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369 lines (245 loc) · 16.3 KB


File metadata and controls

369 lines (245 loc) · 16.3 KB

0.10.1 (2025-02-12)

New Features

  • Added a function ~aiapy.util.check_quality_flag to interpret quality flags from QUALITY keyword. (#350)

0.10.0 (2025-01-08)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed fix_observer_location as it is no longer needed. (#346)

  • Due to the temporary shutdown of the JSOC, many of the functions within aiapy are currently not functioning as they rely on the JSOC to retrieve data.

    In an effort to enable other sources of data to be provided to the broken functions, the following breaking changes have been made:

    1. aiapy.calibrate.correct_degradation: The "calibration_version" keyword has been removed and "correction_table" is now a required argument. To get a correction table, one can use the aiapy.calibrate.util.get_correction_table. This allows one to select between, JSOC, SSW, or a custom correction table. For SSW, the correction table will be the latest version of the SSW correction table (V10). If you want to use the JSOC, you can pass in "jsoc" as a string argument.
    2. aiapy.calibrate.estimate_error: "error_table" is now a required argument. To get the error table, one can use the aiapy.calibrate.util.get_error_table. By default, this function will fetch the most recent version of the error table (V3) from SSW.
    3. "correction_table" is now a required argument.
      As in aiapy.calibrate.correct_degradation, one can use the aiapy.calibrate.util.get_correction_table to get the correction table.
    4. aiapy.calibrate.update_pointing: "pointing_table" is now a required argument. To get the pointing table, one can use aiapy.calibrate.util.get_pointing_table. This function now has a "source" keyword which can be used to select between "JSOC" (plus a start and end time) and "LMSAL" to get a copy of the pointing information dated from 11/20/2024 stored on LMSAL servers.

    Note that many of the files from SSW are not updated with any frequency and provide worse results than using the data from the JSOC. (#346)

Bug Fixes

  • Use when constructing an observer coordinate and in place of pulling T_OBS directly from the header. (#345)

0.9.1 (2024-07-23)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Spike issue with data being loaded as floats.

0.9.0 (2024-07-22)

Breaking Changes

  • All inputs and outputs that previously used "counts" or "ct" now use "DN". (#338)
  • Minimum version of sunpy supported is now sunpy 6.0.0

0.8.0 (2024-05-11)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the aiapy.calibrate.normalize_exposure function. The same functionality can be achieved by dividing a by the exposure time property, my_map / my_map.exposure_time. (#182)
  • All the functions in aiapy, that took keywords have been made to only accept them as keyword arguments. This means that you can no longer pass them as positional arguments. (#313)
  • Removed setup.cfg and files, this means you will need to use a modern version of pip (23.0 or above) to install this package now. (#313)
  • Increased the minimum version of Python to 3.10 (#313)
  • Downgraded warning for Multiple Valid Epochs (aiapy.util.util._select_epoch_from_correction_table) to a logging debug message. (#318)

New Features

  • Added extra mirrors to fetch files from SSW. (#322)


  • Cleaned up notes on AIA data preparation and included respiking procedure in the list of steps. (#182)
  • Transformed the documentation layout. (#318)
  • Fixed incorrect IDL routine reference in the aiapy.calibrate.estimate_error documentation. (#322)
  • Improved the "Requesting specific AIA images from the JSOC" Example to animate and use Fido instead of DRMS. (#323)

Internal Changes

  • Catch all erfa.core.ErfaWarning that are raised when we convert the times from the error and degradation tables into UTC while making them astropy.time.Time objects. (#324)

0.7.4 (2023-10-31)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed mismatch with the sample data downloder.
  • Fixed theme build to use the new sunpy theme.

0.7.3 (2023-04-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed missing citation. (#177)

0.7.3 (2023-04-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed missing citation. (#177)

0.7.2 (2023-01-18)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed kwargs from correct_degradation, degradation to ensure that the correct keywords are passed into these functions and the function calls that require these keywords. (#170)
  • Several private internal functions now raise ValueError instead of IndexError, some of these will now be raised to the user when calling correct_degradation, therefore any code that checks for this error type will need updating. (#170)

Bug Fixes

  • Improve error message for degradation with incorrect response table version. (#170)
  • Fixed download issue for error tables and parfive due to a mirror change. (#172)


  • Added a warning about register that it will not return a 4096 by 4096 Map, but most likely a 4094 by 4094 Map. (#170)

Trivial Changes

  • Added several tests to ensure that degradation works on all wavelengths and the ones it does not, raise the correct error. (#170)

0.7.1 (2022-11-28)

Bug Fixes

  • Change SSW mirror due to the old one being down. (#167)

0.7 (2022-08-04)

Breaking Changes

  • Minimum version of Python supported is now Python 3.8.0. (#159)
  • Minimum version of sunpy supported is now sunpy 4.0.0 LTS. (#159)
  • :func:`aiapy.calibrate.register` use_scipy keyword has been removed and replaced with a method keyword that defaults to use scipy by default. It is also possible to use scikit-image or opencv or cupy (provided you have either one installed.) (#159)

New Features

0.6.4 (2022-01-14)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug where columns in the pointing table used to update the pointing information were being converted to masked float values. This bugfix ensures that any column used in the pointing update does not have a mask and any values that are masked are filled with NaN. This bug arises in astropy>=5.0. (#151)


  • Fixed escaping of characters in equations in multiple docstrings. (#146)

0.6.3 (2021-11-05)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug in aiapy.calibrate.update_pointing concerning how the row in 3-hourly master pointing table is chosen. Previously, the row with T_START closest to DATE_OBS was chosen. Now, the row corresponding to T_OBS greater than or equal to T_START AND less than T_STOP is chosen. (#137)
  • Update the x0_mp and y0_mp keywords when updating the pointing information in aiapy.calibrate.update_pointing. (#140)

Internal Changes

  • In the case where a submap is passed into aiapy.calibrate.fetch_spikes, create the full-frame WCS directly from the submap WCS rather than creating an intermediate dummy full-frame map. (#139)

0.6.2 (2021-11-02)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the units on the table returned by aiapy.calibrate.util.get_pointing_table. The X0 and Y0 columns were incorrectly being assigned units of arcseconds instead of pixels. (#132)
  • Fixed an off-by-one bug in aiapy.calibrate.update_pointing where the CRPIX1 and CRPIX2 keywords were not being properly updated from the X0 and Y0 columns in the master pointing table. (#132)

0.6.1 (2021-11-01)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with sunpy>=3.1 in which creating a full-frame WCS in aiapy.calibrate.fetch_spikes was throwing an exception. (#126)
  • Added a check on aiapy.calibrate.update_pointing so that passing in a submap or a map not at the full AIA resolution, raises an exception. (#127)

0.6.0 (2021-10-27)

Breaking Changes

  • Pin minimum version of Python to 3.7 (#114)
  • Pin minimum version of sunpy to 3.0.0 LTS.

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • aiapy.calibrate.update_pointing now skips updating keywords if the pointing values are missing from the pointing table returned from JSOC. (#120)

0.5.1 (2021-05-24)

Backwards Incompatible Changes

  • Pin sunpy dependency to <=3.0 to allow for backwards compatibility with search_metadata. (#111)

0.5.0 (2021-04-09)


0.4.0 (2020-12-10)


Bug Fixes

  • Updated default calibration version number for degradation correction. Added tests for multiple calibration versions (#74)
  • Fixed a bug where an out of date calibration epoch was used if there were older duplicate versions available in the same epoch. (#90)
  • aiapy.calibrate.util.get_pointing_table now raises a more user-friendly RuntimeError if no pointing information can be found during the requested times. Previously it would raise a KeyError. (#91)
  • aiapy.calibrate.update_pointing now searches 12 hours either side of the map date for pointing information. This allows for some very rare instances where more than 3 hours elapses between pointing information updates. (#91)

0.3.2 (2020-11-29)

No significant changes.

0.3.1 (2020-11-15)


0.3.0 (2020-10-06)


Bug Fixes

0.2.0 (2020-07-16)


  • Functionality for respiking level 1 images and fetching spike data from JSOC
  • Updated calibration data now fetched from JSOC to account for instrument degradation
  • Compatibility fix with sunpy > 2.0.0 which previously caused level 1.5 maps to expand by several pixels
  • Functionality for fetching the location of SDO in time

0.1.0 (2020-03-31)


  • Update pointing keywords in the header using the 3-hour pointing values from the JSOC
  • Correct Heliographic Stonyhurst observer location
  • Register images by removing the roll angle, centering the image, and scaling to a common resolution (i.e. "aia_prep")
  • Calculate wavelength response functions for all channels, including time-dependent effects
  • Account for channel degradation in image correction
  • Compute the point spread function and deconvolve an image with the point spread function (with optional GPU acceleration)