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Welcome to the EddieHubCommunity Discord server!

We believe Open Source is for everyone, yes you! OPEN SOURCE is NOT about code, it is about people and collaboration We are invested in getting you those green squares on GitHub! Contributing to Open Source Software (OSS) is a great way for you to learn, work with different people and also network. You'll find awesome people here who will guide you and if you're a beginner in open source, keep an eye on #first-timers and #good-first-issues , if you get stuck somewhere feel free to ask help in the community, you'll find someone who can help you for sure and others will learn along too!

Please try to adhere by our Code Of Coduct(COC):

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. The following are the guidelines regarding chat on the discord server:


Instances of abusive, harassing or otherwise, unacceptable behaviour may be reported by contacting the @moderators . All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.

EddieBotDev (or EddieBot), would be monitoring language used on the discord server, to ensure inclusive and welcoming language in the discord server. EddieBot suggests alternatives and it would be a good practice to edit your message, reflecting the suggestion

NOTE: EddieBot is still in development, and there might be a few words flagged by it which should not have been flagged. Open an issue on the repo and get a green square!

Information Regarding Channels:

TEXT CHANNELS: These consist of the server's main text channels, that are for discourse regarding topics that aren't very tech-specific, and aren't off-topic


-> #general: main text chat

-> #introductions: give yourself an introduction, and familiarising with the community

-> #help: ask for help or provide help to the members of the community

-> #ideas: got an idea / suggestion for the community? We love hearing new ideas :nerd:

-> #content-share: share web content

-> #bot-chat: discuss bots, esp. regarding development of EddieBot. This is also a place to check your profile and ranks in the community using the bot, or use the other bot commands. DAILY:

-> #healthfitness: share your tips on health and fitness so we can be healthy together.

-> #standup: everyday of code, give us your standup updates! What you did yesterday,what you plan to do today and any blockers?

-> #achievements: share your personal achievements with the community


-> #organisation: our community's GitHub org

-> #good-first-issues: get started with open source and get your 🟩 - opportunities are provided for new contributors - discussions not to happen here as this is just for people to share links, please discuss in #first-timers

-> #first-timers: discussion about getting 🟩 and also the issues that are mentioned in the #good-first-issues -> #hackathons: the prime area to get notified about upcoming hackathons, and discussing about them

-> #mlh: Major League Hacking -> see more at

-> #opensource: discussing interesting open source news and information, that may or may not be related to EddieHubCommunity

-> #battle-stations: here you can share your workstation or workspace

-> #public-speaking: improve your soft skills, public speaking and build communities

TECH: Channels regarding specific areas

-> #ux-ui, #frontend, #backend, #linux, #devops, #git, #ml-ai, #databases, #tech-other


-> #youtube: Channel for live stream updates of Eddie's youtube channel

-> #bot-logs: Logs of EddieBotDev

-> #github: Updates from the github community

You can raise an issue or a Pull request here - if you find any necessary changes to be made in the README, get started with open source and get your 🟩 right away!

Where to join our GITHUB community?

-> Create an Issue with the type invite me to the GitHub Community Org

How to ask for help Tips to help you ask questions which will give you a better chance to get the best answers from everyone.

  1. Read through your code first. Your problem could be as simple as a typo or a missing closing tag.

  2. Ask Google. Many code problems can be solved with a quick Google, so give this a try first. If that doesn't help, head back here to ask your question, and follow the tips below.

  3. Clearly describe the problem. Explain what is happening and what you want to happen.

  4. Share your code. It’s very unlikely that anyone will be able to solve your problem without seeing your code. Share a GitHub repository, a GitHub gist link or format the code by wrapping it in backticks, like the example below.

      //Your code goes here
  5. Send screenshots, if relevant. It often helps people to see the browser output, so send over a screenshot of what you can see, in this case.

  6. Explain what you have already tried. You don't want people to suggest things you have already done.

  7. Send updates so people know whether their answer has helped you.

  8. Help other people out when you can. If people see you helping others, they will be even more likely to help you when you need it.

  9. Roles

    Our server has several roles you can assign to yourself, such as roles for your specific tech stack or roles that we ping for certain events.

    To see the roles that are available, head over to #bot-chat and use the command becca!role. Becca will send a list of the roles you can assign to yourself.

    To assign a role, use becca!role <role name> and Becca will give you that role. For example, if I wanted the angular role, I would send the command becca!role angular.