This project implements a Spring Boot application that provides an API for healthcare organization data.
To run the project:
make run
Example API requests can be found in Examples.http
The application provides two main endpoints:
- Lookup Endpoint
: Returns the organization with the given ID. - Traverse Endpoint
: Finds the top-level parent organization for any given organization.
- The code follows a functional core, imperative shell approach, utilizing Optional for null-like-handling. This enables both a stream- and iterator based approach, highlighted at the Controller level. Traversal was written imperatively rather than recursively, since Java does not have tail-call-optimization.
- Testing includes mocking of the repository layer to ensure proper functionality of the service layer, while avoiding the need for a full Spring Boot application context.
Given more time, potential enhancements could include:
- Additional testing, including smoke/integration tests for endpoints
- Logging
- Metrics and health checks
- Security considerations (e.g., rate limiting, authentication)
I look forward to discussing the implementation details, design choices, and potential improvements during the interview.