diff --git a/desktop-src/DevNotes/ldrdllnotification.md b/desktop-src/DevNotes/ldrdllnotification.md index 05d308ea3db..a810dfc2c21 100644 --- a/desktop-src/DevNotes/ldrdllnotification.md +++ b/desktop-src/DevNotes/ldrdllnotification.md @@ -63,16 +63,17 @@ The reason that the notification callback function was called. This parameter ca A pointer to a constant **LDR\_DLL\_NOTIFICATION** union that contains notification data. This union has the following definition: -``` syntax +```C++ typedef union _LDR_DLL_NOTIFICATION_DATA { LDR_DLL_LOADED_NOTIFICATION_DATA Loaded; LDR_DLL_UNLOADED_NOTIFICATION_DATA Unloaded; } LDR_DLL_NOTIFICATION_DATA, *PLDR_DLL_NOTIFICATION_DATA; +typedef const LDR_DLL_NOTIFICATION_DATA *PCLDR_DLL_NOTIFICATION_DATA; ``` The **LDR\_DLL\_LOADED\_NOTIFICATION\_DATA** structure has the following definition: -``` syntax +```C++ typedef struct _LDR_DLL_LOADED_NOTIFICATION_DATA { ULONG Flags; //Reserved. PCUNICODE_STRING FullDllName; //The full path name of the DLL module. @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ typedef struct _LDR_DLL_LOADED_NOTIFICATION_DATA { The **LDR\_DLL\_UNLOADED\_NOTIFICATION\_DATA** structure has the following definition: -``` syntax +```C++ typedef struct _LDR_DLL_UNLOADED_NOTIFICATION_DATA { ULONG Flags; //Reserved. PCUNICODE_STRING FullDllName; //The full path name of the DLL module.