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210 lines (196 loc) · 7.23 KB

File metadata and controls

210 lines (196 loc) · 7.23 KB

GET /Customer/{CustNo}


Retrieves information about a specified customer

  • Requires API Key: Yes
  • Requires System Administrator: No
  • Requires Counterpoint Registration option: Yes

Sample Request


GET https://localhost:81/Customer/100010


  • Authorization : Basic UUFUZXN0R29sZi5NR1I6cGFzc3dvcmQx
  • APIKey : vpmk0tqApzFu5EesAMQgstBtQAEwK1ySwMZ4zwiC
  • Accept : application/json


Name Parameter Type Data Type Required Description
CustNo path string true The CUST_NO of the customer to retrieve.

Response Codes

  • 200 OK The request was successful, the result of the call will be in the response body.
  • 401 Unauthorized The request could not be fulfilled. Likely due to a missing or invalid authorization header.
  • 403 Forbidden The request could not be fulfilled. Likely due to a missing, invalid, or expired APIKey, or a missing API option in the company's registration.ini
  • 404 Not Found The CUST_NO provided was not a valid CUST_NO in the AR_CUST table.
  • 500 Internal Server Error The request could not be fulfilled due to an unexpected internal error. This could be caused by a bug in the system, an unavailable database, or any other unexpected internal problem processing the request.

Error Codes

The following error codes may be returned from requests to this endpoint:

  • SUCCESS: The request was successful and the customer information is present under the AR_CUST section of the response body.
  • ERROR_RECORD_NOT_FOUND: The requested CUST_NO was not present. This is returned when a 404 http response is returned.

Response Body

This endpoint returns data related to a customer, essentially from the AR_CUST and related tables. The data is hierarchically structured in the response, as such:


Sample Response Body

  "AR_CUST": {
    "CUST_NO": "1000",
    "NAM": "Bill Baker",
    "FST_NAM": "Bill",
    "FST_NAM_UPR": "BILL",
    "LST_NAM": "Baker",
    "SALUTATION": "Mr.",
    "CUST_TYP": "A",
    "ADRS_1": "1426 Millstream Parkway",
    "CITY": "Memphis",
    "STATE": "TN",
    "ZIP_COD": "38120",
    "PHONE_1": "321-455-1836",
    "SLS_REP": "MGR",
    "STR_ID": "MAIN",
    "STMNT_COD": "EOM",
    "TAX_COD": "MEMTN",
    "TERMS_COD": "NET30",
    "ALLOW_AR_CHRG": "Y",
    "ALLOW_TKTS": "Y",
    "NO_CR_LIM": "Y",
    "CR_RATE": "AAA",
    "NO_MAX_CHK_AMT": "Y",
    "UNPSTD_BAL": 0,
    "BAL_METH": "O",
    "AR_ACCT_NO": "1210",
    "BAL": 238.25,
    "ORD_BAL": 770.06,
    "NO_OF_ORDS": 2,
    "USE_ORD_SHIP_TO": "S",
    "ALLOW_ORDS": "Y",
    "LST_AGE_DAT": "2003-01-04T00:00:00.0000000",
    "LST_AGE_BAL": 759.09,
    "LST_AGE_BAL_1": 0,
    "LST_AGE_BAL_2": 0,
    "LST_AGE_BAL_3": 0,
    "LST_AGE_BAL_4": 759.09,
    "LST_AGE_BAL_5": 0,
    "LST_AGE_BAL_2_5": 759.09,
    "LST_AGE_BAL_3_5": 759.09,
    "LST_AGE_BAL_4_5": 759.09,
    "LST_AGE_BAL_OPN": 0,
    "LST_AGE_METH": "I",
    "LST_AGE_AS_OF_DAT": "2003-01-04T00:00:00.0000000",
    "LST_AGE_CUTOFF_DAT": "2003-01-04T00:00:00.0000000",
    "LST_AGE_MAX_PRD_1": 30,
    "LST_AGE_MAX_PRD_2": 60,
    "LST_AGE_MAX_PRD_3": 90,
    "LST_AGE_MAX_PRD_4": 120,
    "LST_AGE_NO_OF_PRDS": 4,
    "LST_AGE_NON_STD": "N",
    "LST_STMNT_DAT": "2001-02-15T00:00:00.0000000",
    "LST_STMNT_BAL": 936.59,
    "LST_STMNT_BAL_1": 936.59,
    "LST_STMNT_BAL_2": 0,
    "LST_STMNT_BAL_3": 0,
    "LST_STMNT_BAL_4": 0,
    "LST_STMNT_BAL_5": 0,
    "LST_STMNT_BAL_2_5": 0,
    "LST_STMNT_BAL_3_5": 0,
    "LST_STMNT_BAL_4_5": 0,
    "LST_STMNT_METH": "I",
    "LST_STMNT_BEG_DAT": "2001-02-15T00:00:00.0000000",
    "LST_STMNT_END_DAT": "2001-03-14T00:00:00.0000000",
    "LST_STMNT_MAX_PRD_1": 30,
    "LST_STMNT_MAX_PRD_2": 60,
    "LST_STMNT_MAX_PRD_3": 90,
    "LST_STMNT_MAX_PRD_4": 120,
    "FST_SAL_DAT": "2001-02-15T00:00:00.0000000",
    "LST_SAL_DAT": "2012-07-17T00:00:00.0000000",
    "LST_SAL_AMT": 2589.49,
    "LST_PMT_DAT": "2007-10-27T00:00:00.0000000",
    "LST_PMT_AMT": 100,
    "LST_MAINT_DT": "2012-04-26T12:55:10.0000000",
    "LST_LCK_DT": "2008-07-30T07:56:26.0130000",
    "LWY_BAL": 2359.36,
    "NO_OF_LWYS": 2,
    "USE_LWY_SHIP_TO": "S",
    "ALLOW_LWYS": "Y",
    "IS_ECOMM_CUST": "N",
    "DISC_PCT": 0,
    "ECOMM_LST_PUB_TYP": "!",
    "ECOMM_LST_IMP_TYP": "!",
    "LOY_PGM_COD": "LOYAL-1",
    "LOY_PTS_BAL": 12456,
    "TOT_LOY_PTS_EARND": 2456,
    "TOT_LOY_PTS_RDM": 0,
    "TOT_LOY_PTS_ADJ": 10000,
    "LST_LOY_EARN_TKT_DAT": "2012-07-17T00:00:00.0000000",
    "LST_LOY_EARN_TKT_TIM": "1899-12-30T13:46:17.0000000",
    "LST_LOY_PTS_EARN": 2376,
    "LST_LOY_EARN_TKT_NO": "70027-01",
    "LST_LOY_PTS_RDM": 0,
    "LST_LOY_ADJ_DAT": "2006-03-19T00:00:00.0000000",
    "LST_LOY_PTS_ADJ": 10000,
    "LOY_CARD_NO": "321-455-1836",
    "FCH_COD": "2%",
    "REQ_PO_NO": "N",
    "RS_UTC_DT": "2013-03-22T15:17:45.5400000",
    "CUST_NAM_TYP": "B",
    "CUST_FST_LST_NAM": "Bill Baker",
    "LST_LOY_EARN_TKT_DT": "2012-07-17T13:46:17.0000000",
    "RS_STAT": 1,
    "RPT_EMAIL": "1",
    "AR_CUST_NOTE": [
        "CUST_NO": "1000",
        "NOTE_ID": "ACCOUNT",
        "NOTE_DAT": "2007-10-31T07:56:47.0000000",
        "USR_ID": "MGR",
        "NOTE": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\lang1033\\fs16 This is an Auto-display note used for Account Management. This note is also one that can be printed using a Preview function and Crystal will do word-wrap on the notes column.\\par\r\n}\r\n",
        "NOTE_TXT": "This is an Auto-display note used for Account Management. This note is also one that can be printed using a Preview \r\nfunction and Crystal will do word-wrap on the notes column.\r\r\n"
        "CUST_NO": "1000",
        "NOTE_ID": "AUTO",
        "NOTE_DAT": "2011-03-14T09:47:12.0000000",
        "USR_ID": "MGR",
        "NOTE": "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Arial;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\lang1033\\fs16 Have Bill verify his current phone number.  (we could not reach him last week)\\par\r\n\\par\r\nAH\\par\r\n}\r\n",
        "NOTE_TXT": "Have Bill verify his current phone number.  (we could not reach him last week)\r\r\n\r\r\nAH\r\r\n"
    "AR_SHIP_ADRS": [
        "CUST_NO": "1000",
        "SHIP_ADRS_ID": "(DEFAULT)",
        "NAM": "Baker International",
        "ADRS_1": "17821 West Jefferson Ave",
        "CITY": "Memphis",
        "STATE": "TN",
        "ZIP_COD": "38121"
    "AR_CUST_CARDS": []
  "ErrorCode": "SUCCESS"