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UNICEF Primero - UNHCR Progres Interoperability

>> See the Github site for the complete project overview and finalized documenation:

OpenFn documentation for interoperability interagency referrals exchange solution in Gambella, Ethiopia. See below for the Implementation Checklist.

Change Management

Note that commits to staging and master will be auto-deployed to connected projects on

  • Always work on a branch!
  • Please test all changes on the staging branch/ staging project FIRST!
  • Once changes pass on staging, you can commit* specific change to master.

⚠️ * Consider that jobs on staging branch may have additional logs for troubleshooting and testing assistance. ⚠️

Implementation Checklist

(1) Functional Requirements

(2) System APIs



(3) Data Flows

(4) Flow Triggers

  • OpenFn job triggers confirmed?

Proges--> Primero: message filter trigger (event-based): DTP to send notifications to OpenFn Inbox.

Primero --> Progres: timer (cron) trigger: Every X hours, OpenFn to send GET HTTP request to Primero to check for new data.

(5) Sharing & Security

  • Dating sharing agreement finalized? Link: ______
  • Security configuration & logging specs sign-off (what information can we log in OpenFn?)

(6) Administration

Provisioning, Hosting, & Maintenance

  • Deployment: SaaS
  • Configuration: OpenFn
  • Maintenance: Software maintenance, security updates, etc. - confirm roles & responsibilities across systems


  • OpenFn administrator users & access levels confirmed?
  • Support POCs identified for Primero?
  • Support POCs identified for Progres?

Outstanding Items/ Questions

  1. How are UNHCR cases eventually closed if related referrals are rejected. Do we keep these cases open over time?
  2. Manual process for scenarios where child revokes consent --> how is the other system notified?
  3. Documentation on how to localize mappings for every country implementation for: services, protection concerns, languages, Primero focal point username, Progres business units
  4. Documentation on Focal Point users setup in Primero (e.g., progresv4_primero_intake user)


  1. UNICEF Primero updates on services will not be shared with UNHCR/Progres in this first phase, only the original referral request.
  2. If UNICEF Primero user revokes consent for a case, then a manual SOP will be determined for communicating that with UNHCR. The interoperability solution will not communicate this change in case.
  3. The exchange of only 4 service types (a.k.a. "intervention types") will be supported between agencies. See mapping here. Primero and Progres users must be trained to NOT send other service types in interagency referral requests.
  4. ...