Provides a base class to format and access application data paths in an easy and straightforward way.
This package merely combines your data paths with your application name in a reusable class so that you don't have to repeat yourself.
//Instead of doing this
var path = Path.Combine(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData, "My Application");
//You can just do this
var path = _projectEnvironment.LocalUser;
ProjectMaster works with DI so you're going to have to use the following method wherever you inject things to get it to work:
You can skip the above line if you are already using either ToolBX.AutoInject or ToolBX.AssemblyInitializer.
public class MyProjectEnvironment : ProjectEnvironment
//Organization is optional and can be left blank
protected override string OrganizationName => "My organization";
//Project is mandatory and your ProjectEnvironment class WILL throw if it is omitted or left blank
protected override string ProjectName => "My project";
public DummyProjectEnvironment(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) : base(serviceProvider)
You can (should) take advantage of the AutoInject library this way but it is entirely up to you :
//It will automatically link to IProjectEnvironment so you don't even need to make your own interface!
public class MyProjectEnvironment : ProjectEnvironment
Otherwise, you can use the following to inject it manually :
services.AddSingleton<IProjectEnvironment, MyProjectEnvironment>();
Once you have your custom class and it is injected in your code :
private readonly IProjectEnvironment _projectEnvironment;
public SomeClass(IProjectEnvironment projectEnvironment)
_projectEnvironment = projectEnvironment;
public void Something()
//On windows would return something like : "c:/Users/Default/AppData/Local/My organization/My project/"
var path = _projectEnvironment.AllUsers;
//"c:/Users/YourName/AppData/Local/My organization/My project/"
path = _projectEnvironment.LocalUser;
//"c:/Users/YourName/AppData/Roaming/My organization/My project/"
path = _projectEnvironment.RoamingUser;
//"c:/Users/YourName/AppData/Local/Temp/My organization/My project/"
path = _projectEnvironment.TemporaryFiles;
There is not a one-size fits all response to this. Some put it in the local user's app data but others put it in the user's Documents folder. I even hear that it's not uncommon to keep save files in the game's installation folder.
Steam seems to like putting it in 'Documents/My Games/Game name/'.
Personally, I put it in the roaming user's folder. This approach should work seamlessly across most (if not all) modern operating systems.