- Related course module: IR.3503 - Virtual Infrastructure
- Tutorial scope: OS Level Virtualization & Containers
- Technologies: Linux, Docker
During this tutorial, we will learn few things like:
- What is a container ?
- How to use the docker CLI (Command Line Interface) ?
- Create your first docker container
- Create your first docker image
- Create a stack using docker compose
In the following, you will see
if you should play around and see the documentation or test. You will seeAction
if you should run a command, write a program, or something similar. You will seeQuestion
when there is a question to provide an answer to.
Voucher Link:
These prerequisites only concern you if you will use a Virtual Machine (VM) on a public cloud to execute the different steps. For that, you need to have:
- an ssh client already configured on you desktop
- pick an account from the accounts csv file containing: VM's public IP address and credentials needed for connecting
I recommend that you create a text file with your favorite editor where you will continuously copy the commands and their output to help you with your TP report.
Please note that the VM will be destroyed upon finishing the TP with a grace period of 1 hour approximately.
+ Discover
In this section, you will explore your environment with a set of commands to know a bit more the configuration that you are provided with:
dmidecode -s system-product-name
lshw -class system
uname -a
cat /etc/issue
free -m
df -h
ip a
ip r
curl ifconfig.co/json | jq
# You may need to installjq
Use man
to lean about those commands.
These commands help you get some basic information about your environment such as: virtualization technology (if any!), distribution, hardware (cpu, memory, storage), network, etc.
Explore these links
- https://docs.docker.com/get-started/overview/
- https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/namespaces.7.html
- https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/cgroups.7.html
- What is Docker ?
- What are the main components of Docker ?
- What are the technologies that Docker uses under the hood ?
+ Discover
Use the official documentation to install docker engine: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/
To verify if Docker Engine is correctly isntalled:
docker --version
Run the following command:
docker info
- What is the Docker server (daemon) version ?
- What are the supported networking plugins ?
- Does Docker use SELinux ? If not, what are the supported tools ?
+ Discover
Use the official documentation to install docker compose: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
To verify if Docker Compose is correctly installed:
docker compose version
- What is Docker Compose ?
In your terminal, run the following command:
docker --help
- What are the CLI commands that can give you:
- the list of the running containers
- the list of available container images
- some container statistics (CPU, RAM, I/O, etc.)
- the list of networks created by default
- What is the command that can let you execute a command inside a running container ?
- What is the command that can let you download a container image ?
A container is simply another process on your system with some specific configurations that are applied to make sure that:
- the containerized process is isolated from the rest of the system
- and it has a limited access to system resources
resulting in a "sandboxed" program that acts as an independent system.
To see this in practice we will use a simple web server container using httpd
. But first, let's make sure that no instances of httpd
are already running on our system:
ps -aef |grep httpd
Now you need to pull the image from the public Docker Hub repository:
docker image pull httpd:alpine
List the local docker images:
docker image ls
To run the docker container:
docker run --name httpd -d -e INSTITUTION=isep httpd:alpine
environment variable is just a dummy variable that has nothing to do with httpd but serves the purpose of this TP later on. You can modify it if you want !
- What is the result of
ps -aef |grep httpd
now ? - What is the
of the parenthttpd
process ?
Compare that with the output of the following command:
docker top httpd
- What can you notice about both outputs ?
Let's now see what this container (or iseolated Linux process) is made of. Just like a normal Linux process, you can find more details about it in the /proc
(https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/proc.5.html), the process information pseudo-filesystem.
Run the following command to list all the content of /proc
ls /proc
Now use httpd
process ID that you got previously to explore its configuration under:
ls /proc/<PID>/
Let's take a look at a particular file: environ
which contains the environment variables of the process:
cat /proc/<PID>/environ
Now execute env
command inside the container by running:
docker exec httpd env
- What do you notice ?
You can also verify the container's default gateway, by comparing:
cat /proc/<PID>/net/route
docker exec httpd route
Hint: to convert hex to decimal you can use
echo $((16#11))
which will convert hex 11 to decimal for example.
The isolation property of containers is implemented by the means of Linux namespaces. To explore these, install the container info tool that you can find here: https://github.com/mhausenblas/cinf
curl -s -L https://github.com/mhausenblas/cinf/releases/latest/download/cinf_linux_amd64.tar.gz \
-o cinf.tar.gz && \
tar xvzf cinf.tar.gz cinf && \
mv cinf /usr/local/bin && \
rm cinf*
Verify the installation by running:
cinf -version
- What
is used for ?
+ Question
- What
are used byhttpd
container ? How many ? - What is the version of cgroups used by this container ? Justify whether it's v1 or v2.
Explore the following links to have an overview of Linux capabilities and their impact on a process/container:
- https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/capabilities.7.html
- https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/proc.5.html
- How process capabilities can be listed ?
Run the following command and find the lines that correspond to the container's capabilities:
cat /proc/<PID>/status
- What are the permitted capabilities of the
container ?
Hint: to decode a specific capabilities set you can use:
capsh --decode=<hex value>
+ Question
- What is the Linux kernel's version of the
container ? - What can you say about it ?
+ Question
Run the following command:
docker container inspect httpd
- What is the Hostname of the container ?
- What is the IP address of the container ?
- Does the container open any ports ? If yes, which ones ?
- What storage driver the containers uses ?
The complete list of storage drivers can found here: https://docs.docker.com/storage/storagedriver/select-storage-driver/
+ Action
By default, ports exposed by a container are only accessible by containers from the same network. To open ports at the Host level, you need to publish them: https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/container-networking/
Test if your HTTP
port is open from the outside world using:
curl ifconfig.co/port/80
- What is the result of the test ?
Let's destroy the httpd
docker rm -f httpd
and create a new one that publishes the port 80:
docker run --name httpd -d -p 80:80 httpd:alpine
Verify that your container is now reachable from the outside world by opening your favorite internet browser and going to the following address:
http://<public ip>/
If you see It works that means that it works.
In this part of the tutorial, you will build a Docker image using the Netcat tool (https://nc110.sourceforge.io/)
To create a Docker image you need to create a Dockerfile
which is basically a text file that contains a set of instructions that the Docker doemon will execute to create a filesystem known as image
Refer to the following links to answer the questions:
- What is the role of the
instruction ? - What is an image layer ?
- What is the difference between a container layer and an image layer ?
- Is there any alternatives for Docker doemon to build a Docker image ?
Create a file named Dockerfile
with the following content:
FROM alpine:latest
LABEL description "Simple netcat image"
RUN apk add --no-cache netcat-openbsd
- What
is used for ?
Build a Docker image by specifying the tag netcat:latest
and the file Dockerfile
Hint: Refer to the
docker build
documentation to find the correct syntax: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/
- How many layers your
image contains ? Explain why ?
In your current terminal, start a netcat server container in an interactive mode:
docker run --name nc-server -it netcat -l 8000
In a second terminal, retrieve the IP address of nc-server using:
docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' nc-server
Then, start a netcat client container in an interactive mode:
docker run -it netcat <nc-server ip> 8000
Start typing some text and see it printed on the server side when you hit enter.
To remove both containers, start a third terminal an run:
docker rm -f nc-server nc-client
- Why nc-client was able to connect to nc-server ?
+ Question
Print docker-compose help and answer the following questions:
- Which command can be used to run a service ?
- Which command can be used to teardown a service ?
Create a docker-compose.yml
file with the following content:
version: "3.8"
build: .
entrypoint: sleep 60
- private-net
build: .
entrypoint: sleep 60
- private-net
- What does this file contain ?
- What part of the default image is overriden ?
Build all images of the compose file:
docker compose build
Run the stack:
docker compose up
- What are the containers that are created by this compose file in the running containers' list ?
In two different terminals, execute a server inside nc-server and a client inside nc-client to redo the test and verify that it works.
Note: Adapt the sleep timer to suit your needs.
Update the compose file to be able to connect to nc-server
from a client that is not on the private-net
Docker can also be used as a lightwight container orchestration system using the Docker Swarm project: https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/
This orchestration system is currently beeing superseded by other projects like kubernetes.