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File metadata and controls

105 lines (85 loc) · 3.38 KB

Custom Handlers

Custom handlers allow users to integrate custom rendering for either unsupported languages or to override / extend builtin implementations.

Custom handlers are ran identically to builtin ones, so by returning extmark data this plugin will handle clearing the extmarks on mode changes, re-rendering when needed, and concealing when the cursor enters.


Each handler must conform to the following interface:

---@class (exact)
---@field public conceal boolean
---@field public start_row integer
---@field public start_col integer
---@field public opts vim.api.keyset.set_extmark

---@class (exact)
---@field public buf integer
---@field public root TSNode

---@class (exact)
---@field public extends? boolean
---@field public parse fun(ctx:[]

The parse function takes a ctx parameter whose fields are:

  • buf: The buffer containing the root node
  • root: The root treesitter node for the specified language

The extends parameter defines whether the builtin handler should still be run in conjunction with this one. Defaults to false.

This is a high level interface, as such creating, parsing, and iterating through a treesitter query is entirely up to the user if the functionality they want needs this. We do not provide any convenience functions, but you are more than welcome to use patterns from the builtin handlers.

For each mark in the return value the fields mean:

  • conceal: determines if the mark should be hidden when cursor enters
  • start_row: only value used to check whether cursor is inside the mark
  • start_col: passed to nvim_buf_set_extmark as the 3rd argument
  • opts: passed directly to nvim_buf_set_extmark, no special handling

Example 1: Disable a Builtin

By not specifying the extends field and having the parse implementation return an empty table we can disable a builtin handler. Though this has little benefit and can be accomplished in other ways like setting { latex = { enabled = false } } for LaTeX.

Still as a toy example disabling the LaTeX handler can be done with:

    custom_handlers = {
        latex = {
            parse = function()
                return {}

Example 2: Highlight python Function Definitions

This will require a treesitter query and using the range values of nodes.

-- Parse query outside of the function to avoid doing it for each call
local query = vim.treesitter.query.parse('python', '(function_definition) @def')
local function parse_python(ctx)
    local marks = {}
    for id, node in query:iter_captures(ctx.root, ctx.buf) do
        local capture = query.captures[id]
        local start_row, _, _, _ = node:range()
        if capture == 'def' then
            table.insert(marks, {
                conceal = true,
                start_row = start_row,
                start_col = 0,
                opts = {
                    end_row = start_row + 1,
                    end_col = 0,
                    hl_group = 'DiffDelete',
                    hl_eol = true,
    return marks
    file_types = { 'markdown', 'python' },
    custom_handlers = {
        python = { parse = parse_python },