The configuration for changing navigationBarTitleColor
, navigationBarBackgroundColor
, navigationBarItemColor
has been removed from ALKConfiguration
Instead use UINavigationBar.appearance
to change the navigation bar title, background and bar item color
let navigationBarProxy = UINavigationBar.appearance(whenContainedInInstancesOf: [ALKBaseNavigationViewController.self])
/// Background color
= UIColor(red: 0.93, green: 0.94, blue: 0.95, alpha: 1.0)
/// Title text color
navigationBarProxy.titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.white]
navigationBarProxy.isTranslucent = false
/// Icons tint color
navigationBarProxy.tintColor = .white
, has been deprecated. Use styleALKMessageStyle.infoMessage
. -
, has been deprecated. Use styleALKMessageStyle.infoMessage
Use below config for changing the style for date cell or channel info messages.
For example to change the style in date separator you can config as below:
ALKMessageStyle.dateSeparator = Style(font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12), text:, background: .red)
For example to change the style for channel info messages you can config as below:
ALKMessageStyle.infoMessage = Style(font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12), text: , background: .red)
, has been deprecated. UseUIAppearance
for navigation bar configuration.ALKConfiguration.navigationBarItemColor
, has been deprecated. UseUIAppearance
for navigation bar configuration.ALKConfiguration.navigationBarTitleColor
, has been deprecated. UseUIAppearance
for navigation bar configuration.
If you are using ALKBaseNavigationViewController
to present the conversation then, you can customize it like this:
// Use `appearance(whenContainedInInstancesOf:)` method to limit the changes to instances of `ALKBaseNavigationViewController`.
let navigationBarProxy = UINavigationBar.appearance(whenContainedInInstancesOf: [ALKBaseNavigationViewController.self])
navigationBarProxy.tintColor =
navigationBarProxy.barTintColor = UIColor.gray
navigationBarProxy.titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor:] // title color
, has been deprecated. UseALKConfiguration.chatBar.showOptions
to only show some options.config.optionsToShow = .some([.gallery, .location, .camera, .video])
has been deprecated. UseALKConfiguration.chatBar.showOptions
to hide the all attachment options.configuration.chatBar.optionsToShow = .none
- ConversationList configuration
, has been deprecated. UseALKConfiguration.navigationItemsForConversationList
to add buttons in the navigation bar
// ConversationList
var navigationItemsForConversationList = [ALKNavigationItem]()
// Example for button with text
let buttonOne = ALKNavigationItem(identifier: 1234, text: "FAQ")
// Adding an item in the list
// Example for button with icon
let buttonTwo = ALKNavigationItem(identifier:23456, icon: UIImage(named: "icon_download", in: Bundle(for: ALKConversationListViewController.self), compatibleWith: nil)!)
// Adding an item in the list
config.navigationItemsForConversationList = navigationItemsForConversationList
// Add an Observer to get the event callback
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: ALKNavigationItem.NSNotificationForConversationListNavigationTap), object: nil, queue: nil, using: { notification in
guard let notificationUserInfo = notification.userInfo else { return }
let identifier = notificationUserInfo["identifier"] as! Int
print("Navigation button click for identifier in ConversationList is : ",identifier)
- ConversationView configuration
// ConversationView
var navigationItemsForConversationView = [ALKNavigationItem]()
let buttonOne = ALKNavigationItem(identifier: 1234, text: "FAQ")
// Adding an item in the list
// Example for button with icon
let buttonTwo = ALKNavigationItem(identifier:23456, icon: UIImage(named: "icon_download", in: Bundle(for: ALKConversationListViewController.self), compatibleWith: nil)!)
// Adding an item in the list
config.navigationItemsForConversationView = navigationItemsForConversationView