- Tuesday 11/12/24 20:00 - 22:00 EST
- Wednesday 11/13/24 20:00 - 22:00 EST
- Thursday 11/14/24 20:00 - 22:00 EST
- Other cohort students
- Instructors
- Alumni
I will take regular breaks when I get stuck or feel like I need to take a breath. I will lean on my support systems in my parents and my fiancee if things get really tough.
name = "Jaren"
affirmation = "You are smart and capable!"
puts "Dear #{name} -- #{affirmation}"
In order to create this gist, I made heavy use of
this Markdown Cheat Sheet
Markdown is a relatively simple language used to make formatting for HTML faster and easier
Definitely this Markdown Cheat Sheet
There are three header options based on size. The largest being H1, medium is H2, and smallest is H3. Example:
# H1
## H2
### H3
To create a bulleted, or unordered list, you place each list item on it's own line starting with a hyphen and a space. Example:
- List Item
- Another List Item
- Even More List Items??
To insert a hyperlink, you place the title of the link in brackets followed by the link itself in parantheses. Example: [Markdown Cheat Sheet](https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/)
Inserting code can be done in one of two ways: inline code, or as a code block. For inline code, you use a single backtic before and after the code you want to insert. For a code block, you use three backtics on both ends of the code block. Example:
Inline: `A single line of code goes here`
Code Block:
Multiple lines
of code
go here