The RoomJS game engine does not make many assumptions about the gaming logic. It can be regarded as a generic "driver" responsible for handling connections and player accounts, dispatching commands and providing a persisent world -- But basically, everything else is entirely up to the game developers.
As noted in the Customization guide, which the reader is assumed to have first read at this point:
The term "mudlib" refers to the very basic set of objects and entities that are initally required to make the first real objects in your game (i.e. the base structure for rooms, containers, behaviors, etc.). The demonstration comes with its own mudlib, which you can modify/extend, but it is wholly replaceable -- By nature, the demonstration mudlib has been kept small (no character classes or combat system, for instance -- You'll have to design your owns).
This memorandum describes the demonstration mudlib (i.e. objects), which may be used as a sample for designing and implementing you own game logic. It is indeed a very small library (with only 10 base structures for items/rooms/NPCs, and 7 traits for behaviors).
For each objects, this memorandum provides:
- The directly inherited traits,
- Verbs defined by the object,
- Functions defined by the object,
- Properties defined by the object,
- If any, triggers provided by this object: these are callback functions that do nothing by default, but are intended for being overloaded by derived classes.
These objects are purely 'abstract' (i.e. they don't inherit from lib.root), and are intended to be added to objects, to extend their functionality.
A trait for items than can be described.
Traits: none
Verb |
l*ook/ex*amine this |
Function | Description |
describe | Returns the object description if defined, or the object name. May be overloaded by derived objects. |
Property | Description |
description : String | Optional textual description for the object. |
Trigger | Description |
onExamine | Fired after object is looked at. |
A trait for items that can be taken or dropped.
Traits: none
Verb |
get/take this |
drop this |
Function | Description |
announceTakeItem | Defines the message displayed in the room when the object is taken. |
announceDropItem | Defines the message displayed in the room when the object is dropped. |
Properties: none
Triggers: none, but that's probably missing (e.g. onDropItem/onTakeItem)
A trait for items that can be opened/closed/locked/unlocked.
Traits: none
Verb |
open this |
close this |
unlock/open this with/using any |
lock/close this with/using any |
Function | Description |
doOpen | Opening logic. |
doClose | Closing logic. |
doLock | Locking logic. |
doUnlock | Unlocking logic. |
addKeyId | Convenience function for adding a key identifier to the object. |
rmKeyId | Convenience function for removing a key identifier to the object. |
Property | Description |
locked : Boolean | True if item is locked. Defaults to true. |
closed : Boolean | True if item is closed. Defaults to true. |
keySet : Array.String | Key identifiers (see lib.key below) for locking/unlocking the object. Defaults to [ "masterkey" ]. |
autolocking : Boolean | Optional flag. If true, the object will lock itself when being closed. |
- If you don't want the object to be lockable/unlockable, set the keySet to an empty array,
- The "masterkey" identifier stands for an all-purpose master key, so you may either remove it or rather just add specific key identifiers.
Trigger | Description |
onOpen | Fired after object is opened. |
onClose | Fired after object is closed. |
onLock | Fired after object is locked. |
onUnlock | Fired after object is unlocked. |
A trait for items that can serve as containers.
Traits: none
Verb |
get/take any out of/from inside/from this |
put any in/inside/into this |
l*ook in/inside/into this |
Function | Description |
announcePutItemContainer | Defines the message displayed in the room when an object is put into the container. |
announceTakeItemContainer | Defines the message displayed in the room when the object is taken from the container. |
canAccept | Checks the container interior can be accessed. Currently only checks whether the container is closed, in case it also inherits from lib.traits.closeable. |
describeContents | Returns the contents of the container. |
Properties: none
Triggers: none, but that's probably missing (or we should use onDropItem/onTakeItem if the instances has lib.traits.gettable)
A trait for items that can serve as surfaces (e.g. a table).
Traits: none (but overloads some methods from lib.traits.describable).
Verb |
get/take any out of/from inside/from this |
put any on top of/on/unto/upon this |
l*ook on top of/on/unto/upon this |
Function | Description |
announcePutItemSurface | Defines the message displayed in the room when an object is put on the surface. |
announceTakeItemSurface | Defines the message displayed in the room when the object is taken from the surface. |
canAccept | Checks the container interior can be accessed. Currently checks if maxItems is reached. |
describe | Returns the description (including the contents). |
describeContents | Returns the contents of the container. |
Property | Description |
description | Optional description. |
maxItems | Maximum items that can be stored on the surface. Defaults to 10. |
destroyOnUse : Boolean | True if the object should be destroyed after use. Defaults to false. |
Triggers: none, but that's probably missing (or we should use onDropItem/onTakeItem if the instances has lib.traits.gettable)
A trait for items that can be eaten or drunk.
Traits: none
Verb |
eat/drink |
Function | Description |
doUse | Drinking/eating logic. |
canUse | Check if eating/drinking is possible. Returns true, but intended to be overloaded by derived objects, e.g. see lib.ediblecontainer. |
Property | Description |
DRINK = 1, MEAL = 2 | Bit mask constants for type of food. |
foodType : Integer | Current type. Defaults to DRINK (1). |
destroyOnUse : Boolean | True if the object should be destroyed after use. Defaults to false. |
- To keep this as simple as possible, edibled object are either single use (when destroyOnUse is true) or inexhaustible (when false).
- See also lib.ediblecontainer below, which is not destroyed when used, but handles its own exhaustion state.
Trigger | Description |
onUse | Fired after object is eaten or drunk. |
A trait for locations (as opposed to the previous ones), using the special "verbMissing" property on locations, invoked by the game engine when a matching verb cannot be found according to the usual command processing rules.
Rooms with this trait will try to delegate the unrecognized command to the first item in their contents that can possibly accepts the command.
The idea here is that the location does know which commands exist, but some item in it would perhaps. Typically, it may be used for shops, where there might be a seller/trader in the room to accept the command.
Traits: none
Verbs: none
Function | Description |
verbMisssing | Special property on locations, invoked when the game engine failed at finding an appropriate verb. |
delegateCommand | Browse the location's contents for an item that would accept the command. |
Property | Description |
allowedCommands : Array.String | Commands that can be delegated (["list", "sell", "buy", "order"]) |
- It comes with a set of predefined commands suitable for shops.
A base parent trait for all other objects.
Traits: none
Verbs: none
Function | Description |
tell(msg : String) | If the object is a player, sends a message to him/her. |
clone(id : String) | Convenience function to create a new object, also copying the name, description and aliases from its parent (i.e. all things that the regular new() doesn't do). |
The base structure for rooms.
Traits: lib.root
Verb |
l*ook |
g*o any |
n*orth e*ast s*outh w*est u*p d*own ne se nw sw northeast northwest southeast southwest |
Function | Description |
doEnter | Entering logic. |
doLeave | Leaving logic. |
canEnter | Checks if the room may be entered. Returns true, so intended to be overloaded by derived objects. |
canLeave | Checks if the room may be left. Returns true, so intended to be overloaded by derived objects. |
announceEnterRoom | Defines the message displayed in the room upon entering. |
announceLeaveRoom | Defines the message displayed in the room upon leaving. |
describe | Returns the room description. |
announce | Announcement broadcasting logic, to all players in the room. |
addExit(String, WorldObject) | Convenience function for adding an exit in the given direction. |
Property | Description |
exits : Object | Object whose keys are the directions, and values are the target location. |
description : String | Textual long description for the room ("An undescript room.") |
Triggers | Description |
onEnter | Fired after the room is entered. |
onLeave | Fired when the room is left. |
A door is a two-way traversable entity.
For the reminder, once you have connected rooms via a door, you will very likely want to add the door to the extraMatchObjects property of each room, so that players can operate upon the door (since it is not an item in the room's contents).
Traits: lib.root, lib.traits.describable, lib.traits.closeable
Verbs: none
Function | Description |
doEnter | Entering logic, i.e. immediate traversal from one side to the other. |
canEnter | Checks if the door may be traversed, e.g. it's not closed and the two sides are defined. |
describe | Overloads the default description. |
announce | Announcement broadcasting logic, to operate on both sides. |
addExit(WorldObject) | Convenience function for adding a side, unless there are already two. |
Property | Description |
sides : Array[2] | Up to two connected rooms. |
description : String | Textual long description for the door ("A standard door.") |
Triggers | Description |
onTraversal | Fired when the door is traversed. |
- Technically, the player is still in the initial room when the trigger is fired.
- Example use: announce something to both sides of the door, when it is traversed
function onTraversal(player) {
this.announce((sender, recipient) => {
return "You hear a distant bell ring.";
}, player)
The base structure for items.
Traits: lib.root, lib.traits.describable, lib.traits.gettable
Verbs: none
Functions: none
Property | Description |
description : String | Default textual description ("An undescript item.") |
A base object for designing key-like items, allowing to lock/unlock closeable objects.
Traits: lib.item
Verbs: none
Functions: none
Property | Description |
description : String | Default textual description ("An undescript key.") |
keyId : String | Default key identifier for matching closeable objects ("masterkey") |
- The key identifier is set to "masterkey", which is also the initial setting for lib.traits.closeable, so any derived object will by default be an all-purpose master key. It is up to you to change it, following you own identification pattern.
A base object for designing single use items containing edible things, such as a cup of tea, a plate of potatoes, etc. When used, they become an empty cup, an empty plate, etc.
Traits: lib.item, lib.traits.edible
Verbs: none
Property | Description |
doUse | Set the exhausted flag, and resets aliases accordingly. |
canUse | Returns false if exhausted, true otherwise. |
describe | Constructs a description from the object's own description, whether it's empty or not, and in the latter case the description of the content. |
setEdible | Convenience function for setting the name and description of the content, and resetting all flags and aliases accordingly, e.g. to refill the item. |
Property | Description |
exhausted : String | True when empty. |
containerObject : String | Default container name ("bottle"). |
containedEdible : String | Default content name ("water"). |
edibleDescription : String | Optional description for the content. |
The base structure for players.
Traits: lib.root, lib.traits.describable
Verb |
i*nventory |
say any |
ch*at any |
who |
help any |
Function | Description |
announceSay | Defines the message displayed in the room when the "say" command is used. |
describe | Constructs a description. |
setMode | Sets the mode. |
nextMode | Gets the next mode according to a direction (i.e. whether TAB was initially shifter or not). |
renderPrompt | Builds the appropriate prompt for the current mode, and invokes setPrompt(). |
onTabKeyPress | Hook invoked by the game engine when the TAB key event is recieved. Just calls the above mode-changing methods. |
Property | Description |
mode : WorldObject | Current mode (play, say, chat, eval). |
The base structure for non-player characters. This is just a demonstration, so we do not really know what NPCs are - but we will eventually want them to have extra features in the future, so this object is kind of a place holder for now.
Traits: lib.root, lib.traits.describable
Verbs: none
Functions: none
Properties: none
The base structure for (very simple) NPC sellers. The 'list' command allows getting the list of goods, and the 'order' command to obtain one of the listed goods.
The goods available for sale are those in the object's contents (so logically you would want to have different types of items there). Upon order, the required object is cloned and the newly created instance is given to the player (i.e. placed in the player's contents).
For this to work, the NPC must be in a room that has the lib.traits.commandable trait, for the player commands to be delegated to the NPC.
Traits: lib.npc
Verb |
list |
order/buy any |
Function | Description |
announceSale | Defines the message displayed in the room when the sale is concluded with a player. |
announceOffer | Defines the message displayed in the room when the seller acts on himself (e.g. is a player, see below). |
- For more advanced trader NPCs, one idea would be to use another location that the object's contents, such as a dedicated room (logically not accessible to regular players).
- For the record, if a player is being given this trait, the cloned good is dropped in the location, rather than placed in the player's contents. The commands will work for the player himself in any location, and will work for other players when in a commandable room. This might sound a bit weird to add this trait to a player, but during demo-building, I found this little trick useful to clone objects from my inventory here and there without having to do any programming.
Properties: none