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UdacityFullStackWebCourse Capstone Project.

The frontend app client is live at:

The backend server is live at:

This project is the Capstone in the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree. I was hoping to leverage many of the different skills I learned in the course and create a project that incorporates all the different pieces of the course.

Casting Agency Project Prompt

The Casting Agency models a company that is responsible for creating movies and managing and assigning actors to those movies. You are an Executive Producer within the company and are creating a system to simplify and streamline your process.


The frontend of this app is a react application. Please see the frontend/ for more information.



  • Movies with attributes title and release date
    • Table name: movies
    • Columns:
      • id: Integer, Primary key
      • title: String, Movie title
      • release_date: Date, Release date
      • actors: Backref to actors table; list of actors in movie

Insert example

  req_release_date = datetime.datetime.strptime("2022-01-15",
  movie = Movie(title=req_title, release_date=req_release_date)

Update example

    movie = Movie.query.filter( == id).one_or_none()
    new_release_date = datetime.datetime.strptime("2022-01-15",
    movie.release_date = new_release_date


  • Actors with attributes name, age and gender
    • Table name: actors
    • Columns:
      • name: String, actor's name
      • age: Integer, age
      • gender: String, genter
      • movies: Backref to movies table; list of movies actor is in

Insert example

  actor = Actor(name=req_name, age=req_age, gender=req_gender)

Update example

  actor = Actor.query.filter( == id).one_or_none()
  actor.age = 28


  • Association table between movies and actors
    • Table name: movie_actor_association
    • Associates many-to-many relationship between movies and actors


Actor Endpoints

GET /actors

  • A Public Endpoint that fetches a list of all actors. If there are no actors, it will return an empty list.
  • Permissions required: None
  • Request Arguments: None
  • Returns:
    • Status code 200 and json {"success": True, "actors": actors} where actors is a list of all actors.

DELETE /actors

  • A Public Endpoint that deletes an existing actor from the database. Returns a 404 if the actor <id> is not found.
  • Permissions required:
    • `'delete:actors'``
  • Request Arguments: None
  • Returns:
    • Status code 200 and json {"success": True, "delete": id} where id is the id of the deleted record or appropriate status code indicating reason for failure.

POST /actors

  • Creates a new actors and stores it in the database. It will throw a 400 if the incorrect parameters are passed.
  • Permissions required:
    • 'post:actors'
  • Request Arguments:
    • 'name': A string that is the full name of the actor.
    • 'age': An Integer that is the age of the actor.
    • 'gender': A string that is the gender of the actor.
  • Returns:
    • Status code 200 and json {"success": True, "actors": [actor]} where actors is an array containing only the newly created actor or appropriate status code indicating reason for failure

PATCH /actors/<id>

  • Updates an existing actor. It will throw a 404 if <id> is not found.
  • Permissions required:
    • 'patch:actors'
  • Request Arguments:
    • [Optional] 'name': A string that is the full name of the actor.
    • [Optional] 'age': An Integer that is the age of the actor.
    • [Optional] 'gender': A string that is the gender of the actor.
    • The actor information will not change if none of the request arguments are supplied. However, a 200 will still be returned.
  • Returns:
    • Status code 200 and json {"success": True, "actors": [actor]} where actors is an array containing only the updated actor or appropriate status code indicating reason for failure.

Movie Endpoints

GET /movies

  • A Public Endpoint that fetches a list of all movies. If there are no movies, it will return an empty list.
  • Permissions required: None
  • Request Arguments: None
  • Returns:
    • Status code 200 and json {"success": True, "movies": movies} where movies is a list of all movies.

DELETE /movies

  • A Public Endpoint that deletes an existing movie from the database. Returns a 404 if the movie <id> is not found.
  • Permissions required:
    • 'delete:movies'
  • Request Arguments: None
  • Returns:
    • Status code 200 and json {"success": True, "delete": id} where id is the id of the deleted record or appropriate status code indicating reason for failure.

POST /movies

  • Creates a new movies and stores it in the database. It will throw a 400 if the incorrect parameters are passed.
  • Permissions required:
    • 'post:movies'
  • Request Arguments:
    • 'title': A string that is the full title of the movie.
    • 'release_date': A string of the release date of the movie, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"
  • Returns:
    • Status code 200 and json {"success": True, "movies": [movie]} where movies is an array containing only the newly created movie or appropriate status code indicating reason for failure

PATCH /movies/<id>

  • Updates an existing movie. It will throw a 404 if <id> is not found.
  • Permissions required:
    • 'patch:movies'
  • Request Arguments:
    • [Optional] 'title': A string that is the full title of the movie.
    • [Optional] 'release_date': A string of the release date of the movie, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"
    • The movie information will not change if none of the request arguments are supplied. However, a 200 will still be returned.
  • Returns:
    • Status code 200 and json {"success": True, "movies": [movie]} where movies is an array containing only the updated movie or appropriate status code indicating reason for failure.



  • post:actors: create a new actor
  • patch:actors: modify an existing actor
  • delete:actors: delete an actor
  • post:movies: create a new movie
  • patch:movies: modify an existing movie
  • delete:movies: delete a movie


  1. Casting Assistant
    • Can view actors and movies.
    • Has permissions:
      • None, get actors/movies are public endpoints
  2. Casting Director
    • All permissions a Casting Assistant has and…
    • Add or delete an actor from the database
    • Modify actors or movies
    • Has permissions:
      • post:actors
      • patch:actors
      • delete:actors
      • patch:movies
  3. Executive Producer
    • All permissions a Casting Director has and…
    • Add or delete a movie from the database
    • Has permissions:
      • post:actors
      • patch:actors
      • delete:actors
      • post:movies
      • patch:movies
      • delete:movies


Generate a new token:

  1. Casting Assistant


  2. Casting Director


  3. Executive Producer


Running the Server Locally

Installing Dependencies

Python 3.7

Follow instructions to install the correct version of Python for your platform in the python docs.

Virtual Environment (venv)

We recommend working within a virtual environment whenever using Python for projects. This keeps your dependencies for each project separate and organaized. Instructions for setting up a virual enviornment for your platform can be found in the python docs.

python -m venv venv

PIP Dependecies

Once you have your venv setup and running, install dependencies by navigating to the root directory and running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all of the required packages included in the requirements.txt file.

Local Database Setup

Create your database using PostgreSQL. Ensure that you have PostgreSQL installed with:

psql --version

Once that is done, create your local database:

createdb casting_agency

Once you create the database, open your terminal, navigate to the root folder, and run:

flask db init
flask db migrate -m "Initial migration."
flask db upgrade

After running, don't forget modify 'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI' variable.

Running the server

From within the root directory, first ensure you're working with your created venv. To run the server, execute the following:

export FLASK_APP=app
export FLASK_DEBUG=true
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run

Setting the FLASK_ENV variable to development will detect file changes and restart the server automatically.

Running the following command from the root directory will ensure you have a working local server running:


Local Testing

Set up

Create a testing database usg psql.

createdb casting_agency_test

If the testing db was already created:

dropdb casting_agency_test && createdb casting_agency_test

Make sure the environment variables are set:


Run the tests

To test the local install, run the following command from the root folder.


All tests will run with the default executive director token above. If more than 50% of the tests are failing with 401, then it is likely the the JWTs have expired.

Live Testing

Live test:

Because there is no front end, I wrote this script to test out the endpoints live on heroku!

python --help

The script will run queries against the live heroku application! You can try a couple pre-populated movies and actors.

Python Code Style

All python files have been checked with pycodestyle. Using the following to double check code style:

pycodestyle <>

Tech Stack

This is the full tech stack for this application.

Operating system

I wrote this application using macOS Catalina 10.15.7. It should work on most UNIX-based Operating Systems.

All dependencies can be installed using either the pip package manager or the brew package manager.

Web server

The web server technology I used is Flask.

I am using Flask, Flask CORS for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, and gunicorn for Heroku deployment.

Database Management

I am using PostgreSQL 13.1 for the Database system. For integration with flask and python, I am using SQLAlchemy and Flask-SQLAlchemy.

I am using Flask-Migrate to manage database versions. Then I'm using alembic for the actual versioning scheme. Finally, I'm using psycopg2 to manage the database upgrades.

Script interpreter

I am using Python 3.7.7. As well as the following python modules:

  • pycodestyle for codestyle
  • PyJWT and python-jose for JWG authentication management
  • pytest for the local python test suite