This is a sample server Petstore server. For this sample, you can use the api key special-key
to test the authorization filters. For OAuth2 flow, you may use user
as both username and password when asked to login.
This API server was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JuliaServerCodegen
Place the Julia files generated under the src
folder in your Julia project. Include PetStoreServer.jl in the project code.
It would include the module named PetStoreServer.
Implement the server methods as listed below. They are also documented with the PetStoreServer module.
Launch a HTTP server with a router that has all handlers registered. A register
method is provided in PetStoreServer module for convenience.
router::HTTP.Router, # Router to register handlers in
impl; # Module that implements the server methods
path_prefix::String="", # Prefix to be applied to all paths
optional_middlewares... # Optional middlewares to be applied to all handlers
Optional middlewares can be one or more of:
: called before the request is processedpre_validation
: called after the request is parsed but before validationpre_invoke
: called after validation but before the handler is invokedpost_invoke
: called after the handler is invoked but before the response is sent
The order in which middlewares are invoked are:
init |> read |> pre_validation |> validate |> pre_invoke |> invoke |> post_invoke
The following server methods must be implemented:
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
PetApi | add_pet | POST /pet | Add a new pet to the store |
PetApi | delete_pet | DELETE /pet/{petId} | Deletes a pet |
PetApi | find_pets_by_status | GET /pet/findByStatus | Finds Pets by status |
PetApi | find_pets_by_tags | GET /pet/findByTags | Finds Pets by tags |
PetApi | get_pet_by_id | GET /pet/{petId} | Find pet by ID |
PetApi | update_pet | PUT /pet | Update an existing pet |
PetApi | update_pet_with_form | POST /pet/{petId} | Updates a pet in the store with form data |
PetApi | upload_file | POST /pet/{petId}/uploadImage | uploads an image |
StoreApi | delete_order | DELETE /store/order/{orderId} | Delete purchase order by ID |
StoreApi | get_inventory | GET /store/inventory | Returns pet inventories by status |
StoreApi | get_order_by_id | GET /store/order/{orderId} | Find purchase order by ID |
StoreApi | place_order | POST /store/order | Place an order for a pet |
UserApi | create_user | POST /user | Create user |
UserApi | create_users_with_array_input | POST /user/createWithArray | Creates list of users with given input array |
UserApi | create_users_with_list_input | POST /user/createWithList | Creates list of users with given input array |
UserApi | delete_user | DELETE /user/{username} | Delete user |
UserApi | get_user_by_name | GET /user/{username} | Get user by user name |
UserApi | login_user | GET /user/login | Logs user into the system |
UserApi | logout_user | GET /user/logout | Logs out current logged in user session |
UserApi | update_user | PUT /user/{username} | Updated user |