (SaaS Cloud) #944
- Java content assist keyboard shortcut does not work in Codenvy Beta #939
- Study: Active Directory Large group support #924
- Building workspace from custom recipe results in "Docker image build failed" #919
- How do I run Java Swing GUI programs on Codenvy #893
- beta.codenvy.com Share function does not work #881
- Enhancement request: Command to unlink Codenvy from Google #864
- Change machine expand/collapse icon on runtime page #773
- Study how to use backup restored from different domain #695
- beta.codenvy.com can't create an worksapce #623
- Error of automatic update of IM CLI: 'Could not generate DH keypair' #620
- Prevent workspace starting if the user achieved their account RAM limit #549
- Account and resource management in dashboard #548
- [dashboard] Manage members inside of the organization #545
- [dashboard] Organization Management #544
- Display account resources info on dashboard page #543
- Integration with customers ldap #398
- Release and ship Codenvy 5.0.0-M6 #1023
- Dashboard doesn't display nag message about the illegal usage of Codenvy on-prem #1009
- It is difficult to login in Codenvy with username and password if it contains upper case symbol #992
- Error of setting multi-line codenvy property by using Installation Manager #982
- Error pushing to GitHub origin repo #968
- 5.0.0-M6 Milestone Plan #947
- The editor is not updated after git checkout branch #946
- Workspace run doesn't work properly in all cases #935
- Stop the workspace when a snapshot is executed #933
- UI does not accurately represent workspace snapshot state #931
- Correctly handle absence of "eth0" for on-prem install #922
- Sourcegraph sample from Che getting started page broken (regression) #915
- After add a project Pull request panel is duplicated #910
- After consuming a factory with a project the pull request plugin becomes broken #908
- Cannot perform pull request from just created branch #906
- LS Plugin for JSON and C# - Codenvy #847
- Codenvy Installation manager backup fails on long file path in workspace #689
- Auditing Codenvy #581
- Wrong behavior after create pull request on 'Pull request' panel #546
- Wrong display status 'Pull request updated' on the 'Pull Request' panel. #518
- Wrong message in the 'Pull request' panel after create pull request #514
Pull requests merged:
- CHE-2524: Remove unnecessary cast in AuditManager #1021 (vinokurig)
- CODENVY-992 turn email, username to lowercase on login #1019 (vkuznyetsov)
- Add connections passivator to prevent badly bind connections to return to the pool; #1016 (mshaposhnik)
- Change addresses of test proxies for integration tests of IM CLI #1013 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix bootstrap script error of storing docker_cluster_advertise property #1012 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix error of setting multi-line codenvy property #1006 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add sorting workspaces by owner flag and by name in Audit report #1004 (vinokurig)
- Add missed setPermissions allowed actions for stack and recipe domains #1003 (sleshchenko)
- Fix codemirror version #999 (ashumilova)
- CODENVY-518: Fix wrong pull request update status #993 (vinokurig)
- Adapt tests to WorkspaceService#stop REST method #989 (evoevodin)
- IM Audit command and test improvements #986 (vinokurig)
- Fix TestAuditCommand test #983 (vinokurig)
- Remove not needed GWT modules declaration #981 (vparfonov)
- Use preRemove event instead of cascade remove for automatically removing of suborganizations #980 (sleshchenko)
- Merge integration test of login command into the test of audit command #979 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix usage of page #978 (sleshchenko)
- Add missed set permissions action to organization domain #975 (sleshchenko)
- Move DTO generation to the shared jar #974 (vparfonov)
- Fix ParseException in Audit tests #972 (vinokurig)
- CODENVY-906; fix plugin pullrequest presenter initialization #971 (mshaposhnik)
- CODENVY-581: Add Audit IM command #967 (vinokurig)
- Handle absence of 'eth0' network interface by bootstrap script #962 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add check for makes sure that last selected project not null #961 (akorneta)
- Sort parent pom.xml #956 (vinokurig)
- Fix backup command of IM CLI #955 (dmytro-ndp)
- Organization api fixes #954 (sleshchenko)
- CODENVY-924; add range based search by group during sync #952 (mshaposhnik)
- Fix unit tests of backup/restore functions of installation manager #945 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix backup command of IM CLI to work with long file names in workspaces #941 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix Codenvy project creation in integration tests of IM CLI #928 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix test and components related to cascade remove #927 (akorneta)
- Add default properties for Codenvy on-prem 5.0.0-M5 #925 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-2369: add a mechanism which checks state of the ws agent #817 (svor)
- CODENVY-581: Add Audit service #731 (vinokurig)
- CODENVY-518: Fix pull request created message #658 (vinokurig)
- CODENVY-1009: fix license legality check #1011 (ashumilova)
- CHE-2435: Add component for clean up workspace folder after remove workspace. #829 (AndrienkoAleksandr)
- che-1518: Fix creation zombie prosess when user closes terminal. #570 (AndrienkoAleksandr)
5.0.0-M5 (2016-10-07)
Issues with no labels:
- Installer/updater not working behind proxy #866
- Team Phase 1 : Billing with only RAM #862
- Invoices management API #861
- Payment management API #860
- Subscription management API #859
- Display user's invoices #858
- UI for managing credit card #857
- Ability to show and handle billing information in dashboard #856
- Can't load project types: Error #833
- help on ip address #641
- How can I get the URL to preview my own server? #526
- Account and resources management #409
- Release and ship Codenvy 5.0.0-M5 #926
- Can't load workspaces on nightly (regression) #912
- Search recipes does not work correctly (regression) #909
- Deleting of user removes all public recipes #905
- Snapshot creation sometimes fails #903
- Activity checker stops working after few hours #899
- 5.0.0-M5 Milestone Plan #889
- Project type 'php' is not found (Bitnami Codeigniter stack) #879
- Merge changes to support JIRA plugin improvements #873
- put nginx behind haproxy to eliminate requirement open 444 port #869
- Login to Codenvy through IM ClI failed #826
- Describe and test ssl configuration of ldap connection #815
- Describe Ldap connection pool configuration #814
- Describe different type of Ldap authentication (AD, Direct, Anonymous, Authenticated) #812
- Authentication using external ldap #793
- Workspace member sharing widget changes #775
- Fix listed grammar errors in dashboard #774
- After consuming a factory by Direct URL the terminal does not work #755
- System admin configuration in ldap syncronisation mode #732
- Can't create a factory from a workspace with SVN project #687
- Investigate Codenvy JIRA plugin on JIRA 7.1.9 #684
- Deny users to create organization with name that is url incompatible or reserved #674
- Rework members of organizations to fix build #673
- Rework organizational account from inheritance to delegating #672
- Add ability to get list of organizations where certain user is a member #669
- Allow per user overrides for all resource limit configs #582
- Implement API for organizations #552
- Ways to mount folder inside host machine to auxiliary machine? #499
- Support PostgreSQL DB when perform backup/restore of Codenvy onprem #465
- Implement Account API #419
- Implement Resources management API #410
- Prevent workspace starting if the system achieved resources limit. #408
- Implement Ldap Synchronizer for Users & Profiles #400
- Study how to integrate with customers ldap #399
Pull requests merged:
- Ldap docs improvement #923 (mshaposhnik)
- Fix recipe search query and add provider for recipe permission #917 (akorneta)
- Add integration test of login command of IM CLI #913 (dmytro-ndp)
- Minor fix of IM CLI #911 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-905: Fix recipe permission getByUserId query #907 (akorneta)
- CODENVY-879: add PHP plugins to the deps #904 (vparfonov)
- Small fixup of IM CLI #900 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix variables inside the Codenvy on-prem patch files to be enclosed i… #898 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-687: Сache svn credentials instead of storing them in credentials provider #895 (vinokurig)
- Fix ldap migration #894 (mshaposhnik)
- Fix bootstrap script to work around new admin name/password properties #891 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix unit tests of IM CLI #890 (dmytro-ndp)
- Documentation fixes #887 (mshaposhnik)
- (#865) display update info in the IM CLI install command output #884 (dmytro-ndp)
- More accurate ldap configuration properties validation #882 (mshaposhnik)
- Set the next version of postgresql driver #878 (akorneta)
- Installation manager fixup. #875 (dmytro-ndp)
- fix migration script #874 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-2214: NodeJs Debugger #872 (tolusha)
- CODENVY-774: fix grammar and typo errors #871 (ashumilova)
- (#845) prepare migration script and default properties to ship Codenvy on-prem 5.0.0-M4 #867 (dmytro-ndp)
- Resources API #854 (sleshchenko)
- CHE-1929. Inject machines links #828 (RomanNikitenko)
- Use go flags to compile binaries in static mode #896 (benoitf)
- CODENVY-582 Add ability to define free resources limit #877 (sleshchenko)
- CODENVY-775: renamings in workspace sharing widget #870 (ashumilova)
- CHE-1754: improve loader #868 (olexii4)
- Iframe injection #839 (olexii4)
5.0.0-M4 (2016-09-29)
Issues with no labels:
- Standard installation on a single server - Can't load project types: Error #853
- Unexpected rewriting content of stack after renaming #848
- Created stack by user is not listed in stack search result. #795
- Use correct groupId for site artifact #741
- Lots of errors like 'Failed to get logs from machine' #738
- [dashboard] Avatar alignment in share workspace list #735
- System resource management and production readiness #406
- 5.0.0-M4 Milestone Plan #888
- Inform admin about important changes in update command output after update of Codenvy on-prem #865
- NPE during start workspace from default environment #850
- Remove che-in-che stack from saas + on-prem offering #846
- Release and ship Codenvy 5.0.0-M4 #845
- Can not share workspace to another user #725
- Rewrite the stack and recipe search in accordance with permissions mechanism #686
Pull requests merged:
- CHE-2402: fix in accordance with changes in Che #855 (garagatyi)
- (#465) Support PostgreSQL when performing backup/restore #852 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix NPE on getting environment by name #851 (akorneta)
- CODENVY-398; Make it possible to perform integration with customers ldap #849 (mshaposhnik)
- CODENVY-741 rename group id for site #838 (vkuznyetsov)
- Organization API #807 (sleshchenko)
- CODENVY-408: Add System RAM check #501 (vinokurig)
5.0.0-M3 (2016-09-26)
Issues with no labels:
- Smooth and simple solution for offline workspace sync #832
- Copying json file of workspace does not work on the dashboard #808
- GAE appcfg Rollback #769
- Dashboard configuration of AWS ECR #743
- Add support for centrally setting multiple AWS ECR keys for image pulls #727
- Factory with direct URL feature does not work #655
- Test on a backup of the workspace falls #601
- Implement workspace cap that prevents users from creating more than X workspaces #579
- A user should be able to delete his account (with all associated resources) #386
- Sharing permission is not working #836
- Dashboard: bottom left button doesn't open a drop-down list. #835
- Editor not displayed to create a factory from template #821
- Impossible to upload factory configuration file #820
- Improve error message when creating a factory from a workspace without projects. #819
- Add support for AWS ECRs configuration properties in puppet #789
- 5.0.0-M3 Milestone Plan #780
- Page with settings of factory is not openning on dashboard #767
- Factories aren't opening from dashboard #766
- Describe configuration changes #762
- Enable support for multiple AWS ECR registries per install #742
- Re-implement IM CLI login command to use Codenyv 4.x on-prem instance as a remote by default #667
- Adapt new permission mechanism to ACL wildcard #666
- Add ability to configure registry for snapshots for each workspace #663
- Cascading removal of the stack and recipe permissions. #645
- Incomprehensible behavior for creation a factory from dashboard #637
- Dashboard doesn't check if usage of Codenvy on-prem is legal according to license terms #621
- Remove LDAP & Mongo DAO implementations #597
- JPA support of AdminUserService.getAll method #586
- Bypass usage of LDAP when getting number of Codenvy on-prem users in Installation Manager #584
- Remove ldap and mongo from puppet configuration #578
- Rework permissions mechanism for stacks and recipes #505
- Create 'resource reached error' table in dasboard #502
- Workspace data migration tool from MongoDB to PostgreSQL #475
- SSH data migration tool from MongoDB to PostgreSQL #474
- Snapshot data migration tool from Mongo to PostgreSQL #473
- Stack data migration tool from Mongo to PostgreSQL #472
- Recipe data migration tool from Mongo to PostgreSQL #471
- User preferences migration tool from Mongo to PostgreSQL #470
- User and profile data migration tool from LDAP to PostgreSQL #469
- Factory migration tool from MongoDB to PostgreSQL #468
- Permissions storage migration tool from Mongo to PostgreSQL #467
- Puppet config isn't updated properly in time of changing Codenvy hostname when there are machine nodes #456
- Integrate JPA components/tools with Codenvy infrastructure #396
- Create JPA based CommonPermissionsStorage #395
- WorkerDao implementation on jpa #394
- PreferenceDao implementation on JPA #393
- FactoryDao implementation on JPA #392
Pull requests merged:
- [dashboard] Fix name of the index file #831 (benoitf)
- Use also TypeScript for codenvy dashboard #830 (benoitf)
- (#456) fix Vagrantfile for RHEL OS #823 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add default properties for codenvy on-prem 5.0.0-M2 #818 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix integration tests #811 (evoevodin)
- (#456) fix update of hostname of Codenvy on-prem with machine nodes #805 (dmytro-ndp)
- Normalize ldap user identifier #794 (evoevodin)
- Ldap config cleanup #791 (skabashnyuk)
- CHE-2366: Fix volumes_from usage in compose environment #772 (garagatyi)
- CODENVY-742: Enable support for multiple AWS ECR registries per install #761 (mmorhun)
- CODENVY-601: fix WorkspaceFsBackupSchedulerTest #670 (mmorhun)
- CODENVY-826: Fix login to Codenvy through IM CLI #844 (akorneta)
- Grant all permissions for user who creates stack #840 (evoevodin)
- CODENVY-836: fix sharing workspace #837 (ashumilova)
- Factory fixes #827 (ashumilova)
- CODENVY-637 fix state of create factory button for UD #825 (olexii4)
- CODENVY-808 fix add build task for ngClipProvider source #822 (olexii4)
- CODENVY-502: check system ram limit channel to handle app notifications #809 (ashumilova)
- CODENVY-766: fix factory id and named links retrieval #786 (ashumilova)
- Dashboard bug fixes #771 (ashumilova)
- CHE-2206: add stacks item to navbar menu and add codemirror plugins #759 (ashumilova)
- CHE-1772: add dependency #758 (akurinnoy)
- CHE-1922 add paging for factory list #679 (olexii4)
5.0.0-M2 (2016-09-20)
Issues with no labels:
- Could anybody help in this. Getting error while running HelloWorld Che extension #756
- Adding node behind the proxy doesn't work for default host name #734
- beta.codenvy.com Share function does not work #700
- Add registry for snapshots option in workspace settings #662
- Add support in server side of AWS user credentials for ECR configured in dashboard #660
- Add form for adding AWS user credentials for ECR in the Codenvy dashboard #642
- Add ability to remove workspace snapshots from AWS ECR #632
- Codenvy beta.codenvy.com error: o.e.c.a.w.s.WorkspaceManager - Restore of workspace ??? failed. Another restore process of the same workspace is in progress #604
- Add support of multiple AWS accounts/ECR registries in docker client #524
- Add ability to save workspace snapshots in AWS ECR #515
- Database consolidation - consolidating LDAP, Mongo, Postgres into common repository #391
- Cannot run factory from SaaS Cloud on beta #785
- Factory accepting is broken in UD #784
- Sample for Compose stack must use only 3GB RAM #781
- Certain Factories are not working since upgrade to 5.0.0-M1 #779
Pull requests merged:
- Add permissions filter for LdapSynchronizerService #790 (evoevodin)
- Adapt downloaded factories #787 (evoevodin)
- Add FactoryModule binding #778 (akorneta)
- CHE-2286: fix type of object and dependency #777 (olexii4)
- Use new method to get amount of users in the CodenvyLicenseManager #776 (AndrienkoAleksandr)
- Provide contribution mixin before resource has been loaded #768 (vzhukovskii)
- fix IM CLI integration tests #765 (dmytro-ndp)
- fix installation manager integration tests #763 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add admin user creator for ldap #760 (mshaposhnik)
- Mark providerClass as connection config parameter #757 (skabashnyuk)
- CODENVY-734: Fix adding node behind the proxy for default host name #754 (AndrienkoAleksandr)
- (#730) fix migration of codenvy license #753 (dmytro-ndp)
- (#730) add patch before update 5.0.0-M1, fix integration tests #750 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fixed bug bind users #749 (skabashnyuk)
- Ldap parameters names structured in more logical way #748 (skabashnyuk)
- (#730) add codenvy on-prem 5.0.0-M1 properties #747 (dmytro-ndp)
- Consolidate databases #746 (akorneta)
- Add users/profiles synchronizer #745 (evoevodin)
- Make login to Codenvy on-prem instance by default from IM CLI #740 (dmytro-ndp)
5.0.0-M1 (2016-09-14)
Issues with no labels:
- Setup & persist workspace (i.e. nvm, firebase-tools, polymer-cli, etc) #723
- Create docs for common UI customizations for white label installs #704
- Create CLI command for per user overriding for all resource limit. #697
- Create organizations CLI #636
- Release and ship codenvy 5.0.0-M1 #730
- Can't create factories from minimal/full templates #714
- Deadlock in MailSenderTest #702
- Add support of Codenvy on-prem 5.x into the installation manager #701
- Doesn't display a list of existing factories #694
- Describe configuration changes #680
- Codenvy Milestone 5.0.0-M1 #664
- Gitlab integration #628
- Remove --systemAdminName and --systemAdminPassword options from the Codenvy bootstrap script #617
- Add needed infrastructure to use overlay network with Docker Swarm #606
- Move 'User Number Report' sender to Codenvy API Server #600
- Move Codenvy License management staff to Codenvy API Server #599
- Create a service that will delete a user from marketo #388
Pull requests merged:
- (#730) fix codenvy on-prem property 'machine_server_extra_volume' #737 (dmytro-ndp)
- (#617) remove redundant options --systemAdminName and --systemAdminPassword from bootstrap script #736 (dmytro-ndp)
- (#730) prepare to ship Codenvy 5.0.0-M1 #733 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add indexes to Workers, Recipe and Stack Permissions #726 (sleshchenko)
- (#600) Move Report Sender from Installation Manager server to WS master server #720 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-599: Support old Condenvy on-prem 4.x wher LicenseService is absent. #719 (AndrienkoAleksandr)
- Separate queries for getting permissions for specific user and public… #718 (mkuznyetsov)
- Add default properties for Codenvy on-prem 4.7.2 #717 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-2280 merge new environment model #716 (akorneta)
- (#701) fix regexp of recognition version to test #715 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-2331: fix in accordance with changes in Che #713 (garagatyi)
- CHE-2385: Adds all agents into dev machine #712 (tolusha)
- Codenvy 686 Rewrite the stack and recipe search in accordance with permissions mechanism #706 (mshaposhnik)
- CODENVY-499: Ways to mount folder inside host machine to auxiliary machine #728 (tolusha)
4.7.2 (2016-09-09)
4.7.1 (2016-09-08)
Issues with no labels:
- [Question] Auto-complete/Code-list #705
- [Java] NoClassDefFoundError #693
- Which ip address to Authorize while Connecting to Google Cloud SQL instance from Codenvy ? #690
- installation manager resource check doesn't work with substituted directory #676
- Cannot create a factory from Dashboard templates #654
- Cann #652
- Cann #651
- Any way to debug a plain java code in codenvy? #643
- Code intelligence and auto complete not working #611
- Paste from clipboard #527
- How do I/Am I able to connect to the Tomcat8 server? #516
- Limit Machine logs queue heap memory consumption #457
- Snapshotting mechanics #455
- Adapt Docker implementation of multi-machine environments to Codenvy/Saas #401
- Codenvy Milestone 4.7.1 #692
- Release and ship Codenvy onprem 4.7.1 #688
Pull requests merged:
- (#701) add support of Codenvy on-prem 5.x #708 (dmytro-ndp)
- Used version of dumbster with correct startup implementation #703 (skabashnyuk)
- Fix integration tests to work with Codenvy on-prem 5.x #699 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add codenvy properties for 5.0.0-M1-SNAPSHOT #698 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1823: Machine agent implementation #691 (tolusha)
- CODENVY-666: Adapt permissions to '*' user wildcard #685 (akorneta)
- Turn on post-flight installation check #683 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1818: change link to factory templates to new templates #682 (garagatyi)
- Enable support for old model objects adaptation #681 (evoevodin)
- CHE-1818: add new WS environment types for single machine #678 (garagatyi)
- CODENVY-645; add cascading removal for permissions; #675 (mshaposhnik)
- Installation manager minor fixup #671 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-599: Move LicenseService to Codenvy API server #665 (AndrienkoAleksandr)
- Migration to 4.7.0 #661 (dmytro-ndp)
- Removed ApiEndpointProvider to avoid duplication #649 (skabashnyuk)
- [WIP] CHE-1818: change workspace environment model #635 (garagatyi)
4.7.0 (2016-08-29)
Issues with no labels:
- Github push error #640
- Enhance GDB debugger to work with node.js #622
- Cannot ping api.nasa.gov at beta.codenvy.com #588
- [dashboard] Join profile and security tabs of the account view #577
- Make it possible to provide additional workspace mount #565
- Workspace refusing to start #557
- Good way to include Tomcat7 in my Java Stack #535
- Reorganize install.codenvycorp.com and start.codenvy.com servers #508
- inconsistent results on javascript #489
- Release and ship codenvy 4.7.0 #659
- Upgrade Codenvy on-prem to 4.6.2 broke workspaces and stacks #644
- Changing of hostname of multi-server Codenvy on-prem hung up #624
- Revamp list's header #613
- Impossible to restart any workspace on beta.codenvy.com #589
- Integration tests of installation manager failed because of lack of RHEL subscription #575
- NPE on some old accounts #564
- Container not cleaned up if it failed to start #562
- netstat deprecated and not available on some centos 7 distributions #560
- Make factory creation and edit screens identical #554
- Wrong behavior while creating new account #550
- Default admin name of zabbix is "Admin", not "admin" #547
- Issue with snapshots #541
- Rework MachineBackupManager multithreaded tests #537
- Codenvy Milestone 4.7.0 #525
- Installation manager doesn't store empty codenvy property #512
- Share a workspace: User not found message when sharing a workspace #509
- Factories with open file action do not get into the workspace #507
- Apply the new list component to factories list #494
- Add post-flight Codenvy on-prem installation check #479
- Can't checkout git repo in version 4.5.1 #476
- Support PostgreSQL DB when change admin password of Codenvy onprem by Installation Manager #466
- Add record ' <new-hostname>' into /etc/hosts when changing Codenvy on-prem hostname #464
- Update codenvy config and update of Codenvy version hung up on https://<hostname> address #459
- Support of AWS ECR dynamic passwords #453
- Docker machine impl doesn't stop and remove containers if script that restores projects FS fails #447
- Create a page to be displayed after user is deleted #389
Pull requests merged:
- Fix empty factories message #639 (ashumilova)
- improve list of factories for UD #633 (olexii4)
- (#624) don't change /etc/hosts when changing host_url of multi-server… #626 (dmytro-ndp)
- Remove change admin password capability from Installation Manager #625 (dmytro-ndp)
- Do not add null profile attributes #619 (mkuznyetsov)
- Update according to the IDE API changes #618 (azatsarynnyy)
- rework che-lists for UD #615 (olexii4)
- (#479) add post-flight Codenvy on-prem installation check #614 (dmytro-ndp)
- add Codenvy on-prem 4.7.0-RC2-SNAPSHOT default properites #610 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add Codenvy Admin User creator component #609 (akorneta)
- Add terminal artifact to dependency management section #608 (sleshchenko)
- CODENVY-597 Remove Mongo & LDAP DAO related code #605 (mkuznyetsov)
- CODENVY-505 Rework permissions mechanism for stacks, recipes and system perms. #603 (mshaposhnik)
- Add needed RPC components to the Guice binding #598 (vparfonov)
- [WIP] Move AdminUserDao functionality to UserDao #596 (mkuznyetsov)
- Fixes related to adding foreign reference on account in Workspace #595 (akorneta)
- CODENVY-537: Rework MachineBackupManager multithreaded tests #592 (mmorhun)
- Adapt Codenvy to changes in Che #571 (garagatyi)
- remove che-long-touch behaviour in navbar #648 (akurinnoy)
- update dashboard view #647 (akurinnoy)
- CHE-2158: simplify boxes' design for Dashboard page #630 (akurinnoy)
- CODENVY-613: add factories page description #627 (ashumilova)
- CHE-1848: fix title in toolbar in list-factories view. #594 (akurinnoy)
- Codenvy 507 #540 (olexii4)
- CHE-1770: New layout for forms in UD #533 (akurinnoy)
- CODENVY-509: add user not found message in share workspace widget #522 (ashumilova)
- Add redirect to account deleted page #504 (ashumilova)
- CODENVY-380 Create a page to be displayed after user is deleted #498 (vkuznyetsov)
- [WP] Codenvy source code structural refactoring #322 (skabashnyuk)
4.7.0-RC1 (2016-08-16)
Issues with no labels:
- Puppet doesn't change /etc/hosts #574
- Workspace Connection Error at creation #567
- API don't remove container when entrypoint is invalid and conatainer state is "Exited" #563
- Not able to connect with external database on 3306 port #534
- Populate a new Codenvy installation with some defaults #531
- Starting auxiliary machines inside workspace during the build #519
- Create a script for diagnostic and collect needed info for support in case of troubleshooting #413
- Create migration tool to migrate from LDAP/MongoDB to PostgreSQL #397
Pull requests merged:
- Fix codenvy wsagent groupId #585 (mkuznyetsov)
- (#575) fix unregistering the RHEL system in IM integration tests #576 (dmytro-ndp)
- (#547) fix zabbix admin name in default Codenvy on-prem properties #569 (dmytro-ndp)
- (#560) replace deprecated 'netstat' command by 'ss' #568 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix config of installation manager integration tests #559 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-550 Fix mail server groupId #558 (mkuznyetsov)
- Fix update.sh to use updater.nightly4.codenvy-stg.com #556 (dmytro-ndp)
- Installation manager #555 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add default properties and migration script of Codenvy on-prem 4.6.2 #553 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add integration tests for JPA DAOs on PostgreSQL database #551 (mkuznyetsov)
- Makes WorkspaceDAO to respect workers on get by user #542 (mshaposhnik)
4.6.2 (2016-08-09)
Issues with no labels:
Pull requests merged:
- refactoring of GitException #538 (vinokurig)
- (#459) fix requesting to Codenvy API throught HTTPS #536 (dmytro-ndp)
- Create WorkerDao implementation on jpa #523 (mshaposhnik)
- CODENVY-453: Add support of AWS ECR dynamic passwords #521 (mmorhun)
4.6.1 (2016-08-04)
Issues with no labels:
- FIND command will not scal #500
- Snapshot restore not happening #492
- PULL reports Failed to get private ssh key #491
- Check if workspace backup performed on docker service restart or stop #482
- Investigate possible ways to integrate support of AWS ECR dynamic passwords in Codenvy #463
- Describe configuration changes for 4.6 release #432
- Validate options of Codenvy bootstrap script #404
- Convert Chrome Store listing to beta.codenvy.com #402
- Adding documentation to use alternative IDE #369
Pull requests merged:
- (#464) update /etc/hosts when changing Codenvy hostname #517 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-2033 Remove Che Git Provider module #513 (mkuznyetsov)
- Add ability to store empty codenvy properties #511 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix tests to conform ErrorProne rules #510 (dmytro-ndp)
- remove an old assets #506 (vkuznyetsov)
- fixup! (#404) validate options of Codenvy bootstrap script #503 (dmytro-ndp)
- (#496) add Codenvy on-prem 4.6.0 properies and migration script #497 (dmytro-ndp)
- (#404) validate options of Codenvy bootstrap script #495 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1989 Fix permissions checking in according to new namespace concept #486 (sleshchenko)
- corrected javadoc #363 (torzsmokus)
- CHE-1369: rework UD to listen to environment channels #348 (ashumilova)
4.6.0 (2016-08-01)
Issues with no labels:
- Impossibele to create pull request with plugin into own repository. #483
- Unexpected disappearense project from the project explorer #481
- Can't install version 4.4.0 #477
- upload file to the project #439
- hi new problem with my bot #438
- Remove beta designation on hosted C4 systems #436
- Control-C has stopped working #429
- Shared workspace doesn't refresh automatically #422
- codenvy config --hostname=${hostname} fails #420
- help plz cant find my data when added some git #417
- Sometimes machine.ws_agent.run_command can't execute properly #405
- Codenvy standalone server. Workspaces creation hanging. #390
- How to run python script? #385
- OAuth with github appears to be broken #357
- Maven dependencies not resolved by IDE #351
- Release and ship codenvy 4.6.0 #496
- Backup subs-system removes projects of workspace in some cases #488
- Milestone Summary 4.6.0 #478
- Missing pull request panel #458
- On beta in logs [ERROR] [m.b.WorkspaceFsBackupScheduler 84] - Machine machine???? is not found #454
- Codenvy 4.6.0 on-prem integration test of backup/restore failed #452
- Methods "updateAttributesById" and "updateAttributes" in the ProfileService clean up user lastName in some case of partial update #451
- VSTS projects does cloning failed #449
- Vagrant installer uses wrong proxy settings #440
- Unable to create user by Admin Dashbord #435
- Cloning a VSTS repo feature does not work #431
- Sourcegraph factory examples from getting-started page works wrong #430
- Marketo interceptors doesn't send data to the Marketo #427
- Bitbucket oAuth is broken #426
- Investigate exception 'Machine with name ws-machine already exists' #411
- Change default dns http://codenvy to any dns which contain dot symbol #407
- Make sure "Delete this account" Button actually deletes this account #382
Pull requests merged:
- CODENVY-488: fix bug in backup manager, update tests #490 (garagatyi)
- (#407) fix codenvy 3.x integration tests #487 (dmytro-ndp)
- (#407) change default dns 'codenvy' to 'codenvy.onprem' #485 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-483; fix PR creation from own repo by sending name of origin #484 (mshaposhnik)
- CODENVY-458; fix plugin pullrequest appearing; #462 (mshaposhnik)
- CODENVY-454: Remove error log when machine was stopped while its backup task was in executor queue #461 (mmorhun)
- codenvy-451: Fix clean up 'lastName' profile attribute. #460 (AndrienkoAleksandr)
- CODENVY-449; fix VSTS project URL matching regexp #450 (mshaposhnik)
- CHE-1849 Fix according to changes in Workspace API #448 (vinokurig)
- CODENVY-411: Fix bug machine with name ws-machine already exists #446 (mmorhun)
- codenvy-435: Fix user creation by Admin dashboard #437 (AndrienkoAleksandr)
- CODENVY-601: Do not run new backup/restore process when another one is still running #425 (mmorhun)
- Fix test to not set workspaceId into environment context #424 (mshaposhnik)
- Fix update IM CLI message #423 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-413: Make it possible to mark MachineNode as 'sheduled for maintenace' #418 (mmorhun)
- Use Model.gwt.xml see eclipse-che/che#1869 #415 (vparfonov)
- CHE-1248 remove workspace information from EnvironmentContext #350 (mshaposhnik)
- Updated to support 4.4.x proxy installation #441 (TylerJewell)
- CODENVY-572: Add exception to method signature #421 (vinokurig)
- CODENVY-509: remove current user instead of sending email #381 (ashumilova)
- CODENVY-651 Use 'dev' instead 'isDev' for machine configs in Mongo #356 (mkuznyetsov)
- Update accordingly to changes in everrest #341 (mkuznyetsov)
4.5.1 (2016-07-19)
Issues with no labels:
- Create list of all entries that connected to user #387
- Workspace should update project by path instead by name #383
- Running a Java Applet on Codenvy's android emulator #366
- Cannot create a workspace nor a project #365
- Managing machine snapshots #349
- Existing workspaces taking 10+ minutes to load after being stopped #303
Pull requests merged:
- CODENVY-726: fix error of waiting on aliveness of Codenvy behind the proxy. #384 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-702: check availability of Codenvy hostname #380 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-718: add bootstrap script option to disable monitoring tools #379 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-756: replace comma separator on pipeline in -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts #378 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-726: fix checking if Codenvy on-prem is alive behind the proxy #377 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-673: Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException #376 (vinokurig)
- Revert "CODENVY-413: Make it possible to mark MachineNode as 'sheduled for maintenace'" #375 (mmorhun)
- CODENVY-726: fix Codenvy on-prem apiEndpoint url #374 (dmytro-ndp)
- Update default Codenvy on-prem properties #373 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-413: Make it possible to mark MachineNode as 'sheduled for maintenace' #372 (mmorhun)
- CODENVY-418: fix test to create project on node behind the proxy #371 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-556 Add service for fetching recipe script #370 (mkuznyetsov)
- CHE-1397: change styles of error page #368 (ashumilova)
- Codenvy 361 #367 (garagatyi)
- Fix integration test of adding nodes behind the proxy #364 (dmytro-ndp)
- Restore user creation url in integration tests of Codenvy 3.x #362 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add 'auth.sso.client_allow_anonymous=false' property #361 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix user creation url in integration tests of IM CLI #360 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-418: make Codenvy machine node add/remove behind the proxy #359 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1390: remove projects from main menu #358 (ashumilova)
- Fix share workspace: getting workspace id, find user method, do not t… #355 (ashumilova)
4.4.2 (2016-07-06)
Issues with no labels:
- Copy/paste not working in command configuration dialog (Chrome only) #354
Pull requests merged:
- CHE-1144: fix in accordance with changes in che #353 (garagatyi)
- CODENVY-720: Fix snapshot recovering #352 (garagatyi)
4.4.1 (2016-07-05)
Issues with no labels:
- Some Enforcer rules have failed. Look above for specific messages explaining why the rule failed. #339
Pull requests merged:
- CODENVY-520 Remove allow_anonymous from war configuration #347 (mkuznyetsov)
- CHE-1353: Add possibility to configure specific docker api version #346 (AndrienkoAleksandr)
- Resource management #345 (vzhukovskii)
- CHE-1365: remove usage of deprecated methods #344 (garagatyi)
- CHE-1395: fix browser titles #343 (ashumilova)
- CODENVY-706: check if there is subscription-manager command in RHEL OS #342 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-575; cleanup environment context after each request lifecycle #340 (mshaposhnik)
- CHE-1256: Set Jgit implementation as default Git implementation #338 (vinokurig)
- CODENVY-84: work around default node of Codenvy on-prem #337 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix update IM CLI message #336 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-702: fix command which hangs up when changing Codenvy hostname #335 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add default properties of Codenvy on-prem 4.4.0 #334 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1298; remove war name from url schema #324 (mshaposhnik)
- CHE-1078: Adapt code to user service refactorings #243 (evoevodin)
4.4.0 (2016-06-28)
Issues with no labels:
- Prompt message "Unable to get Profile" when I open IDE(Codenvy (Next-Generation Beta)) #333
Pull requests merged:
- CHE-1396 Double nav bar in some cases #332 (vitaliy-guliy)
- Fix tear down steps on exit in IM CLI integration tests #331 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1276: Move DockerException to package exception #330 (akorneta)
- CODENVY-309: simplify verification of RHEL subscription #329 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-635: Create attachment files in separate temp directory #275 (vinokurig)
4.3.5 (2016-06-24)
Pull requests merged:
- CHE-1277 Move machines output to project perpective #328 (vitaliy-guliy)
- Restore update server address for integration tests #327 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-701: fix Codenvy version where the path is changed #326 (dmytro-ndp)
- Switch to temporary address updater-nightly2.codenvy-dev.com #325 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-701: adapt IM CLI to use tomcat directory of Codenvy on-prem #323 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix redirect to site login page on logout #321 (ashumilova)
- CODENVY-614: rename folder che-templates to templates #320 (riuvshin)
- Codenvy 694 Fix limits checking user on ws startup #319 (mshaposhnik)
- CODENVY-644: add --no-proxy-for-docker-daemon option to bootstrap script #318 (dmytro-ndp)
- Rework AdminUserServiceTests with everrest assured #317 (sleshchenko)
- CODENVY-456: rename 'MACHINE' node type to 'MACHINE NODE' #316 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1180: add ability to configure private docker registries #315 (olexii4)
- Fix default properties of Codenvy 4.4.0 on-prem #314 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-309: check subscription of RHEL when installing Codenvy on-prem #313 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add debug information in log to track anonymous user creation #312 (skabashnyuk)
- CODENVY-677: fix factories loading #311 (akurinnoy)
- CHE-1296: Use docker auth config saved in user preferences to start machine from private image #310 (mmorhun)
- Ship Codenvy on-prem 4.3.4 #308 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1301: add not modified condition to the machine token response #307 (olexii4)
- CHE-1342: improve navbar styles #301 (olexii4)
- add che.lib.version property #291 (riuvshin)
4.3.4 (2016-06-17)
4.3.3 (2016-06-17)
Pull requests merged:
- fix UD transitive dependency of gulp-angular-templatecache #306 (olexii4)
- CODENVY-667 Add 'search' action for stacks and recipes #305 (sleshchenko)
- CODENVY-666: Fix accepting of the factories by the existing URLs #304 (akorneta)
- CODENVY-446: fix script to migrate Codenvy 4.2.2 to 4.3.2 #302 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1326: check recipe location exists before setting permissions #300 (ashumilova)
- CODENVY-547: fix error of changing of non-default admin password #299 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-466: fix migrate snapshot script to work around incomplete data #298 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-446: update codenvy migration script; fix integration tests. #296 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1095: add new UD/IDE navigation experience #295 (akurinnoy)
- CODENVY-446: add mongo script to update snapshots in time of migration #294 (dmytro-ndp)
4.3.2 (2016-06-14)
Pull requests merged:
- CODENVY-653: fix error of logging event by using Update Server #293 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix creation of user in integration test of backup/restore Codenvy 4 #292 (dmytro-ndp)
4.3.1 (2016-06-14)
Pull requests merged:
- CODENVY-446: fix migration script and default codenvy properties #290 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-648 Add swagger annotations for Permissions API #289 (sleshchenko)
4.3.0 (2016-06-13)
Pull requests merged:
- fix typo, make file not binary #288 (riuvshin)
- Add docker property into Codenvy on-prem config #287 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix test of backup/restore Codenvy on-prem 4.x #286 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-480 Fix creation of user #285 (sleshchenko)
- CODENVY-619 Use UserNameValidator non-static methods #284 (mkuznyetsov)
- CHE-1315: remove 'Team' from dashboard #283 (olexii4)
- CODENVY-631: divide bootstrap script proxy options #282 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-446: add scripts and tools to update Codenvy 4.2.x to 4.3.0 #281 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1245: Update docker client to use new format of X-Registry-Config header #280 (mmorhun)
- CODENVY-557: rework dashboard for using system permissions instead of… #279 (olexii4)
- CODENVY-641: Add factory permission filter #278 (akorneta)
- Replace missing exception #277 (mkuznyetsov)
- Revert machine token interceptor #276 (akorneta)
- Replace codenvy-dev.com SaaS server on a1.codenvy-dev.com #274 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix maven groupid for wsagent artifact #273 (akorneta)
- CODENVY-27; remove interceptor as it is not needed anymore #272 (mshaposhnik)
- CHE-1222: add ability to share workspace with other users #271 (ashumilova)
- Fix IM test of update single node with Codenvy 4 #270 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-27; allow to open workspaces by using /ws/namespace/ws_name schema #269 (mshaposhnik)
- CODENVY-610: rename '--no-proxy' option on '--no-proxy-for-codenvy-wo… #266 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-317: add ability to install IM CLI into the custom directory #265 (dmytro-ndp)
- Remove deperecated version of 3.x analytics #264 (skabashnyuk)
- CODENVY-619 Restrict usernames to letters and digits only #263 (mkuznyetsov)
- CODENVY-610: add --no-proxy option to bootstrap script #262 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-610: add possibility to config no_proxy property #261 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-583: Fix JavaDoc feature #260 (akorneta)
- CODENVY-617: add property of docker privilege mode #259 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-568: Fire FactoryAccepted Event then factory accepted: poject imported, actions perform #258 (vparfonov)
- Update default codenvy on-prem properties to 4.3.0-R2-SNAPSHOT #257 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-595: add possibility to adjust machine swap size #267 (riuvshin)
- CODENVY-566 restore (again and again) CORS on platform API #256 (benoitf)
- CODENVY-603 CODENVY-604 allow to use .codenvy.json inside a repository #255 (benoitf)
- CODENVY-445. Add ability to register an ssh target #254 (RomanNikitenko)
- CODENVY-27; adapt machine sevice to workspace sharing #253 (mshaposhnik)
- CODENVY-513: Replace hardcoded email sender to property #252 (vinokurig)
- CODENVY-495: Replaced api token to machine token in sso principal #251 (akorneta)
- CODENVY-480 Remove roles from User in EnvironmentContext #221 (sleshchenko)
4.3.0-RC1 (2016-06-04)
Pull requests merged:
- CHE-1269: Add check for machine runtime during links formation #250 (akorneta)
- CHE-1260 Enable svg files license checking #249 (mkuznyetsov)
- CODENVY-594 Log cleanup #248 (skabashnyuk)
- Fix service which returns IM server config #247 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-584: Add terminal link into each machine runtime #246 (akorneta)
- Codenvy-27 Adopt token service to workspace sharing #245 (mshaposhnik)
- remove needless dependencies to site versions #244 (garagatyi)
- CODENVY-27; Adopt activity service to workspace sharing #242 (mshaposhnik)
- CODENVY-40: add pagination to list of users #240 (olexii4)
- Fix 'email_from' codenvy property value #239 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-560 Adapt changes to new management of MachineSource in Che #238 (benoitf)
- CODENVY-550 Remove nonencoded factory from LoginFilter configuration #237 (mkuznyetsov)
- Replace codenvy-stg.com on codenvy-dev.com in integration tests #236 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-515: remove prefix 'im-' and hide outdated commands from IM CLI #235 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-336: Refactoring of LocalGitUserResolver class #234 (vinokurig)
- CHE-336: Refactoring of GitUrl class #233 (vinokurig)
- CODENVY-511: update codenvy.properties file in case of --config option; add test #232 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-348 Decode key in workspaceId init filter #231 (mkuznyetsov)
- Fix WorkspaceService to be able to share workspaces #230 (sleshchenko)
- CODENVY-512: fix IM integration test of checking IM config #228 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-511: add --config option to point custom codenvy.properties #227 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-797: correct switch to mobile view for list of factories #214 (akurinnoy)
- Add an authentication mechanism for workspace agent #188 (akorneta)
- Added tests for WorkspaceActivityService #133 (mkuznyetsov)
4.2.3 (2016-05-25)
Pull requests merged:
- CODENVY-524: Update contribute button style #225 (slemeur)
- CODENVY-512: add ability to view/update codenvy property by using IM CLI command #223 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-164: add integrations tests of IM CLI under RHEL7 OS #222 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-555: turn off reporting in Puppet in Codenvy on-prem #220 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-554 if factory has an ID, no need to give again parameters as… #219 (benoitf)
- CODENVY-522 Remove EnvironmentContext related classes #218 (skabashnyuk)
- CODENVY-541: Add needed dependency. Install DebugModule #217 (vparfonov)
- CODENVY-516: modify 'Job title' input with the 'Role' drop down list #216 (olexii4)
- CODENVY-549 Remove invalid settings found in pom.xml #215 (benoitf)
- CODENVY-543: replace '&' on '&' in right part of sed command #213 (dmytro-ndp)
- remove dependency on che-plugin-java-ext-lang-server #212 (evidolob)
- CHE-956 remove dependency on che-jdt-ext-machine #211 (evidolob)
- CHE-962: Add ability to store and use SSH keys for Subversion hosts #210 (tolusha)
- Fix integration test of backup/restore Codenvy 4.x #209 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-531: cleanup init.js #208 (vparfonov)
- Add binding for components separated in che #207 (akorneta)
- CODENVY-357: place CLI logs into the same file <cli>/logs/cli.log #206 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-510: support for Mirroring Docker Registry #205 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1083: Refactor modules registration #204 (azatsarynnyy)
- Add parameters for auto-snapshot and auto-restore of the workspace state #203 (akorneta)
- CHE-1081: remove workspace id usage in wsagent services #202 (ashumilova)
- Codenvy 198 #201 (garagatyi)
- CODENVY-503: fix path to codenvy conf dir #200 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-522 Remove roles context #199 (skabashnyuk)
- CODENVY-473: add IM unit tests; fix integration tests #198 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-479 Rename User to Subject #197 (sleshchenko)
- CODENVY-502 allow to create factories by providing github URL #195 (benoitf)
- Codenvy 473: fix IM according to TIAA CREF requests #194 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-292 Escape factory DB query attributes #193 (mkuznyetsov)
- Fix NPE and Removed unused code #192 (sleshchenko)
- Fix tests #191 (sleshchenko)
- CODENVY-473: add missed library for IM CLI #190 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add Codenvy on-prem 4.2.2 default properties #189 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-976: Make debugger API generic #180 (tolusha)
- CODENVY-433 Implement permissions based authorization for Recipe and Stack APIs #163 (sleshchenko)
4.2.2 (2016-05-12)
Pull requests merged:
- CODENVY-478: fix installation manager to work without che-core-api-account #187 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-781:Move all platform-api-client-gwt to the che-core-ide-api module #185 (vparfonov)
- Remove deprecated code from plugin-pullrequest #184 (mkuznyetsov)
- CHE-1026: rework wsagent usage #183 (ashumilova)
- CODENVY-308 remove references to status.codenvy.com #182 (vkuznyetsov)
- CODENVY-478 remove che-core-api-account #181 (skabashnyuk)
- CHE-747:Move ProjectTemplateService to separate module #179 (vparfonov)
- CODENVY-473: IM: fix yum.conf, fix http(s)_proxy settings #178 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1061 Remove deprecations #177 (mkuznyetsov)
- fixup! CODENVY-473: add proxy settings into 'user' section of puppet.conf #176 (dmytro-ndp)
- fixup! CODENVY-473: add proxy settings into 'user' section of puppet.conf #175 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-473: add proxy settings into 'user' section of puppet.conf #174 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-473: fix install-im-cli script #173 (dmytro-ndp)
- Update code in accordance with Part API changes #172 (azatsarynnyy)
- CODENVY-464: fixed fair source licens option and messages #171 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix default properties of Codenvy 4.3.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT #170 (dmytro-ndp)
- Codenvy 473: fix Codenvy bootstrap script for TIAA CREF #169 (dmytro-ndp)
- Update in accordance with IDE API changes #168 (azatsarynnyy)
- CODENVY-426 show dedicated message when clone fails due to lack of SSH key #167 (mshaposhnik)
- Fix eclipse jdt dependency, codenvy repacked one should be used #166 (mshaposhnik)
- Fix url for unregistering client #165 (sleshchenko)
- Codenvy 455 - Add mouse & keyboard activity listener. #164 (mshaposhnik)
- Navbar menu improvements #162 (akurinnoy)
- CHE-253: Delete SwarmContainerInfo #160 (mmorhun)
- Move mvn config from assembly to main dir #159 (garagatyi)
- Fix test-backup-restore-single-node-with-codenvy4 #158 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1076 Used commond source code from che wsagent #157 (skabashnyuk)
- Create Codenvy Terminal packaging #156 (mkuznyetsov)
- CODENVY-273: fix TestSecureShellAgent #155 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-353: fix integration test #154 (dmytro-ndp)
- Codenvy-275: improve validation of node to add #153 (dmytro-ndp)
- add maven server to the assembly #152 (vparfonov)
- Decouple shared modules or user, machine, workspace, factory #150 (mshaposhnik)
4.2.1 (2016-04-27)
Pull requests merged:
- CODENVY-353: improve checking sudo rights before installing Codenvy #151 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-1070: Decouple server and shared part of che-core-api-git #149 (vinokurig)
- CHE-1069: Decouple server and shared part of che-core-api-ssh #148 (vinokurig)
- Add quotes around machine_ws_agent_max_start_time_ms value #147 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix machine_ws_agent_max_start_time_ms codenvy property #146 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-323: improve readability of stacks config #145 (ashumilova)
- Add default codenvy properties for 4.3.0-RC1-SNAPSHOT #144 (dmytro-ndp)
- Add permissions authorization #138 (sleshchenko)
- Codenvy 214 #137 (olexii4)
4.2.0 (2016-04-25)
Pull requests merged:
- Add login filter on workspace activity service #143 (mkuznyetsov)
- Add script to migrate from Codenvy 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 #142 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-434 Adapt Che URL and port config #141 (stour)
- Apply token manually on activity update request #140 (mkuznyetsov)
- Update IM CLI help command output #139 (dmytro-ndp)
- Fix wait workspace timeout in IM test #136 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-417: fix export http(s) proxy settings to 'yum install puppet… command' #135 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-296: remove wrong 'local' prefix #134 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-350: add support of http(s)-proxy-for-codenvy options of bootstrap script. #132 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-427 Update workspace activity only for running workspaces #131 (mkuznyetsov)
- CODENVY-428 Improve workspace activity notification #130 (mkuznyetsov)
- Codenvy 417: refactoring; add unit tests. #129 (dmytro-ndp)
- CHE-771: change not configured oAuth message #128 (ashumilova)
- use che-steps-container directive #127 (akurinnoy)
- CODENVY-417: fix error of installing puppet as a root user #126 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-423: fixed swarm nodes info parsing #125 (garagatyi)
- CODENVY-363: modify error messages for dashboard #124 (olexii4)
- Fix codenvy.properties; backup manifest before update Codenvy #123 (dmytro-ndp)
- CODENVY-401: move a product info provider to plugin-product-info #122 (olexii4)
- CODENVY-1938: Add error code & attributes for limit exception #121 (evoevodin)
- Fix test of backup/restore Codenvy on-prem 4.x #120 (dmytro-ndp)
- Revert "CHE-243: Return link header describing page links" #119 (evoevodin)
- CODENVY-350: Set up workspaces to work behind the proxy #118 (mmorhun)
- Fixed updating of runtime workspace in activity manager and formatting #117 (akorneta)
- CODENVY-370: dashboard for OnPrem must not include the button "Codenv… #116 (akurinnoy)
4.1.1 (2016-04-15)
4.1.0 (2016-04-08)
4.0.1 (2016-03-29)
4.0.0-RC14 (2016-03-23)
4.0.0-RC13 (2016-03-09)
4.0.0-RC12 (2016-03-06)
4.0.0-RC11 (2016-03-03)
4.0.0-RC10 (2016-03-02)
4.0.0-RC9 (2016-03-01)
4.0.0-RC8 (2016-02-28)
4.0.0-RC7 (2016-02-25)
4.0.0-RC6 (2016-02-20)
4.0.0-RC5 (2016-02-18) (2016-02-17)
4.0.0-RC4 (2016-02-16)
4.0.0-RC3 (2016-02-08)
4.0.0-RC2 (2016-02-05)
3.14.1 (2016-01-31)
4.0.0-beta-13 (2016-01-25)
4.0.0-beta-12 (2016-01-19)
4.0.0-beta-11 (2016-01-17)
4.0.0-beta-10 (2016-01-15)
4.0.0-beta-9 (2016-01-13)
4.0.0-beta-8 (2016-01-12)
4.0.0-beta-7 (2016-01-09)
4.0.0-beta-6 (2016-01-06)
4.0.0-beta-5 (2016-01-05)
4.0.0-beta-4 (2016-01-04)
4.0.0-beta-2 (2015-12-30)
3.14.0 (2015-12-29)
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0.30.1 (2015-05-13)
0.24.1 (2015-05-06)
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1.6.0 (2015-01-28)
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1.4.0 (2014-12-19)
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1.2.0 (2014-11-05)
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0.1 (2014-03-14)
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2.0.1 (2013-12-25)
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0.2.0 (2013-04-23)
v0.1 (2013-02-14)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator