From 1dfa3abbffa98f7c03c27fab0cbd0fc796de08d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Li Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2023 16:08:48 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] update 1.0.2 --- | 2 +- | 2 +- src/main/resources/plugin.yaml | 2 +- .../static/lib/asteroids/asteroids.min.js | 641 +++++++++++++++++- 4 files changed, 643 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index f6f33b3..1222f14 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

Halo version Build Status - Code Style: Prettier + Code Style: Prettier LICENSE MIT

diff --git a/ b/ index 47a478a..325db2c 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1 +1 @@ -version=1.0.1 +version=1.0.2 diff --git a/src/main/resources/plugin.yaml b/src/main/resources/plugin.yaml index b2678b5..39a8f39 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/plugin.yaml +++ b/src/main/resources/plugin.yaml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ metadata: name: PluginLive2d spec: enabled: true - version: 1.0.1 + version: 1.0.2 requires: ">=2.0.0" author: name: LIlGG diff --git a/src/main/resources/static/lib/asteroids/asteroids.min.js b/src/main/resources/static/lib/asteroids/asteroids.min.js index 0bb9f34..78fc3ca 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/static/lib/asteroids/asteroids.min.js +++ b/src/main/resources/static/lib/asteroids/asteroids.min.js @@ -1 +1,640 @@ -function Asteroids(){if(!window.ASTEROIDS)window.ASTEROIDS={enemiesKilled:0};class Vector{constructor(x,y){if(typeof x==="Object"){this.x=x.x;this.y=x.y}else{this.x=x;this.y=y}}cp(){return new Vector(this.x,this.y)}mul(factor){this.x*=factor;this.y*=factor;return this}mulNew(factor){return new Vector(this.x*factor,this.y*factor)}add(vec){this.x+=vec.x;this.y+=vec.y;return this}addNew(vec){return new Vector(this.x+vec.x,this.y+vec.y)}sub(vec){this.x-=vec.x;this.y-=vec.y;return this}subNew(vec){return new Vector(this.x-vec.x,this.y-vec.y)}rotate(angle){const x=this.x,y=this.y;this.x=x*Math.cos(angle)-Math.sin(angle)*y;this.y=x*Math.sin(angle)+Math.cos(angle)*y;return this}rotateNew(angle){return this.cp().rotate(angle)}setAngle(angle){const l=this.len();this.x=Math.cos(angle)*l;this.y=Math.sin(angle)*l;return this}setAngleNew(angle){return this.cp().setAngle(angle)}setLength(length){const l=this.len();if(l)this.mul(length/l);else this.x=this.y=length;return this}setLengthNew(length){return this.cp().setLength(length)}normalize(){const l=this.len();this.x/=l;this.y/=l;return this}normalizeNew(){return this.cp().normalize()}angle(){return Math.atan2(this.y,this.x)}collidesWith(rect){return(this.x>rect.x&&this.y>rect.y&&this.x-0.005)return 0;return l}is(test){return typeof test==="object"&&this.x===test.x&&this.y===test.y}toString(){return("[Vector("+this.x+", "+this.y+") angle: "+this.angle()+", length: "+this.len()+"]")}}class Line{constructor(p1,p2){this.p1=p1;this.p2=p2}shift(pos){this.p1.add(pos);this.p2.add(pos)}intersectsWithRect(rect){const LL=new Vector(rect.x,rect.y+rect.height);const UL=new Vector(rect.x,rect.y);const LR=new Vector(rect.x+rect.width,rect.y+rect.height);const UR=new Vector(rect.x+rect.width,rect.y);if(this.p1.x>LL.x&&this.p1.xUR.y&&this.p2.x>LL.x&&this.p2.xUR.y)return true;if(this.intersectsLine(new Line(UL,LL)))return true;if(this.intersectsLine(new Line(LL,LR)))return true;if(this.intersectsLine(new Line(UL,UR)))return true;if(this.intersectsLine(new Line(UR,LR)))return true;return false}intersectsLine(line2){const v1=this.p1,v2=this.p2;const v3=line2.p1,v4=line2.p2;const denom=(v4.y-v3.y)*(v2.x-v1.x)-(v4.x-v3.x)*(v2.y-v1.y);const numerator=(v4.x-v3.x)*(v1.y-v3.y)-(v4.y-v3.y)*(v1.x-v3.x);const 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i=this.particles.length-1;i>=0;i--){this.particles[i].pos.add(this.particles[i].dir.mulNew(particleSpeed*tDelta*Math.random()));if(nowTime-this.particles[i].cameAlive>1000){this.particles.splice(i,1);forceChange=true;continue}}if(forceChange||this.bullets.length!==0||this.particles.length!==0||!||this.vel.len()>0){this.ctx.clear();this.ctx.drawPlayer();if(drawFlame)this.ctx.drawFlames(that.flame);if(this.bullets.length){this.ctx.drawBullets(this.bullets)}if(this.particles.length){this.ctx.drawParticles(this.particles)}}this.lastPos=this.pos;setTimeout(updateFunc,1000/FPS)};function 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vec.x; + this.y += vec.y; + return this; + } + addNew(vec) { + return new Vector(this.x + vec.x, this.y + vec.y); + } + sub(vec) { + this.x -= vec.x; + this.y -= vec.y; + return this; + } + subNew(vec) { + return new Vector(this.x - vec.x, this.y - vec.y); + } + rotate(angle) { + const x = this.x, y = this.y; + this.x = x * Math.cos(angle) - Math.sin(angle) * y; + this.y = x * Math.sin(angle) + Math.cos(angle) * y; + return this; + } + rotateNew(angle) { + return this.cp().rotate(angle); + } + setAngle(angle) { + const l = this.len(); + this.x = Math.cos(angle) * l; + this.y = Math.sin(angle) * l; + return this; + } + setAngleNew(angle) { + return this.cp().setAngle(angle); + } + setLength(length) { + const l = this.len(); + if (l) this.mul(length / l); + else this.x = this.y = length; + return this; + } + setLengthNew(length) { + return this.cp().setLength(length); + } + normalize() { + const l = this.len(); + this.x /= l; + this.y /= l; + return this; + } + normalizeNew() { + return this.cp().normalize(); + } + angle() { + return Math.atan2(this.y, this.x); + } + collidesWith(rect) { + return this.x > rect.x && this.y > rect.y && this.x < rect.x + rect.width && this.y < rect.y + rect.height; + } + len() { + const l = Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); + if (l < 0.005 && l > -0.005) return 0; + return l; + } + is(test) { + return typeof test === "object" && this.x === test.x && this.y === test.y; + } + toString() { + return "[Vector(" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ") angle: " + this.angle() + ", length: " + this.len() + "]"; + } + } + + class Line { + constructor(p1, p2) { + this.p1 = p1; + this.p2 = p2; + } + shift(pos) { + this.p1.add(pos); + this.p2.add(pos); + } + intersectsWithRect(rect) { + const LL = new Vector(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height); + const UL = new Vector(rect.x, rect.y); + const LR = new Vector(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height); + const UR = new Vector(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y); + if (this.p1.x > LL.x && this.p1.x < UR.x && this.p1.y < LL.y && this.p1.y > UR.y && this.p2.x > LL.x && this.p2.x < UR.x && this.p2.y < LL.y && this.p2.y > UR.y) return true; + if (this.intersectsLine(new Line(UL, LL))) return true; + if (this.intersectsLine(new Line(LL, LR))) return true; + if (this.intersectsLine(new Line(UL, UR))) return true; + if (this.intersectsLine(new Line(UR, LR))) return true; + return false; + } + intersectsLine(line2) { + const v1 = this.p1, v2 = this.p2; + const v3 = line2.p1, v4 = line2.p2; + const denom = ((v4.y - v3.y) * (v2.x - v1.x)) - ((v4.x - v3.x) * (v2.y - v1.y)); + const numerator = ((v4.x - v3.x) * (v1.y - v3.y)) - ((v4.y - v3.y) * (v1.x - v3.x)); + const numerator2 = ((v2.x - v1.x) * (v1.y - v3.y)) - ((v2.y - v1.y) * (v1.x - v3.x)); + if (denom === 0.0) { + return false; + } + const ua = numerator / denom; + const ub = numerator2 / denom; + return (ua >= 0.0 && ua <= 1.0 && ub >= 0.0 && ub <= 1.0); + } + } + const that = this; + const isIE = !! window.ActiveXObject; + let w = document.documentElement.clientWidth, h = document.documentElement.clientHeight; + const playerWidth = 20, playerHeight = 30; + const playerVerts = [ + [-1 * playerHeight / 2, -1 * playerWidth / 2], + [-1 * playerHeight / 2, playerWidth / 2], + [playerHeight / 2, 0] + ]; + const ignoredTypes = ["HTML", "HEAD", "BODY", "SCRIPT", "TITLE", "META", "STYLE", "LINK", "SHAPE", "LINE", "GROUP", "IMAGE", "STROKE", "FILL", "SKEW", "PATH", "TEXTPATH"]; + const hiddenTypes = ["BR", "HR"]; + const FPS = 50; + const acc = 300; + const maxSpeed = 600; + const rotSpeed = 360; + const bulletSpeed = 700; + const particleSpeed = 400; + const timeBetweenFire = 150; + const timeBetweenBlink = 250; + const bulletRadius = 2; + const maxParticles = isIE ? 20 : 40; + const maxBullets = isIE ? 10 : 20; + this.flame = { + r: [], + y: [] + }; + this.toggleBlinkStyle = function() { + if (this.updated.blink.isActive) { + document.body.classList.remove("ASTEROIDSBLINK"); + } else { + document.body.classList.add("ASTEROIDSBLINK"); + } + this.updated.blink.isActive = !this.updated.blink.isActive; + }; + addStylesheet(".ASTEROIDSBLINK .ASTEROIDSYEAHENEMY", "outline: 2px dotted red;"); + this.pos = new Vector(100, 100); + this.lastPos = false; + this.vel = new Vector(0, 0); + this.dir = new Vector(0, 1); + this.keysPressed = {}; + this.firedAt = false; + this.updated = { + enemies: false, + flame: new Date().getTime(), + blink: { + time: 0, + isActive: false + } + }; + this.scrollPos = new Vector(0, 0); + this.bullets = []; + this.enemies = []; + this.dying = []; + this.totalEnemies = 0; + this.particles = []; + + function updateEnemyIndex() { + for (let enemy of that.enemies) { + enemy.classList.remove("ASTEROIDSYEAHENEMY"); + } + const all = document.body.getElementsByTagName("*"); + that.enemies = []; + for (let i = 0, el; el = all[i]; i++) { + if (!(ignoredTypes.includes(el.tagName.toUpperCase())) && el.prefix !== "g_vml_" && hasOnlyTextualChildren(el) && el.className !== "ASTEROIDSYEAH" && el.offsetHeight > 0) { + el.aSize = size(el); + that.enemies.push(el); + el.classList.add("ASTEROIDSYEAHENEMY"); + if (!el.aAdded) { + el.aAdded = true; + that.totalEnemies++; + } + } + } + }; + updateEnemyIndex(); + let createFlames; + (function() { + const rWidth = playerWidth, rIncrease = playerWidth * 0.1, yWidth = playerWidth * 0.6, yIncrease = yWidth * 0.2, halfR = rWidth / 2, halfY = yWidth / 2, halfPlayerHeight = playerHeight / 2; + createFlames = function() { + that.flame.r = [ + [-1 * halfPlayerHeight, -1 * halfR] + ]; + that.flame.y = [ + [-1 * halfPlayerHeight, -1 * halfY] + ]; + for (let x = 0; x < rWidth; x += rIncrease) { + that.flame.r.push([-random(2, 7) - halfPlayerHeight, x - halfR]); + } + that.flame.r.push([-1 * halfPlayerHeight, halfR]); + for (let x = 0; x < yWidth; x += yIncrease) { + that.flame.y.push([-random(2, 7) - halfPlayerHeight, x - halfY]); + } + that.flame.y.push([-1 * halfPlayerHeight, halfY]); + }; + })(); + createFlames(); + + function radians(deg) { + return deg * Math.PI / 180; + }; + + function random(from, to) { + return Math.floor(Math.random() * (to + 1) + from); + }; + + function boundsCheck(vec) { + if (vec.x > w) vec.x = 0; + else if (vec.x < 0) vec.x = w; + if (vec.y > h) vec.y = 0; + else if (vec.y < 0) vec.y = h; + }; + + function size(element) { + let el = element, left = 0, top = 0; + do { + left += el.offsetLeft || 0; + top += el.offsetTop || 0; + el = el.offsetParent; + } while (el); + return { + x: left, + y: top, + width: element.offsetWidth || 10, + height: element.offsetHeight || 10 + }; + }; + + function applyVisibility(vis) { + for (let p of window.ASTEROIDSPLAYERS) { + = vis; + } + } + + function getElementFromPoint(x, y) { + applyVisibility("hidden"); + let element = document.elementFromPoint(x, y); + if (!element) { + applyVisibility("visible"); + return false; + } + if (element.nodeType === 3) element = element.parentNode; + applyVisibility("visible"); + return element; + }; + + function addParticles(startPos) { + const time = new Date().getTime(); + const amount = maxParticles; + for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) { + that.particles.push({ + dir: (new Vector(Math.random() * 20 - 10, Math.random() * 20 - 10)).normalize(), + pos: startPos.cp(), + cameAlive: time + }); + } + }; + + function setScore() { + that.points.innerHTML = window.ASTEROIDS.enemiesKilled * 10; + }; + + function hasOnlyTextualChildren(element) { + if (element.offsetLeft < -100 && element.offsetWidth > 0 && element.offsetHeight > 0) return false; + if (hiddenTypes.includes(element.tagName)) return true; + if (element.offsetWidth === 0 && element.offsetHeight === 0) return false; + for (let i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { + if (!(hiddenTypes.includes(element.childNodes[i].tagName)) && element.childNodes[i].childNodes.length !== 0) return false; + } + return true; + }; + + function addStylesheet(selector, rules) { + const stylesheet = document.createElement("style"); + stylesheet.rel = "stylesheet"; + = "ASTEROIDSYEAHSTYLES"; + try { + stylesheet.innerHTML = selector + "{" + rules + "}"; + } catch (e) { + stylesheet.styleSheet.addRule(selector, rules); + } + document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(stylesheet); + }; + + function removeStylesheet(name) { + const stylesheet = document.getElementById(name); + if (stylesheet) { + stylesheet.parentNode.removeChild(stylesheet); + } + }; + this.gameContainer = document.createElement("div"); + this.gameContainer.className = "ASTEROIDSYEAH"; + document.body.appendChild(this.gameContainer); + this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); + this.canvas.setAttribute("width", w); + this.canvas.setAttribute("height", h); + this.canvas.className = "ASTEROIDSYEAH"; + Object.assign(, { + width: w + "px", + height: h + "px", + position: "fixed", + top: "0px", + left: "0px", + bottom: "0px", + right: "0px", + zIndex: "10000" + }); + this.canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) { + const message = document.createElement("span"); + = "absolute"; + = "red"; + message.innerHTML = "Press Esc to Quit"; + document.body.appendChild(message); + const x = e.pageX || (e.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft); + const y = e.pageY || (e.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop); + = x - message.offsetWidth / 2 + "px"; + = y - message.offsetHeight / 2 + "px"; + setTimeout(function() { + try { + message.parentNode.removeChild(message); + } catch (e) {} + }, 1000); + }, false); + const eventResize = function() { + = "none"; + w = document.documentElement.clientWidth; + h = document.documentElement.clientHeight; + that.canvas.setAttribute("width", w); + that.canvas.setAttribute("height", h); + Object.assign(, { + display: "block", + width: w + "px", + height: h + "px" + }); + }; + window.addEventListener("resize", eventResize, false); + this.gameContainer.appendChild(this.canvas); + this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); + this.ctx.fillStyle = "black"; + this.ctx.strokeStyle = "black"; + if (!document.getElementById("ASTEROIDS-NAVIGATION")) { + this.navigation = document.createElement("div"); + = "ASTEROIDS-NAVIGATION"; + this.navigation.className = "ASTEROIDSYEAH"; + Object.assign(, { + fontFamily: "Arial,sans-serif", + position: "fixed", + zIndex: "10001", + bottom: "20px", + right: "10px", + textAlign: "right" + }); + this.navigation.innerHTML = "(Press Esc to Quit) "; + this.gameContainer.appendChild(this.navigation); + this.points = document.createElement("span"); + = "ASTEROIDS-POINTS"; + = "28pt Arial, sans-serif"; + = "bold"; + this.points.className = "ASTEROIDSYEAH"; + this.navigation.appendChild(this.points); + } else { + this.navigation = document.getElementById("ASTEROIDS-NAVIGATION"); + this.points = document.getElementById("ASTEROIDS-POINTS"); + } + setScore(); + const eventKeydown = function(event) { + that.keysPressed[event.key] = true; + switch (event.key) { + case " ": + that.firedAt = 1; + break; + } + if (["ArrowUp", "ArrowDown", "ArrowRight", "ArrowLeft", " ", "b", "w", "a", "s", "d"].includes(event.key)) { + if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); + if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); + event.returnValue = false; + event.cancelBubble = true; + return false; + } + }; + document.addEventListener("keydown", eventKeydown, false); + const eventKeypress = function(event) { + if (["ArrowUp", "ArrowDown", "ArrowRight", "ArrowLeft", " ", "w", "a", "s", "d"].includes(event.key)) { + if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); + if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); + event.returnValue = false; + event.cancelBubble = true; + return false; + } + }; + document.addEventListener("keypress", eventKeypress, false); + const eventKeyup = function(event) { + that.keysPressed[event.key] = false; + if (["ArrowUp", "ArrowDown", "ArrowRight", "ArrowLeft", " ", "b", "w", "a", "s", "d"].includes(event.key)) { + 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}; + this.ctx.drawBullets = function(bullets) { + for (let i = 0; i < bullets.length; i++) { + this.beginPath(); + this.arc(bullets[i].pos.x, bullets[i].pos.y, bulletRadius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); + this.closePath(); + this.fill(); + } + }; + const randomParticleColor = function() { + return (["red", "yellow"])[random(0, 1)]; + }; + this.ctx.drawParticles = function(particles) { + const oldColor = this.fillStyle; + for (let i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) { + this.fillStyle = randomParticleColor(); + this.drawLine(particles[i].pos.x, particles[i].pos.y, particles[i].pos.x - particles[i].dir.x * 10, particles[i].pos.y - particles[i].dir.y * 10); + } + this.fillStyle = oldColor; + }; + this.ctx.drawFlames = function(flame) { +; + this.translate(that.pos.x, that.pos.y); + this.rotate(that.dir.angle()); + const oldColor = this.strokeStyle; + this.strokeStyle = "red"; + this.tracePoly(flame.r); + this.stroke(); + this.strokeStyle = "yellow"; + this.tracePoly(flame.y); + this.stroke(); + this.strokeStyle = oldColor; + this.restore(); + } + addParticles(this.pos); + document.body.classList.add("ASTEROIDSYEAH"); + let lastUpdate = new Date().getTime(); + function updateFunc() { +; + }; + setTimeout(updateFunc, 1000 / FPS); + this.update = function() { + let forceChange = false; + const nowTime = new Date().getTime(); + const tDelta = (nowTime - lastUpdate) / 1000; + lastUpdate = nowTime; + let drawFlame = false; + if (nowTime - this.updated.flame > 50) { + createFlames(); + this.updated.flame = nowTime; + } + this.scrollPos.x = window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; + this.scrollPos.y = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; + if ((this.keysPressed["ArrowUp"]) || (this.keysPressed["w"])) { + this.vel.add(this.dir.mulNew(acc * tDelta)); + drawFlame = true; + } else { + this.vel.mul(0.96); + } + if ((this.keysPressed["ArrowLeft"]) || (this.keysPressed["a"])) { + forceChange = true; + this.dir.rotate(radians(rotSpeed * tDelta * -1)); + } + if ((this.keysPressed["ArrowRight"]) || (this.keysPressed["d"])) { + forceChange = true; + this.dir.rotate(radians(rotSpeed * tDelta)); + } + if (this.keysPressed[" "] && nowTime - this.firedAt > timeBetweenFire) { + this.bullets.unshift({ + dir: this.dir.cp(), + pos: this.pos.cp(), + startVel: this.vel.cp(), + cameAlive: nowTime + }); + this.firedAt = nowTime; + if (this.bullets.length > maxBullets) { + this.bullets.pop(); + } + } + if (this.keysPressed["b"]) { + if (!this.updated.enemies) { + updateEnemyIndex(); + this.updated.enemies = true; + } + forceChange = true; + this.updated.blink.time += tDelta * 1000; + if (this.updated.blink.time > timeBetweenBlink) { + this.toggleBlinkStyle(); + this.updated.blink.time = 0; + } + } else { + this.updated.enemies = false; + } + if (this.keysPressed["Escape"]) { + destroy.apply(this); + return; + } + if (this.vel.len() > maxSpeed) { + this.vel.setLength(maxSpeed); + } + this.pos.add(this.vel.mulNew(tDelta)); + if (this.pos.x > w) { + window.scrollTo(this.scrollPos.x + 50, this.scrollPos.y); + this.pos.x = 0; + } else if (this.pos.x < 0) { + window.scrollTo(this.scrollPos.x - 50, this.scrollPos.y); + this.pos.x = w; + } + if (this.pos.y > h) { + window.scrollTo(this.scrollPos.x, this.scrollPos.y + h * 0.75); + this.pos.y = 0; + } else if (this.pos.y < 0) { + window.scrollTo(this.scrollPos.x, this.scrollPos.y - h * 0.75); + this.pos.y = h; + } + for (let i = this.bullets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if (nowTime - this.bullets[i].cameAlive > 2000) { + this.bullets.splice(i, 1); + forceChange = true; + continue; + } + const bulletVel = this.bullets[i].dir.setLengthNew(bulletSpeed * tDelta).add(this.bullets[i].startVel.mulNew(tDelta)); + this.bullets[i].pos.add(bulletVel); + boundsCheck(this.bullets[i].pos); + const murdered = getElementFromPoint(this.bullets[i].pos.x, this.bullets[i].pos.y); + if (murdered && murdered.tagName && !(ignoredTypes.includes(murdered.tagName.toUpperCase())) && hasOnlyTextualChildren(murdered) && murdered.className !== "ASTEROIDSYEAH") { + addParticles(this.bullets[i].pos); + this.dying.push(murdered); + this.bullets.splice(i, 1); + continue; + } + } + if (this.dying.length) { + for (let i = this.dying.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + try { + if (this.dying[i].parentNode) window.ASTEROIDS.enemiesKilled++; + this.dying[i].parentNode.removeChild(this.dying[i]); + } catch (e) {} + } + setScore(); + this.dying = []; + } + for (let i = this.particles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + this.particles[i].pos.add(this.particles[i].dir.mulNew(particleSpeed * tDelta * Math.random())); + if (nowTime - this.particles[i].cameAlive > 1000) { + this.particles.splice(i, 1); + forceChange = true; + continue; + } + } + if (forceChange || this.bullets.length !== 0 || this.particles.length !== 0 || ! || this.vel.len() > 0) { + this.ctx.clear(); + this.ctx.drawPlayer(); + if (drawFlame) this.ctx.drawFlames(that.flame); + if (this.bullets.length) { + this.ctx.drawBullets(this.bullets); + } + if (this.particles.length) { + this.ctx.drawParticles(this.particles); + } + } + this.lastPos = this.pos; + setTimeout(updateFunc, 1000 / FPS); + } + + function destroy() { + document.removeEventListener("keydown", eventKeydown, false); + document.removeEventListener("keypress", eventKeypress, false); + document.removeEventListener("keyup", eventKeyup, false); + window.removeEventListener("resize", eventResize, false); + removeStylesheet("ASTEROIDSYEAHSTYLES"); + document.body.classList.remove("ASTEROIDSYEAH"); + this.gameContainer.parentNode.removeChild(this.gameContainer); + }; +} + +if (!window.ASTEROIDSPLAYERS) window.ASTEROIDSPLAYERS = []; +window.ASTEROIDSPLAYERS.push(new Asteroids()); \ No newline at end of file