Background: Alex wants to find a particular photo they're thinking of. They know that the photo was taken in 2002 on their trip to Ireland. They want to browse their photos to find the photo they're thinking of.
Alex has signed into the app already. They are greeted with the root directory of the FTP server. The Screen refreshes to show the contents of the Directory[1]. They view the Directories in the Grid View, and see the Directory with the name "Europe". Alex selects the Directory by tapping it and is navigated to the subdirectory[2].
After the Screen refreshes Alex notices that they're in the wrong Directory, and wants to navigate backward to continue searching. They see the Navigation Bar, and see the Directory they want to navigate to. They click on the Subdirectory they want to navigate to (if the directory is the root, clicks on the house icon), and is navigated to the subdirectory[2].
Alex decides it's easier to search for the Directory named "Ireland". They tap on the Search Bar and the keyboard opens. As alex types the Search Bar text is updated and the Grid View updates to show Directories, Files and Libraries with the Search Bar text[3]. Alex sees the Directory named "Ireland", and taps on it. The screen refreshes to show the Directory named "Ireland" and the Search Bar is cleared[1].
Alex is in a Directory that has a lot of Photos and Directories. Alex wants to find the oldest photo they have in that directory. They click on the Sort Button that opens a dropdown, and Alex selects the Oldest to Newest option. The Grid View is updated to order the Photos from oldest to newest while the Directories remain the same[4].
Alex found the photo they were looking for. They see the Photo in the Grid View, and want to view it larger. They tap on the Photo and it opens to be fullscreen.
Alex wants to start a slideshow from their Ireland photos. they see the Directory named "Ireland" and clicks on the Directory option button. The popup menu appears and the option for Start Slideshow appears, along with cancel. Alex taps that option and a slideshow is started[5].
Alex decides now that they want to see what Libraries they have set up. They tap on the Hamburger button to open the Side Bar. There they can see the Root Directories, the Settings button, and the Libraries button. They click on the Libraries button and are navigated to a Grid View of all of Alexes Libraries[6].
Alex wants to select a Library to browse from the Grid View. They look at the Libraries names and photo counts to decide on what library they want to view. They decide on one Library and tap on it to open to a Grid View of the Photos in the Library[7].
This is a section for more detailed background Cases, including actions that occur that the user might not see or notice.
- The screen refreshes to show the contents of the path of the Current Directory:
- The Navigation Bar updates its path to reflect the Current Directory that Alex is in.
- The Grid View refreshes to show the Directories and photos of the Current Directory.
As the user is browsing, the app is downloading photos so that they are visible to Alex. They are taking each File, and fetching an Image based on its FTP Location.
brought to the subdirectory: After the user has tapped on the directory they want to navigate to, the app updates the Current Directory based on the selected Files path , and the screen refreshes
As Alex types the Search Bar text is updated and the Grid View updates with the search results.
- the Search Bar text is updated to reflect what is typed
- the Grid View updates with the search results(see below)
*When the Search Bar text is updated the app searches for Directories, Files and Libraries to show to Alex. The app locates and filters all the Files and Directories in the FTP Site with that search text in their name. The app also locates and filters the Libraries that the user has made locally by their name.
Sorting: When Alex chooses to sort by date, the app sorts their Current Directories files, based on their date, and updates the Grid View with those files.
Slideshow: When Alex starts the slideshow, the app shows the Photo that Alex has selected. In the background, the app locates the next Photo in the Current Directory, and fetches its Image based on its FTP Location.
Navigated to a Grid View of all of Alexes Libraries: The Screen retrieves all of the Libraries from the Database, and updates the Grid View with them, showing each Libraries name, and first Files Image
Alex opens a Library: All of the Files in the Library fetch their Images, and are shown on the Grid View