Run in browser:
./gradlew jsRun
Useful links:
- @Composable functions can't be invoked from JS directly (because every @Composable function has implicit parameters added by compiler plugin)
- We can wrap @Composable functions into some usual function (with @JsExport) which can be invoked in JS as is.
- Every call to a "wrapping" function will create a composition (part of DOM controlled by Compose runtime)
- It's important to
a composition when it's not needed. - The composition's state can be controlled by creating an arbitrary
class, which implements and exposes necessary functions for state updates.
// Composables.kt
abstract class ComposeCounterAppController {
abstract fun setCount(newCount: Int)
abstract fun dispose()
fun ComposeCounterApp(rootId: String, onCountChange: (Int) -> Unit = {}): ComposeCounterAppController {
var count: Int by mutableStateOf(0)
val composition = renderComposable(rootElementId = rootId) {
// Counter is a @Composable function
// see full example in src/jsMain
Counter(count) {
count = it
return object : ComposeCounterAppController() {
override fun setCount(newCount: Int) {
count = newCount
override fun dispose() {
Then in JS we can use ComposeCounterApp
// see src/jsMain/resources/use_compose.js file for a full example
counterController = MyComposables.ComposeCounterApp('counterByCompose', (newCount) => {
console.log(`Counter was updated. New value = ${newCount}`);
The module name was overridden to make it convenient for usage in JS:
// webpack.config.d/configModuleName.js
config.output = config.output || {};
config.output.library = "MyComposables";
- To run, launch command:
./gradlew :jsBrowserDevelopmentRun
- Or choose browser configuration in IDE and run it.
./gradlew jsBrowserProductionWebpack
This will produce the output in build/distributions
Then we can use exported functions from web-compose-in-js.js
(the filename is defined by the project/module name).
<script src="web-compose-in-js.js"></script>
<script src="use_compose.js"></script>